What to do when the music is just too loud?
Have you guys ever been in a club that you like in every respect, except that the music is just too damn loud! I mean so loud that it hurts your eardrums, and you can't even talk to the dancers, and you have to use sign language (point) to order a drink. Would you just leave the club and never come back, or do you bitch to the manager and cause a stink? I find this to be a real problem lately. Has anyone ever written off a club entirely, simply because the music is painfully loud? I thought of bringing earplugs, but then you can't have a comfortable conversation either. Why do some strip clubs play music so loud? What is the purpose, if not to drive customers away? I don't get it.
Offhand I can't recall a club which had systematically too-loud music; usually it's isolated occasions, or a DJ who simply has it cranked up too high. I have recommended turning down the music in clubs and had them comply.
So no, I've never written off a club for volume... moving seats usually fixes it.
Maybe I'm getting old too because I actually like to be able to hear the dancers and the waitress. There are a few clubs that I can think of that would benefit from turning the music down some.
Add to the mix a very low mileage level on the dances and the place was disappointing. I probably would have enjoyed the dark much more if it meant better mileage.
I haven't even worn them in a while because I thought the Platinum Plus clubs had turned down the music volume off the deafening roar they used to always have it at. There are spots in Columbia that are definitely very loud near the speakers.
If it hurts to visit a club, I won't be visiting too often. I have worn ear plugs to sleep better if it was noisy outside, however it bothers me a bit to sleep with the ear plugs pressing into my ear if I sleep on my side. I have occasionally noisy birds at 6 AM and all day and the occasional noisy neighbor.
Maybe I'll open a club that plays only soft music. I'll call it "Strip & Talk". Now there's a novel idea, eh?
According to The Wall Street Journals the purpose of blaring destroy your hearing music at some clubs is so that you'll spend your money and move on. I use to be able to spend the whole night at Angels talking with the dancers and just having a great time, but then as one club after another is closed and replacements not allowed it changes the "market." With *real* competition allowed, I don't think The Trap in its current form would last 6 months.
Don't cut off your nose to spite your face. Do it so you bleed to death and finaly shut the fuck up!