Asking You for a lap dance, what techiques are there?
I've seen several. I thought maybe we could try to list them all just for a topic. Feel free to add, refine or add to whatever I list.
Maybe we should give these techniques names as well. I'll try.
1. Miss Charmer technique:
Ask to join you at your table, chat, small talk, then politely ask.
2. Hit and Run technique:
Walk by, spot you, then ask "wanna dance?"
3. Sympathy technique:
Sit down on your lap, then ask, "I see you've been getting dances from some of the older dancers, can you give a young girl a chance?" Then start look teary eyed when it sounds like I'm saying no but I said not right now.
4. Overbearing technique:
She may talk to you first, then she tells you that you need a lap dance. Then she grabs your arms or whatever part of you is handy and starts pulling you towards the dance room.
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Maybe we should give these techniques names as well. I'll try.
1. Miss Charmer technique:
Ask to join you at your table, chat, small talk, then politely ask.
2. Hit and Run technique:
Walk by, spot you, then ask "wanna dance?"
3. Sympathy technique:
Sit down on your lap, then ask, "I see you've been getting dances from some of the older dancers, can you give a young girl a chance?" Then start look teary eyed when it sounds like I'm saying no but I said not right now.
4. Overbearing technique:
She may talk to you first, then she tells you that you need a lap dance. Then she grabs your arms or whatever part of you is handy and starts pulling you towards the dance room.
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A little small talk while rubbing and grinding while in your seat to try and get you to the dance area...
I never trusted this line. I figure the dancer will be pissed if I say I didn't like it. I rarely hear it.
evilcyn has the technique down that often gets me. A dancer sits on my lap and starts to warm me up. I've noticed this can get habit forming for some dancers and my lap seems to be a place to take a break from walking around a club. Either way works for me, the dancer either wants to warm me up or wants to take a break. I'm good with that.
As a norm, whatever is left of the song when i take someone to the dance area to dance for, I just start dancing and let them know whatever is left of this song is free, its what a minute or 2 of my time...
2) Polite and respectful: would you like some company?
3) Flirty: rubs haand down your back walking by, glances into your eyes, then returns later and asks for company or dance.
4) Good sales rep: sits next you you at the bar when you're alone and starts talking, w/o asking for a drink--leading up toi the ultimate (sometimes she even get y ou/us to ask first.
5) Attentioon-getter: walks by and grabs your dick.
6) Maake no mone technique: ignores you completely
She'll sit down and chat you up with smiles and eye contact. Then she will get up and say it was nice meeting you with a request that if you would like to get a dance please consider her when you're ready. Then she'll wish you a good time and walk away without leaving any sense of you're being pressured into making a purchase.
(My favorite is the simple wanna dance? Yes, strip club customers have different needs.)
You probably don't want a dance right now, but is it ok is I sit with you a little while? I really dislike sitting by all by myself and the other dancers can get to be same old after awhile. After chatting, she will then say well let me get back to work, but it was nice to chat with you and any time you might like to try a dance with me would be wonderful. I hope you an excellent time. Again the emphasis is on NO pressure while at the same time letting you get to know her a little.
The dancer will chat you up a bit and then "confess" that she needs your help in winning a bet with another dancer. Her challenge is to do a dance for you. She'll promise to give a wonderful dance and since it is a favor to help her win the bet of course there will be NO CHARGE whatsoever. Usually, the dance will be nice to excellent and again there is NO pressure to get money out of you. Money won't be refused, but her main focus will appear to be winning the bet and thanking you for your help and understanding.
Yes, I do and definitely prefer a simple wanna dance. I don't like the pressure (that I feel) when a dancer is hustling her butt off and she just isn't my type--personality counts for almost nothing if she isn't what I consider hot. One dancer fairly recently wouldn't leave even after 6 songs. Finally, I gave her a $5 which she seemed to appreciate and told her that she needed to get back to work and make some real money. Anyway, she hung on for another 4 songs and let me know that some of her best customers never buy a dance and all they want is for her to hang out with them. Fortunately, another customer came who she knew and off she went! :) I didn't mind her company at all except for the fact I felt guilty taking her time when she needed to be working. In fact, in the past she wasted time with me and I didn't tip her anything, but 6 songs seemed like a lot; not bad company, but I didn't want to buy her time or dances.
Dancer asks "So do you like women?" Hopefully the answer is YES. Dancer then slaps her forehead and while laughing says "Gee that was a really dumb question wasn't it?" Hopefully the answer is YES. Now in for the kill "You would like to get a dance wouldn't you?" Answer just has to be YES based on the concept of momentum. :)
A super pro gambling stripper related to me don't ever be surprised for what a person will fall for . . .
Only use this approach if you see the customer's drink is getting low. If he asks why, then you make up a reason like he looks cute or interesting or well dressed or he looks like winner or etc. that fits him and then add well teasingly well I would expect a little conversation and company. Chat him up for a song or two and then say it is time for you to get back to work as you get up to leave and that he if wants anything else feel free to ask. And, then go. Hopefully, he will feel a sense of debt either immediately or at some later date or hour.
The club needs to have an empty pool table, but dancer asks about a friendly game of pool after she determines that the customer likes to play. Then to make it interesting she offers a free dance if she loses and if she wins it is a paid dance. The dancer normally considers herself to be a winner either way. Usually, I will throw in at least 1 paid dance and probably more is she loses. If I don't like her looks, then I'll be negative about playing in the first place. I love the technique.
What is very important to me is if the dancer could determine if I have any interest in her. Too often a dancer will have high esteem because so many customers either love fat or have absolutely NO standards whatsoever.
Dancer introduces herself and does a little chatting and then asks for help. Just a quick massage of the back of her neck or elsewhere to ease the pain. Ideally this will warm the customer up and after she thanks him and gets up to leave she asks if he might like to get a dance or whether he just wants to watch the shows.
The only exception I can ever remember making was once when I entered a club a girl immediately (and I mean immediately, I'd hadn't even sat down yet) grabbed my arm and said something like "quick, no one's watching the cameras yet (the place had just opened), if we go in back right now we can do anything we want." Sounded like stripper shit to me but the girl was really cute so I went with her. Turns out it wasn't stripper shit at all. A very fun evening. But how often is that likely to happen?