Cubans at follies vs tj whores
Been thinking about this because it irritates me all the complaining about the cubans at follies. How are they any different than the Mexican whores in tijuana? They speak just as much or less english than the cubans and yet hong kong is the greatest thing since sliced bread. Is it the price difference($50!)? Or is the hate for the cubans only because they dont drop the bottoms on the first song(for a whopping $10)? Why are the mexican whores in tj gods gift to pl's but the cubans are different?
If they acted like Mexican whores then they wouldn't be a problem obviously.
The other issue is that they did run off all the white girls and amd that's unforgivable in itself :)
A. Whisper.
Saying Mexicans and Cubans are the same is like saying Americans and British are the sane bc they speak the same language.
Sorry. That wasn't where i was going with this. What i meant is the main complaint seems to be the cubans dont speak english and they dont drop the bottoms. But if you just want a quick nut whats the difference between the cubans(in general) and tijuana? The same services are available, only difference is the price.
"the Cubans at Follies are by and large not nearly as young and good looking as the TJ whores."
Good point. I hadnt thought about that. I have seen plenty of cuban 8s and 9s though but i dont know how they really compare since i haven't been to tj either.
When in Atlanta and going to Follies, my expectations are different. Part of the chase and selection process involves some build up. In my case that includes discussion. Being in Atlanta, I am hopeful that they can communicate on my terms. Not the case with the Cubans, or some other Central American dancers there. Hence the complaint, they can't participate in part of the process I am expecting at Follies which is important to me.
As it's often discussed on TUSCL, even in the US there is a difference b/w the escort l-experience and the strip-club experience where for many PLs they like the socializing aspect of strip clubbing and thus the language-barrier will affect that socializing aspect - the TJ experience seems to be more-about/mostly-about busting-a-nut/fucking, than the acg US SC experience where many enjoy the club w/o necessarily busting a nut and socializing with the girls is a big-part of enjoying the SC for many - i.e. TJ may be closer to a US escort experience than a US SC experience with the former often being more business-like with less socializing.
I have been to TJ in 1961. See my article. I have also been to Mexican whore houses in Ensnada, La Paz, San Luis Rio Colorado, Hermosillo, Mazatlan, Culiacan, Puerto Valarata. Guadalajara, Mexico City & Acapulco. In my opinion border towns are the worst. I was also married for 27 years to a Mexican that was born and raised in Mexico.
I have no desire to return to any of those places. Yes I'm old and prefer the comforts of being home. When I go to strip clubs I not only want a good looking stripper but also one that will not hustle me and give me a GFE in VIP and one that could turn into one that I trust enough to meet OTC.
There are 3 or 4 Cubans at Follies that could meet my demands looks wise. I did talk to one about VIP once and she insisted on a condom for a BJ. There aren't any white girls left that meet my demands but there are quite a few black girls that do. I would rather give then $152 than fly across the country for a sub standard time in a shit hole city like TJ.
The Cuban dancers are like an invasive-species - they tend to be very aggressive and don't give a fuck - and in certain clubs they supposedly undercut the white dancers - IDK the exact reasons why but often times when a large group of Cubans dance at a club the other dancers start to leave and it gets worse with time.
Aren’t most Mexicans Catholics?
Can't find this described in detail in the book, but in the film adaptation they show the sister set up in a rail box car, and taking on a long line of working men.
She becomes a larger than life figure, and the commanding general of their revolutionary army. At Piedras Negras, opposite Eagle Pass, and the site of a rail bridge.
But TJ shows guys that there is no reason not to have front room makeout sessions.
When I am there it won't be sex tourism, it will be for expanding a business, and getting Mexicans involved in it.