
What is the most unusual feature of a strip club that you have seen?

Atlanta suburb
Fore me it has to be the sushi bar directly above the main stage of the Pink Pony South in Forest Park GA. This club only opened a few months ago and it is the fanciest club I have ever been in. Unfortunately the sushi is the closest you will get to smelling the real thing. See the reviews by myself and trogangreg.


  • jablake
    16 years ago
    A boxing ring.

    Second, would be viewing windows into the strippers' dressing room.
    Third, would be fresh water acquariums as well as salt water acquariums.

    Still waiting for: terrariums; as well as ecospheres.

  • shadowcat
    16 years ago
    I just finished cleaning/servicing the 3 aquariums in my home office. Bring on the strippers...
  • ozymandias
    16 years ago
    The 2001 Club in Bangkok had a huge scale model of the spacecraft from "2001: A Space Odyssey" hanging from the ceiling.

    No one does "over-the-top" like Asia.

    I went to a club once in Tokyo which featured an aquarium wall with nude "dancers" swimming underwater, strobe-lit. Kind of a disco mermaid thing going on. Fairly typical for Japan, though.

  • Clubber
    16 years ago
    There used to be an outdoor stage at the Alley Cat in Coral Gables, FL. It also included a shower that a customer could use with a dancer.
  • ozymandias
    16 years ago
    Actually way back when they first opened Mardi Gras in Atlanta, there was an outdoor swimming pool with a fence around it where you could get dances and, I guess, swim ;)

    Didn't last too long, though.

  • DandyDan
    16 years ago
    There was a club in Illinois I went to once which had the topless bartender, but I didn't think much of that in the end.

    I'd almost have to agree with jablake and say an aquarium (don't know what kind of fish, though). I could also go along with him and say I went to a club in which none of the dancers thought to close the door to the dressing room, so you would see them nude, which would have been a great thing if they dancers were worth looking at there.
  • minnow
    16 years ago
    ozy-man: The 2001 Club in Tampa has a spaceship shaped (visible from outside) 2nd floor "spaceship room".

    Some other tidbits: Mens Club Dallas has pool outside where dancers can lounge around & sunbathe- also doubles as BBQ area on Fri. eves, with poolside LD's sometimes available. Pay phone area allows one to select 3 different background recorded noises to include airport, and office fax/copying machines. Bare Ellegance LA has a $1 massage chair.
    16 years ago
    McDoogals in MD doesn't (or at least didn't, I haven't been there lately) have a door on the ladies dressing room. I guess the manager wanted to be able to see what they were doing, but so could everybody else.
  • gk
    16 years ago
    A club in Cleveland once had a stripper boat that sailed up the Cuyahoga River and out on Lake Erie. Never tried it, but you would think it would be too hot and muggy for the dancers, since they would work on an outside deck w/o ac.
  • ShotDisc
    16 years ago
    Minnow. you beat me to it. the spaceship room at 2001 in Tampa.
  • AbbieNormal
    16 years ago
    FONDL, what about the hot tub?
  • Dudester
    16 years ago
    This harkens back to the 1970's, but I was told there once was a strip joint across from a theme park that became a six flags park. It was called "The Crystal Palace" and featured a nude dancer on a swing on the club's front porch. They shut down the club after weeks and weeks of daily car accidents in front of the Palace (back then a girl only had to be 15 to be a stripper in Texas).
  • shadowcat
    16 years ago
    I haven't seen this personally but I have seen pictures of it."Tango India" in San Jose, Costa Rica has a restored Convair 240 parked inside the club.
    16 years ago
    AN, the hot tub (two of them actually) was at a place called Lady Godiva's near Morgantown, WV. But when I mentioned it once before here it didn't sound like it was all that unusual.

    I actually thihk the most unusual thing I've ever seen in a strip club was in a little club in Atlanta - there happened to be an amateur contest going on and this really good looking girl went up on stage, took off all her clothes, danced for a song, then returned to her friends at the bar - without ever putting anything back on. It was really funny.
  • TimboAtl
    16 years ago
    I just noted that one of my favorite ATL clubs has added accent pillows to all the couches in the VIP rooms. During my last visit the dancer placed the pillow on the floor, got on her knees and went to work. Maybe the club is trying to avoid workers' comp claims for sore knees.
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    Lady Godiva, an extreme tax rebel, btw, got me thinking about the old Dr. Seuss classic?: The Seven Lady Godivas. ---- http://www.amazon.com/Seven-Lady-Godivas…
  • imnumnutz
    16 years ago
    Back in the 90s. CH2 in Vegas had a free, help-yourself popcorn machine. Never seen that in a strip club before or since.
  • DandyDan
    16 years ago
    In a similar vein to imnumnutz's example, the Sasnak bar in Topeka, Kansas has a free hot dog machine. I never helped myself to it, though.
    16 years ago
    I actually have seen a free popcorn machine but I don't remember where - I think it was in Providence, RI. I've also been to clubs that serve free food at times - one of PA's clubs has a free lunch buffet which is pretty decent, and a club in Providence (maybe the same one mentioned above) used to serve free pizza during happy hour. I don't think that club exists anymore.
  • casualguy
    16 years ago
    I'm trying to think. I know of clubs that have jacuzzis or hot tubs that you can get in with the dancer for some big bucks I believe. That's probably not unusual. A private room with a door for just a lap dance might be unusual. However those rooms have monitored cameras in them. I remember one club had a shower area that dancers could shower in as part of the show. It was set farther back in the club and not always used. The Crazy Horse in Myrtle Beach has a spinning table platform on top of the stage that seems different. Nothing I'm thinking of seems to really stand out though.
  • casualguy
    16 years ago
    I got it. The first time I visited the Masters at Myrtle Beach, they had a few large TV cameras and spot lights focused on the stage. They were performing several Las Vegas style shows I heard about 15 minutes per dancer. Those were real cameras I found out and they were filming for a DVD they made. That was the most unusual feature I've seen in a strip club even if it wasn't a permanent feature.
    16 years ago
    I think the most unusual club I've ever been in was a little rural club out in the middle of nowhere in western PA whose name I've forgotten. The "club" was actually an old barn. I went in the door and there was a small raised stage sorrounded by a few folding chairs and that was it. And the only other person in the room was the dancer. After a couple of minutes I was about ready to leave (she was kinda fat) when another dancer came out and took her place on stage, and this girl was drop-dead gorgeous, one of the most attractive dancers I've ever seen. When she finished dancing we went off to one side of the room for some truly great private dances. And that was it, I never saw another person the whole time I was there. No drinks were available (I guess you were supposed to bring your own), there was no one at the door (which took me a while to find, it was around back and it wasn't marked), and as I recall the girl played her own music on a portable CD player. It was really strange. But I had a great time for very little $$$ - definately my kind of place. Gotta love those little rural clubs.
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