
How quickly do you forget dancers that routinely danced for you?

Every once in a while, something happens that makes me think my memory is bad. I keep running into dancers that remember me but I don't remember them from years ago. The most recent case for me was a dancer in a small club. I thought she had nice tits and a nice figure. Apparently I thought the same thing years ago because she told me I used to get dances from her at another club. Then I forgot until she reminded me that she talked to me the previous weekend in the same club. At that time I thought she was a female customer dressed a bit sexy until she came over to me and told me about the same thing. Maybe there's a disconnect between remembering a female customer in a club and remembering a topless dancer. I did finally remember seeing her the previous weekend though.

How many times have I run into a girl who told me she remembers me from some time ago (often years now) and I can't even remember her face? Several times now. When she goes into detail, that just makes me think I must be running out of tit memory. :) or else I was drinking at the time and that affects my memory.

Do you have trouble remembering too? I guess it's different for me because many of the dancers I meet are still dancing.

hmmm, on the other hand I may talk to 40 to 50 dancers in a single night when I do go out so I can easily understand if dancers don't remember me. I guess that can be good for me if a hot dancer really likes me. :)


  • casualguy
    16 years ago
    I met to imply it can be good if a hot dancer remembers you.

    The weirdest situation for me happened a couple of years ago when a dancer from where I lived at 11 years ago spotted me in a local club and started going into details about me. She even told me there was a picture of me in one club I didn't even know about (I was there during the grand opening) and they put lots of pics under the glass at the bar. It seems weird to not remember anything about someone. Have you run into this?
  • MisterGuy
    16 years ago
    It's only happened once to me. A girl that I knew well from a former favorite club of mine in Quebec ran into me at a club in downtown Montreal. She claimed that she remembered all of her customers, and she was right in my case. I didn't remember her at first (although her hairstyle was familiar to me), but I caught on when she mentioned the name of the other club...it was funny.

    Sounds to me like you might be running into some stripper shit on few of those occasions though c-guy.
  • casualguy
    16 years ago
    I might think some were making it up but they remember details I haven't given them. Besides if the dancer still looks good and she wants to hook up, we already have something to talk about. I'm trying to figure out how much she knows about me.

    Now I do remember several years ago when I was in college, I got stopped within a few days by 2 or 3 girls at different times saying they remembered me. I thought they were making it up. I couldn't totally discount it though because I went to a sorority party one night and drank a whole lot. I do remember there were a lot of females there and not too many guys. I can't remember who took me there or even why I was there though. I think drinking beer makes me forget faster.
  • DandyDan
    16 years ago
    I like to think I have a good memory, but on a recent trip to one of the clubs near me, one of the girls was asking how I was and why I was there (it wasn't my usual club, and its not the club I associate with her) and I had no clue who she was until she turned around and I saw the tattoo that was between her shoulders. That might be the one good thing about tattoos.
  • gk
    16 years ago
    Itr seems to mee that they remember us better than we remember them. It's there job to relate and interact with customers, so I'v noticed that even the most brief of encounters days and even weeks earlier sometmes brings an 'I remember you' type of response ranging from nice-to-see-you-again all the way up to the faked relationship type of greeting. They would all be great in retail customer service jobs.

    Personally, if somebody has been part of my routine (but less than and ATF), not just a casual encounter, I usually remember them over a period of a few years. After that the name could fade as it gets lost in trivia but the image and experience always remains.

    Just yesterday, on the way in to one of my frequesnt club stop, I crossed paths with a girl who was obviously there to apply for a job. Our eyes met and we instantly knew each other. But I didn't remember her name--but she knew mine and after a brief conversation I remembvered hers. Funny thing, she introduced me to her boyfiend during this encounter!
  • Clubber
    16 years ago
    Can't say it has happened to me. If I frequent a club, the dancer normally moves on before I do, or would. I have had dancers come up to me at a club and say they remember me from another club, but so far, I had already seen them and recognized them.
  • shadowcat
    16 years ago
    I went into my favorite club last Saturday at 11:30 A.M. The door girl apparently recognized me because she immediately pulled out the clip board for me to sign in as a VIP card holder. Did not even ask to see my card. I would have expected this from the normal Mon-Fri door girl. Once inside, I asked one of my favorites who she was? I got her name and was told that she is a club waitress that some time works as the door girl. So how did she know that I had a life time membership card? She must have a better memory than me.
  • Book Guy
    16 years ago
    As long as ... oh heck I said that in another thread ... well, it bears repeating:

    As long as her perfume lasts in your clothes ...
    16 years ago
    A lot of these girls' appearances change quite a bit over the years. I remember really liking a girl who I met and spent an evening with on a business trip. The next time I vitised that club, maybe 6 months or so later, I didn't recognize her - her hair was entirely different and she had gained some weight. Also if you're drinking that can cause your memory to be significantly flawed.
  • jablake
    16 years ago

    I don't forget if they were good people or stellar performers. Now, I might have trouble seeing. One of my favorites could radically change her appearance and movements. The only thing that gave her away was the fantastic body once she took off her clothes.

    Other dancers I forget all the time. In fact, some dancers who I wished to have forgotten or they didn't care for me, will know a lot about me when trying to get a dance. Somewhat surprising the way a dancer doesn't want to sell you dances to working her tail off to get you to buy dances.

    There is a dancer orginally from Angels who just didn't care for me. Without the makeup and fancy clothes she was just perfect. Once I realized she didn't want to dance, it was like OK . . . next dancer. In fact, if she would ask for whatever reason and I needed to remember to decline or I'd get a bad dance. So now she is at the RolLexx and she asked me for a dance and then said oh, no I don't want any dances from you; you're from Angels. I was glad she remembered because I didn't recognize her at first with all the goop and clothing. Next time I see her, she recognizes me and wants me to buy dances. I say don't you remember we are both happier when you don't give me dances? She said yes she recognized me, but she needed the money and would give good dances. At least she kept her word--really, I'd rather she just avoided me in case I don't immediately recognize her. However, without the goop/wig/fancy habiliments she is a perfect 10.

  • minnow
    16 years ago
    Not very quickly, but if a dancer changes her hair color and/or style, that's thrown me a few times.
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