Quick Survey: Are All Women Ultimately Whores, Anyway?
A frequent theme in the threads we encounter here is customers trying to rationalize their SC habits by claiming that, in the end, all male/female interaction is ultimately about the man providing the resources (mainly money) and the woman providing the sex. Thus, the reasoning goes, the customer/stripper relation is, ultimately, no different than other male/female interactions. Stating it more succinctly, many here believe that all women are whores anyways.
I completely disagree with idea, and find it incredibly misogynistic. My position is that there are normal women, and then there are strippers, all but the smallest minority of whom are stupid, lying, thieving whores.
So let's get a show of hands, though: Who here thinks all women are ultimately whores anyway, and who thinks this is just a stupid rationalization for guys seeking to excuse their whore mongering? (*I raise my hand for the latter*)
I completely disagree with idea, and find it incredibly misogynistic. My position is that there are normal women, and then there are strippers, all but the smallest minority of whom are stupid, lying, thieving whores.
So let's get a show of hands, though: Who here thinks all women are ultimately whores anyway, and who thinks this is just a stupid rationalization for guys seeking to excuse their whore mongering? (*I raise my hand for the latter*)
They're all lying sacks."
"Women, who made up about 10 percent of first-year law students in 1970, accounted for 49.4 percent of the 43,518 students who began law school last fall, according to data to be released soon by the American Bar Association, and that rate of growth is expected to continue. As of March 9, 2001 more women than men had applied for admission to law schools this fall."
I think you're delving too deep when you say that most men go to strip clubs to purchase a fantasy of importance. For the vast majority, it's really just the base desire to see and touch and maybe more with attractive, naked girls.
Dancers don't strip because they love money, they strip because they don't have money, most likely due to bad or failed relationships or lack of other job skills and yes, in other circumstances, as a bridge, for example, college-to-job or worst case scenario drugs to more drugs (observation for sake of discussion, no judgment in this post).
My point is, money in the dancer's eye isn't the root of all evil, it's just part of the life equation.
Some of us play the glass-half-empty game when really the glass is half full--women partying with us, flirting with us, doing us. I'm not going to put a negative spin on something I enjoy. Why?
Unless you are guilt-ridden about your behavior and need to rationalize it. 'Stupid, lying thieving?' Handle it this way--just remember the old economic maxim, "buyer beware."
Drippy: sex being the basis of a relationshisp: Disagree. Forming a benenfical partnership is the basis of a relationship. Sex is a dividend. But we can get sex any number of ways.
I am female, and -- yes, here it comes -- I don't think all women are whores. Because I'm sure there are plenty of women out there who are like me. I provide for myself financially. I have never asked any man, EVER, to buy me anything or pay my bills or whatever. I can do that myself. When I'm with a man, it's because he makes me feel comfortable, because he is intelligent and capable of intelligent conversation, and because the sex is good. I like sex for the pure pleasure of it; I don't bring money into that equation. That's when things get too complicated.
I do believe women are into security and might trade sex for it, but that security does not necessarily mean money. Sometimes, it just means protection from loneliness. Some women (and men too) irrationally fear the single state.
I've got a shocker for you -- I'm a stripper. And having worked with them myself, I agree with you guys, a lot of them are lying scuzzy whores. But not all of them. I've met a few decent ones. Stripping is what makes me financially independent, and I do it without being rude, obnoxious, harrassing or demanding. I'm nice, and I guess that's why I make money.
You probably ask them to buy your lap dances, no? You need the men from the SC to pay your bills. Not directly paying your bills but your income depends on them.
I am glad to hear from you though to get a stripper's perspective on things. Do you have any pics?