Longest Visit to a Stripclub?
It was a Saturday. Got to the club about 1 PM and stayed till about 6 PM before taking a dinner and shower break. Returned about 7 PM and stayed till a little after 2 AM. One of the dancers commented on my return that I had to be crazy to be coming back. I asked what about you? She says it's different: She's making money so it makes sense for her to keep working.
When I was in grad school, though, I used to have a friend who DJ'd day shift at the Cheetah in Atlanta; he was a registered GM chess player, and I used to go over there for lunch (I was a poor student so I'd go for the free buffet) and we'd play a game of chess down on the tables when he could get away from the booths. The girls either found it weird or cute, but they'd come watch sometimes. It was good fun, and I guess I did that a few months, a few days a week. So those were my longest stretches in clubs, though I wasn't really spending much money ;)
My personal record is 8 1/2 hours (Thank you Air China for running your plane off the runway, and having to get it towed out of the mud and mechanically checked for six of those hours...)
If you think that you never get tired of looking at tits.... you are mistaken....
BTW, in the mid 80's the owners of the theaters and the strip joints were bought out by big money investors. The original owner of the 20's had bought the place in the 1950's for 10k. He sold it to a dancer in 83 for 60k. She sold it a year later to an investor for 250k.