anything i COULD have done?

avatar for LeeH
Went to a club a couple weeks ago to see one of my faves. We had swapped text msgs earlier in the day, and there was a bit of misunderstanding about when I would be there. So when I got there, she had just agreed to a 30-min VIP with another guy. She was bummed, but I told her that I would definitely wait for her.

Anyway, about 40 minutes later, she came back. We generally hang out together for a half-hour or more, just talking, maybe a dance or two, before going VIP (if we're doing that at all that night). We were at the bar, having a drink and talking when - after about 20 min - her last VIP (the one I waited through) came back to her, complaining about something, waving his CC receipt like he didn't get his french fries at McD's. I couldn't hear what either of them was saying, but I could tell she was getting agitated.

I managed to suppress my urge to ride in on a white stallion and kick the guy's ass, just on the general principle of making her unhappy. ;-) Unfortunately, I was kinda boxed in, such that I couldn't go anywhere without her moving, anyway. Otherwise, I was gonna go track down a bouncer and tell him that a customer was giving shit to one of the dancers. Eventually she took French Fry Guy to the manager to sort things out.

Should I ever encounter something like this again (or just for my general SC etiquette education), was the impulse to go get a bouncer right? Would he do anything? Or was there something else that I could have done?


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avatar for Vegeta1on1
15 years ago
Most of the time kicking the guys ass is the first thing you would like to do. Couldn't say that it was a bad idea to get a bouncer, Hell that's what they get paid to do, lucky things ended up ok. She should be lucky you are there if help was needed. Hey no one ended up in jail, or worse.
avatar for wallanon
15 years ago
To the subject, there are surely things that COULD have been done, but it's very tricky to get mixed up in another customer's business. As a rule I almost never do. We all know YMWV, so for any given situation it could be a toss up who's in the right. I have in the past pointed a bouncer or manager towards a dust up, but can't remember a time it was for anything short of physical violence.
avatar for shadowcat
15 years ago
Stay out of it. I don't care how much you like a dancer. She knows how to handle things.
avatar for CTQWERTY
15 years ago
She/you did the right thing. Never a good idea to 'wrastle with an unknown' and find out the hard way 'the dude' was carrying a knife.
avatar for Dougster
15 years ago
Why would you assume the customer was wrong? MYOB. Trying to be a fucking white knight to impress her. You related to MisterGay?
avatar for LeeH
15 years ago
Dougster, your reading comprehension skills are shit. I'd re-iterate what I said before, but you'd just misread it, too.

Shadowcat, yeah, she knows how to handle things -- hell, *she* probably could've kicked *this* guy's ass. ;-) And she *did* take him to mgmt to sort it out.

I knew better than to get directly involved. I figured the *best* that could happen there would be to get kicked out of the club myself; the worst being finding out the hard way that the guy was carrying.

Hell, part of my annoyance was that this clown was interrupting my time with her.

My thinking, as Vegeta1on1 said, was that handling the situation is "what [bouncers] get paid to do". Mostly was trying to ask if (a) this was a proper perception and (b) if there was something else that I didn't think of.
avatar for gatorfan
15 years ago
Shadowcat's right, best to stay out of it. Sure, talk to the girl after it's resolved but when it comes to club issues, do you really want to entangle yourself in what could quickly become a legal problem one way or another.
avatar for SuperDude
15 years ago
Shadowcat is right. Send for the bouncer and get out of the way. Was he carrying a gun? Did he have access to a gun in the parking lot when you left? Can you handle getting arrested in a bar fight? No white knight or hero stuff for me.
avatar for imnumnutz
15 years ago
stay out of it, send for a bouncer if u must. the moment u touch another guy, be prepared for months and months of crap. you'll get hurt, go to jail, be sued, etc...
avatar for gk
15 years ago
Right, stay out of it. They know how to handle these things better than we do. She was in no danger--but if she was that puts a different spin on things and you would have to consider how close you are to a dancer before you get in the middle of her mess. Boncers get paid to be the heavys and take the risk. We shouldn't worry abvout that unless...
avatar for Dudester
15 years ago
The guy used a CC at a SC, a violation of a cardinal TUSCL law. He's pissed, but now he's going to have to explain to his wife how he blew 1,500.00 in 30 minutes without getting blown.

tsk tsk
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