
Comments by gk (page 35)

  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    I have been in two clubs when undercovers (who were recognized as LE because they had made the rounds before) came in and observed. Of course, everyone knews they are being observed at these times. On one occasion, the undercover LE called all the dancers into the back room and lectured them on do's and don'ts and then left.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    How long with your ATF?
    Some observations, it sems that those of us who have been with an ATF for many years truly have a relationship with them to one extent or another. And yes, we have many common interests. David9999 mentioned the "wanna dance" types. I truly believe these girls either don't know how to flirt or are simply lazy. There are countless ways to start some interaction w/o resorting to the 'wanna dance" approach. O talked talked about moving on when things start getting to ATF status-well that's when club hopping comes into play for me. Because I have to admit I like strippers, but I treat my ATFs different than "ordinary" strippers. Basically I like loyalty and think it should be rewarded.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Do You Enjoy Meeting Her Family?
    Met one girls Mom. Met another girls Mom & Dad. No it wasn't fun. In the first case, the Mom knows how the daughter met me and that makes me unwelcome, although the relationship continues. In the second case (relationshsip over),the Dad never trusted me. He was sort of obsessed with controling the daughter's life and thought every new man that she met was not good or a drug type (not me), but the Mom eventualy got to like me. No, looking back it wasn't fun. I agree it borders on crazy. Don't go there unless you're ready to deal with a lot of heavy stuff.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    What to do when the music is just too loud?
    Sit away from the speakers or grin and bear it. I know there is a favorite club of mine that has a nice spot for dances, but its right below a speaker. In that case, its grain and bare it. Sometimes club management forgets what this is about and they try to create a dance club atmosphere rather than provide musical background for flirting, which is what it should be.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Worst tab payment scenario
    Slothrop, I always thought the number one rule of strip clubs was never fall in love with a stripper. (Although some might say never believe a stripper, there can be many exceptions to that one.) Regardless, have fun.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Worst tab payment scenario
    I use the card for the bar tab. I never charge my dances to a card. I do give myself a cash-on-hand budget and spend that budget on dances. I'm a litle more liberal with bar tabs as far as budget goes-that is, I don't have a set limit, I just know if I want to spend modest or low and act acordingly. But I don't like to jump through the hoops for payment. I prefer clubs that know and trust me. Too bad the scamers make some clubs jump through the hoops too.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    What is the most unusual feature of a strip club that you have seen?
    A club in Cleveland once had a stripper boat that sailed up the Cuyahoga River and out on Lake Erie. Never tried it, but you would think it would be too hot and muggy for the dancers, since they would work on an outside deck w/o ac.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    North Carolina
    first time invitation
    Yes, there is a diference between "stripper friends" and an OTC opportunity. I have taken some stripper friends out for drinks and dinner-but just that. But when someone asks for an OTC, that strikes me as a busines come-on that will have a price. Like it's posted above, most are simply party girls and you can party with them if they like you and you're buying drinks and food. So make sure you understand the situation before you get surprised. If this happens too fast, you really don't know enough to make an informed decision. In this case, be careful or back off. Also--- Another bad sign you mentioned that always warns me off: the dancer asking for a tip. If someone earns a tip, I pay them acordingly before they even have to ask. If a dancer is brazen enough not to accept what I give her and then asks for a tip on top-- that hustle turns me off and I usually avoid her from then on. That's not the way for her to be friendly or to start business.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    girl from a local club in miami weve been dating she wants to move in ??????
    Most strippers are wacky in one way or another. The more you are around them in a normal setting the more the wacky side comes out. Danger, be very careful.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    I'm Just Sayin...
    Too many stripper breast implants. To save the environment, we should pull the plug on implanbts. Strippers should stay natural.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    What pisses me off. And you?
    1) Upscale clubs with private dance booths that have the goons walk buy every dance or so to "count." Leave me alone. 2) When the bartender tries to sell you a drink every 5 minutes. 3) The whole concept of dancer-priced drinks. (Charge normal$ and in the long run, the business would likely get more customers and make more money!) 4) In ohio, the Center for Community Values, gave us the strip club restrictions.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Asking You for a lap dance, what techiques are there?
    1) No technique/money grubber: "Wanna dance? 2) Polite and respectful: would you like some company? 3) Flirty: rubs haand down your back walking by, glances into your eyes, then returns later and asks for company or dance. 4) Good sales rep: sits next you you at the bar when you're alone and starts talking, w/o asking for a drink--leading up toi the ultimate (sometimes she even get y ou/us to ask first. 5) Attentioon-getter: walks by and grabs your dick. 6) Maake no mone technique: ignores you completely
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    You're are special. I don't do this for everone....
    I've heard the line a few times, but most smart dancers realize it's too transparent these days. As far as your situqtion, Shadowcat, we always want what we're not supposed to have (thus clubbing and the hunt). And if we ever get it--we can't stop going back for more. So you're normal, relax and go with the flow. But try to be safer.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    North Carolina
    That other stripclub site
    There can be more BS and drama on the SCL board than here. We seeme to be adult about things, SCL trends more juvenile. And I've noticed that dancers use it to communicate with each other locally and when they leave town. There seems to be less instance of dancers getting involved here on TUSCL. There was msome TUSCL discussion about this (dancers interacting in the forum)a few days ago. Some liked it, some didn't. While it can add some insight, for me--the fewer the better. Just bounce around the other site and you'll see what I mean. (Now my reactions might be caused by the particular clubs I visit on that board, so keep that in mind.)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    How quickly do you forget dancers that routinely danced for you?
    Itr seems to mee that they remember us better than we remember them. It's there job to relate and interact with customers, so I'v noticed that even the most brief of encounters days and even weeks earlier sometmes brings an 'I remember you' type of response ranging from nice-to-see-you-again all the way up to the faked relationship type of greeting. They would all be great in retail customer service jobs. Personally, if somebody has been part of my routine (but less than and ATF), not just a casual encounter, I usually remember them over a period of a few years. After that the name could fade as it gets lost in trivia but the image and experience always remains. Just yesterday, on the way in to one of my frequesnt club stop, I crossed paths with a girl who was obviously there to apply for a job. Our eyes met and we instantly knew each other. But I didn't remember her name--but she knew mine and after a brief conversation I remembvered hers. Funny thing, she introduced me to her boyfiend during this encounter!
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Surprise Visit - 6 minute countdown . . .
    Ozymandias, I'm filing this away as words to live by: "I like to keep my toys in a box."
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Longest Visit to a Stripclub?
    5 1/2 hours is about the longest. But I have to watch my drinking when I do that. Trying to cut back (on the drinking).
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Any body ever done a porn star?
    No, never have. But great stories. Roboman is right about the money, various services list pornstar availability around $1200 and up. But to hookup with one in a club, now that's a great fantasy cum true.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Drama--are we getting bitchy like the women?
    I rest my case. In the meantime, I got laid by one of my stripper friends yesterday OTC, but that's not as important as some of this other stuff is it? Back to basics, follow along with this and see if some of the rest of you can do the same (posting-wise, that is)--this afternoon after I finish my work, I'm vising one of my favorite clubs. l'll buy a fairly new dancer friend a few drinks, then take her out to a prearranged dinner and then who knows what. Tomorrow, as a reward to myself if I get through my work, I'll visit another friend at another club who I know likes me a lot (it could be just my wallet, but it doesn't matter). My mileage is almost guaranteed. Almost, because it's a new club for her but with better accommodations. I love my hobby. Am I lucky all the time. Hardly, but trying is fun. Now let's all try to have fun and share the buzz.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Smart Experienced People Don't Taken . . . by a Stripper
    Best advice, these are all business transactions. If we make them anything else, we're breaking the real rules.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    How do you know you've been visiting strip clubs a lot?
    Looker 123 has nailed it--when your ATF knows everytime when you'e stepped out on her.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    R.O.B.'s of a different type
    I've run into this lately in one of my favorite clubs. I'm a regular and usually don't have any problems--but I have to remember to chack anyway. Recently I clued some friends in to the good times I've had in this club and suggested they spend some time and money there. Well, they start calling me about messed up credit card charges, getting improper change and being quoted inflated prices for drinks by table waitresses who then pocketed the difference. I went in and complained to the main bartender and to my circle of favorite dancers and told them this needed to stop. Here's my plan, after makaing this simplel request to respect my friends, I'm going on strike--that is, I'm not going to buy the dancers any drinks. In this clubs, that's the kiss of death for a dancer because the owner will can their asses if they don't sell them. The strke is over when they stop disrespecting my friends. Will it work--we'll see.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Budgeting or spend crazy?
    I think Quimby and I are on the same page. Go with the intention of spending everything in your pocket. Know what you want to do and fund it in advvance. When you're done, you're done. --gk
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Detroit will soon have 3 clubs in the Top 40
    When local owners license a corporate name they usually have to adher to a certain set of corporate guidelines, like bird dogging, or things like that. I suppose that might not matter that much in Detroit, but in my experience it does make a difference. So I'll take a local vs. a licensed "brand" club anyday. But it will be interesting to see how it evolves.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    How do you know you've been visiting strip clubs a lot?
    one more... --When you make the circuit (over time, not one night) and keep running into dancers you know.