You're are special. I don't do this for everone....
Atlanta suburb
I know that I am gonna die and if I don't stop having unprotective sex with strippers, I know what my demise will be. I don't care. After a horrible marriage, sexless for 15 years. I just want all I can get for as long as I can still do it. Why am I special? Or am I? I don't know. It's not all about the money because I know that I am paying a lot less than most guys would. She is no dog. You would not be ashamed to be seen with her in public. 30 yo give or take a couple of years. Single. No kids but a boyfriend that she refers to as "dickhead" I would not call her an ATF but rather a "fuck buddy". I can't say NO to her. I'm gonna die.
What I do find to be a real scum-bag move is the fact that he has unprotected sex with others. (If any of his boasting is true in the first place.) He dosen't care enough about himself, others or spreading preventable disease to slap on a rubber then maybe the world would be better off without him. Too bad he is going to damage a lot of others as he tumbles headlong into the grave.
Let me know where they plant the old fool. The up side of this is I'll have a new destination to go and piss all over!
Or, you may be clicking with her for whatever reason and money is a negligible or nonexistent consideration for her. BTW, even if she does want $$$ from you doesn't rule out that she may have feelings for you. The important thing, besides your health, imo, is enjoying the good times even if she just a great actress.
Death, imo, shouldn't be feared too much. Now, slow death with extreme pain or disfiguration or blindness or etc., will definitely place some real fear into me. But, hell not everyone is afraid of pain or disability and if you're in that camp more power to you.
I don't understand the non-condom use, but it seems like the norm among people I know. For whatever reason there doesn't seem to be any fear of disease. When I'm feeling really sick or in a lot pain it definitely places the face of hope on death.
a) If she is doing it for you, of course she is doing it for others.
b) "Fuck buddies" don't pay.
Have fun!
That makes sense, right?
Actually, as counter-intuitive as it seems having *fewer* partners can increase the prevalence of AIDS at least according to one economic working paper. Here is the link:
If the working paper is correct, then government abstinence education/propaganda helps spread AIDS. I wouldn't dismiss or accept reasoning out hand, but it is good food for thought. Bottom line it is your duty if you don't have AIDS or other diseases to have sex with as many strippers as possible and unprotected may be best for the stripper.
Anyway this thread is on a different subject so I'll just say be SAFE, use protection. The other guys she's sleeping with later that day might appreciate it. Not including others during the week.
Yeah, I wouldn't take the urbandictionary as the last word, but it is more fuel for the fire.…
Lastly, if 51% of Jews believe the term Jew down is fine and dandy, then does majority rule? Especially if 49% of Jews start crying non-stop and need counseling everytime they hear such a allegedly offensive term. I don't know how the typical Jew feels about the term, but it wouldn't surprise me if he or she thought damn straight Jew down is a positive phrase. And, yes it wouldn't surprise me if the typical Jew found it offensive.
My writing at times can be confusing enough without posting in the wrong thread to boot! :)
Bravo. The double-reversal in full scientific effect!
I'm not acquainted with the "double-reversal," but it sounds neato. :)
The short answer in my opinion is NO!
If you have just one sexual partner, then that is better than sleeping around. Abstinence, however = BAD! The paradox of more sex participants equals less disease (up to a point) is that if the safety conscious people accept abstinence it creates a situation where a "sexual predator" type will me more successful. For example, Bob listens to the message that says NO SEX and being a very careful and obedient type he complies. Meanwhile, Mary would still like a little action, but now the safest members of society have basically opted out. Mary ends up with Don Juan who'll fuck anything in pants or a skirt. If only the nice guys weren't so wimpy, then Mary wouldn't be placed at a much higher risk. Anyway, that is my limited understanding. :)
And, not only may I be 100% wrong in my interpretation, but the whole damn theory may be wrong! It is interesting food for thought in how good intentions can spread significant misery.