
Comments by gk (page 15)

  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    I go alone most of the time. But--I sometimes go with two other buddies who are big SC fans but not as adicted as me. Most fun times with dancers, however, are when I go alone. But it also depends on the club. Some clubs and their dancers cater to the customer who wants to sit with, chat, flirt, play, whatever, with a dancer before getting a lapdance. This is the best club to go to alone. The downside, these clubs are likely (but now always) to run the worst drink hustle. The other type of club, where dancers minimize their time with you because they want to work the room more actively is where you want to go to with buddies so you have somebody to talk to when the dancers cut out on you. Know your moods, plan your visits right, pick your buds right, and it's always a good time. Another reason to go alone is when I'm exploring new clubs or when I'm scouting new dancers--serious business--so friends can be distracting when I'm "working" like that.
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    15 years ago
    The southern accent is always the most charming as are the personalities. Next would be latinas for appeal in accents.
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    15 years ago
    Big Fish in a Small Pond?
    When you'e the big fish in a little pond you're more than likely in a backwater club. In those cases, it's easy and fun to suddenly be the big fish. You can actually play them instead of of them playing you.
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    15 years ago
    I want my GFE
    CCRiderm is right. Being a GFE does not necessarily mean you (dancer)read the customer and give him what he wants--that's a dancer's job description. GFE implies something different. It's intimacy, or illusion of intimacy as How says. It's also honest familiarity and anticipation, or the illusion of it.
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    15 years ago
    About Alien Women ?? A Survey
    Green card?
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    What does TO mean
    Terrell Owens likes to go deep. But I would go for two orgasms.
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    15 years ago
    My girlfriend is a stripper...
    Hey Sharkie, listen to Steve! IMHO, no serious dude comes on here and asks that in his first post.
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    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How many TUSCL buddies do you have?
    Everybody's different. I PM a few people with more personal details, other insights or Q & As. I've been to Columbus to go clubbing with Tuscl Bro. For me it's all a matter of who shares my interests. Someday I want to go to one of Shadowcat's "conventions" but so far, it's not been something I can fit into my schedule.
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    15 years ago
    anything i COULD have done?
    Right, stay out of it. They know how to handle these things better than we do. She was in no danger--but if she was that puts a different spin on things and you would have to consider how close you are to a dancer before you get in the middle of her mess. Boncers get paid to be the heavys and take the risk. We shouldn't worry abvout that unless...
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Any place that interests me.
    Russian........ Play or Ploy???
    I've always thought Russian wsn't as much fun as it's made out to be. Agree, it's foreplay. But there has only one woman (a dancer by the way) who had the goods to turn me on with it.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Any place that interests me.
    Rob Alert
    I had somebody stick what looked like a pistol in my side late one night at a joint that was in a rather OK area but was frequented by a range of good-to-bad clientele. So one of the badder ones met me as I was getting out of the car late one night. Relieved me of 3$$$. Old story, the place closed.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    What is "High Mileage" to most people here?"
    To me, high mileage is simply no restrictions. Everything else is a variation of contact. And to those who think high mileage is the grind itself --well, some lazy dancers are lining up to meet you.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Good question. I'm spreading money around on favs and auditioning a few potential favs right now. But if they are really an "ex" you don't want them as SC says. But why not spend money on someone you simply got tired of a while back if she can still flirt and work it. Moving on sometimes makes them work harder as your "hoody" story shows. Everyone's fair game to me right now; I don't have a current ATF, no one has risen to the standard.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Do you go to SC's because you have issues with women?
    "....I've made some interesting people over the years (meaning dancers)." I meant to say, I've met some interesting people (dancers) over the years. I wasn't getting witty.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Do you go to SC's because you have issues with women?
    The four pleasures of life (in no particular order) 1. Food 2. Travel 3. Sex 4. Strip clubs You can take a long, relaxing drive to escape, or you can take a short drive to a strip club (except for Shadowcat). But how much escape. I think I/we're adicted to the eye candy and the contact. But I admit to having three escape moods, or maybe they are escape modes that don't overlap, depending on the type of day I'm having: 1. Absorb the view 2. Bring on the contact 3. Meet me later Having said all that, I've made some interesting people (meaning dancers) over the years. Of course the cream always rises to the top and the crud always sinks to the bottom.
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    15 years ago
    Breaking News: Penis Size in the USA
    I guess there's a alot of big dicks out there. But somehow we all knew that, didn't we?
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    15 years ago
    $1,400 hair extensions
    Hair extensions, bolt-on boobs-- what's the world coming to? We don't go in with...well, maybe some pervs/PLs do. Did find out a fav was using hair extensions, fooled me. Of course I wasn't pulling on those tresses. I thnk most dancers who liked their hairk pulled are in to some tyhpe of low grade pain.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Ease off
    Yes, they're simulating fucking. They don't understand that the bouncing up and down is no fun unless you're inside her LOL. Just last night I had to tell a dancer that I preferred she not bounce so much and that simple ass grinding was better (when she's not actually playing with Mr. Happy). She even confirmed the simulated fucking concept. I've never had a problem getting a dancer I know a and like to adjust her style to please me. But for some of the others it's just not worth is because you know you're not going back for more. Re 'in the zone"--That's right, sometimes they get so into it that they're almost in a trance. Now that trance cana be a zone out to forget about what they're doing, or, when it's someone who you have a good relationship with, they're sometimes getting off with you. Re"Lap Dance Sore Dick" LOL. There should probably be a new medical diagnostic code for this. Maybe we could give new meaning to "LSD." In fact, maybe founder will put that (LSD) in the glossary for us.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Stripclub alternatives
    Seka hotmovies.com Alpha Blue Archives,or, search by actress name. Pocket full of quarters for nostalgia. You might also consider a hole in the wall.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    How to tell a dancer to move on?
    Several ways: Polite direct honesty: Excuse me, Im going to walk around to check things out. Subtlety: Excuse me, I'm going to go tip that dancer on the stage.(Then take your time.) Striper shit trickery (butstill polite): Wait here, I'll be right back (not). The unwinder: Hey, I just got here and I need to unwide by myself a little, would you mind? The standard: I'm waiting for (anybody). When she's a rock and won't move: Would you mind moving over a seat? ...I think I'm going to invite (anybody) to sit here.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    its a sad ending.......
    Guess he needs to rest in piece.
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    15 years ago
    kissing pussy...when and how to ask
    Jabathehut, lol. I was about the post the same thing! Of course you want to "know" that pussy before you go exploring it with your tounge. How wild is she? Are you her first of the day, second, etc. and what would you have expected her to be doing beforehand? How well do you know her? If she's your ATF, you know some of these answers. And a little scratch and sniff test is always a good way to start before you dive in, you wouldn't want to be disappointed-- or something worse.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    At the small clubs, and the wanabe clubs, the dancers bertter get that ass up on the stage or tey'll get fired. I know some places will let dancers sksip a turn if tyhey are doing a kprivate dance or BIP. And I do remember finding out at the old Seductions in Nigara Falls, before it shut down, that the girls who were always up on stage were there just to dance. The rest of the girls, the ones who circulated the most, never danced opn stage but always worked in the back delivering the goods. It was that way by design.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Quick Survey: Are All Women Ultimately Whores, Anyway?
    Answer: Stupid rationalization. Dancers don't strip because they love money, they strip because they don't have money, most likely due to bad or failed relationships or lack of other job skills and yes, in other circumstances, as a bridge, for example, college-to-job or worst case scenario drugs to more drugs (observation for sake of discussion, no judgment in this post). My point is, money in the dancer's eye isn't the root of all evil, it's just part of the life equation. Some of us play the glass-half-empty game when really the glass is half full--women partying with us, flirting with us, doing us. I'm not going to put a negative spin on something I enjoy. Why? Unless you are guilt-ridden about your behavior and need to rationalize it. 'Stupid, lying thieving?' Handle it this way--just remember the old economic maxim, "buyer beware." Drippy: sex being the basis of a relationshisp: Disagree. Forming a benenfical partnership is the basis of a relationship. Sex is a dividend. But we can get sex any number of ways.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    How to ask for more in the VIP room (i.e., a "special" dance)
    Archie has the right idea. That is, take the lead is suggesting something further. Sometimes it could be verbal, sometimes body language. Unziping is one way, putting her hand on your package is another. Grabbing hers also shows her you're not a cop but could also get you in trouble if she's not into that. Everybody on here who's giving advice like this is basically getting their knowledge from trial and error. You can too, just start with the tips you've learned.