It bothers me y'all here proudly carry the badge that says "PL"

avatar for rogertex
Seems everyone's content to be called PL = Pathetic Loser.
(maybe because - when you have nothing to prove, you have no worries. )

From here on I propose PL = Passionate Lover

PLs have a soft spot for beautiful women.
PLs enjoy company of many women.
PLs have multiple CFs and also an ATF
PLs have demonstrated passion can be expressed in many forms - from LDK from Air Dance to BBBJCIMWS (did I get that right?)
PLs may not tip a dollar to the bathroom troll but will spend hundreds on the right stuff - stunning women
..... add more

On the other hand Pathetic Loser is:
A dude that does not appreciate gods gift to mankind - beautiful women.
A dude that does not respect women.
A dude that skips meals to save money to go to strip clubs and then whines about them
A dude that describes a happening strip club as "its basically a whorehouse"

Am I wrong?


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avatar for NinaBambina
7 years ago
Plenty of dudes here fit your definition of Pathetic Loser. They don't appreciate or respect women and make it a point to try to to "prove" it, even if they are in love with their strippers deep down.
avatar for ToyChaser
7 years ago
Most women these days don't deserve respect, they give the milk away for free there is no reason for a man in this century to buy the cow. Apps like Tinder, bumble and the like make it ez to solicit sex for the sake of sexual gratification. The men on this site are connoisseurs of porn, strip Club and most likely AMP's. I personally enjoy lurking on these women like a predator I am older than most of whom are 18-21, and these tend to be naive women who think they have just discovered themselves, they don't count correctly and can't handle things correctly. If I was paying $500 a week and then I get you an apartment for $1200 a month and hit her up twice a week well I only paid $150 per lay. Literally we take candy from babies and it feels so great. I respect these
Women, atleast they know to make men pay for thier milk. They only get to be this beautiful and useful once
avatar for NinaBambina
7 years ago
"I personally enjoy lurking on these women like a predator I am older than most of whom are 18-21" are you about to turn 22 in a few days, or...?
avatar for K
7 years ago
Do we really need to explain the origin of PL again?
avatar for ToyChaser
7 years ago
No, I like them young though and i like em to look younger too. I usually go for spinners or really skinny ones that look young. That's my personal fetish, a preference. That's a good age too because they are sometimes college students or girls trying to be rebels and leave their parents house, or girls who got kicked out. When they are in this point in their lives that are vulnerable and ripe for the taking. I usually start by being nice to them and complimenting them, encouraging them and I lure them into darker sexual activities such a BDSM or Greek or whatever I wanted the toy (the woman) for anyway. Use em up before I get bored or they get smart enough to realize no matter how good they do it or how sweet they are, I'm never gonna rescue them or allow the relationship to become something real. It's too easy, an I hear most of these PL bragging about FS. Their is so much more reward in getting EVERYTHING else.
avatar for rogertex
7 years ago
K - I read that "Siren" thread !
Folks our here just love women so PL = Passionate Lover
avatar for rogertex
7 years ago
Toychaser - as long as mutually consenting adults are gettin it on - everything's cool.
avatar for rogertex
7 years ago
Nina - there may be plenty that act like pathetic losers - but its a minority.
Don't go by discussion threads - they are dominated by 100 or so frequent posters.
Even these, I maintain, are largely funny guys.
Real character of Passionate Lovers can be felt in club reviews.
avatar for ToyChaser
7 years ago
@Rogertex exactly consenting adults *18* is the magic # and I want them at that age TBH but 19,20 or 21 I'll also take... cause you cant always get the seafood fresh.
avatar for shadowcat
7 years ago
Calling ourselves PL's on here equates to blacks calling themselves the N word.
avatar for rogertex
7 years ago
^^ interesting analogy
avatar for Subraman
7 years ago
By owning the term PL, we are following the shining example of the LGBT community, who took back the "term" queer, to turn it from one of hatred and scorn, to pride and empowerment. We aspire to be like the gays!

Except, y'know, without all that gay stuff.
avatar for rogertex
7 years ago
Homos hijacked one of the most beautiful english words.
Gay = lighthearted and carefree (used to be)

I think the multitude of prudes who have not discovered strip clubs or have low opinion about them are the Pathetic Losers
avatar for Papi_Chulo
7 years ago
"... By owning the term PL, we are following the shining example of the LGBT community, who took back the "term" queer, to turn it from one of hatred and scorn, to pride and empowerment. We aspire to be like the gays ..."

LOL - we were on the cutting-edge of progressiveness even b/f the gays and we didn't even know it - we've been ahead of our time

PLs! PLs! PLs!
avatar for Papi_Chulo
7 years ago
Pathetic Loser applies - anyway one wants to paint it, we are paying women for their attention
avatar for Papi_Chulo
7 years ago
PL = Positive Loser ?
avatar for Papi_Chulo
7 years ago
PL = Phony Lover ?
avatar for Papi_Chulo
7 years ago
PL = Penis Lonely ?
avatar for NinaBambina
7 years ago
Pussy Lover.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
7 years ago
PL = Phantom Lover ?
avatar for Papi_Chulo
7 years ago
PL = Pussy Linguist ?
avatar for Papi_Chulo
7 years ago
PL = Puny Loser ?
avatar for April9424
7 years ago
After seeing the clubs you review I feel like you’re akin to a stripper who wants to be referred to as an exotic entertainer
avatar for jackslash
7 years ago
PL is not the worst thing I've been called.
avatar for K
7 years ago
It is a joke that harken backs to the early days of the strip club/internet community. It also serves to remind us what many strippers think of us.
avatar for flagooner
7 years ago
Many of us are pathetic losers based on how society views our type. To me it indicates self awareness.

Face it, most people view guys who spend as much time and money as we do to get our sexual satisfaction on a transaction basis as losers. It's a cultural thing. It doesn't mean we aren't successful in our careers or socially awkward in any way. It's like how our society views people who go to Comic-Con as nerds.

I see the pathetic descriptor as just a way to differentiate ourselves from the herd of other losers. The way we fawn over some of our favs and have a tendency to become RILs, Cap'n Save-a-Hos, and butt hurt over some whale locking down a girl we want is pathetic.
avatar for flagooner
7 years ago

I just read your profile. Whether you like it or not you're a PL, and even more of a loser than the rest of us if you fail to see it.
avatar for Bj99
7 years ago
I like the term “pathetic loser,” to describe the guys here. It does mean there’s nothing to prove, and it’s a light hearted homage to the fact that as bad as the strippers and escorts are, you guys are the ones paying for their attention. We are all losers here, and it doesn’t even matter. :)
avatar for Cashman1234
7 years ago
I agree with Flagoneer. It’s not something that needs to change. It is an apt descriptor for us. I don’t think RogerTx interpretation is appropriate.
avatar for minnow
7 years ago
PL Pride ? Hey, r-tex, PL=Pathetic Loser has been in the Tuscl glossary as long as I can remember.

@Nina- I've seen the term PL= Pathetic Loser bandied about on the "Pink Site." An interesting question would be if the term originated with the dancers using term as a moniker for customers, or if some creative minded strip club customer thought of the term, and put it out on a strip club website. Can you shed some light on this from the dancer perspective ?
avatar for RandomMember
7 years ago

The two most common forms of pathetic behavior would be (1) bragging about paying for sex, as if you need some type of System or good genes to engage in prostitution and (2) paying for sex and following in love in love with a sex worker – especially if she’s 3.5 decades younger.
avatar for larryfisherman
7 years ago
Lol shadowcat
avatar for Subraman
7 years ago
-->"I've seen the term PL= Pathetic Loser bandied about on the "Pink Site." "

Despite my tongue-in-cheek response above, I actually like the term PL -- I love the self-awareness, the history of the term, and the fact that we have grabbed it and owned it. If I have any complaints about terms here, it would be guys using terms that I think is just bending over and doing SW's work for it. Terms like "dirty/clean club", "dirty/clean girl", "custie", all meant to be derogatory. There's already perfectly good, non-derogatory terms for these things in widespread use, e.g., "dirty girl"->"extras girl", "custie"->"PL" :)
avatar for georgmicrodong
7 years ago
@Nina, staaaahhhhppp! I’m swooning, and I can’t get up!

Ok, I’m better now. Maybe.
avatar for orionsmith
7 years ago
At least we don't call ourselves LDK's like one guy.
Lenadoon Dog Killers.
Of course he goes by some seldom used definition #4.…
avatar for DeclineToState
7 years ago
I am not uptight about using the term PL applied to myself on this board or if a stripper applies it to me in her mind. I'm not a loser in my personal life (at least, not in my mind) or in my personal life, but I do recognize these beautiful women are younger than me and am cognizant I pay for what they do (which I consider fantastic and fun entertainment) and that if friends or business associates were aware of my entertainment preferences they might label it as "pathetic" and I don't care, though I do care enough that very few know and only the ones who club with me (because the others I don't trust to keep their damn mouths shut).
avatar for DeclineToState
7 years ago
^I meant: not a loser in my personal life (at least, not in my mind) or in my business life
avatar for rickdugan
7 years ago
Passionate Lover? I think I just threw up in my own mouth.

I don't use the PL label, but I don't really care enough to object when other do. Men having been paying women for sex since forever. it is only in the more modern era, and in this country in particular, that some men have become such self-loathing sissies about it.

You can label yourselves how you like I suppose and if you feel that you've earned the "loser" label then so be it. But don't blame "society" or "other people" or whatever for your own feelings of self-disgust - that is a you thing. ;)

Oh, and of course some women are going to feel that way about men who pay for sex, I suspect in no small part because it makes them feel threatened and insecure. Most grown men, or at least those who haven't been mentally neutered, understand that some of the things that they enjoy will not be approved of or even knowingly tolerated by the women in their lives. Since we cannot manage these issues the way that our forefathers did when divorce was uncommon and men had control over most everything, we must now manage these things with a closed mouth and discretion.
avatar for K
7 years ago
I never realized people actually believe we mean it when we say pathetic loser. I do not think we are either pathetic or losers. "Some" of us "may" be but I don't think it has anything to do with our hobby. I have always taken it the way I believe others took it in usenet, a running inside joke and now a connection to the past. Sort of like trump supporters using the word deplorables.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
7 years ago
^ yeah - some people take things too-literally and seem unable to read b/w the lines
avatar for rogertex
7 years ago
ok I concede - PL = Pathetic Loser it is !
yeah I got carried away. pot and beer combo does that.
But I liked Pussy Lover (Nina) and Positive Loser (Papi, as usual)

zoey101 "After seeing the clubs you review I feel like you’re akin to a stripper who wants to be referred to as an exotic entertainer"

Exactly! when I imagine strippers as exotic entertainers, my urge to rush to a club intensifies. its pedal to the metal. Along the drive I imagine an exotic goddess welcomes me, sits on my lap, gives me a light shoulder rub and asks with keen interest - "how was your day hon?".
The least I can do is be a nice guy !
btw I like big booty latinas. It's an acquired taste. Blame it on Papi - his prose and writeups appealed to my imagination. Big Booty Latinas can be found in abundance in dives - Chicas Bonitas, Divas, Landing Strip, Expose, XTC. Although I like P10 for ambiance.

flagooner - "@OP

I just read your profile. Whether you like it or not you're a PL, and even more of a loser than the rest of us if you fail to see it."

Thank you Flag !!! Love the compliment! (I try)

Bj99 - "I like the term “pathetic loser,” to describe the guys here. It does mean there’s nothing to prove, and it’s a light hearted homage to the fact that as bad as the strippers and escorts are, you guys are the ones paying for their attention. We are all losers here, and it doesn’t even matter. :)"

BJ you are likely an exotic entertainer.

rickdugan, K, papi - I was half joking as well - but on a serious note I'll open another discussion titled (sex scene - USA vs Rest of World). Waiting for Afgan pot to arrive.
avatar for Cashman1234
7 years ago
It’s a very apt description for our collective group. It’s not intended to be positive - or overly negative. It simply is what it is.
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