
Comments by gk (page 16)

  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Too much of a good thing is never enough
    Video cameras in VIP area?
    Hairspray! Great idea. Especially because most are mounted on the ceiling, out of reach(couldn't throw a coat over them), but you could spray them. But wouldn't we have to assume it was "on" and we would be IDd as the perp?!
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Walk this way
    We could say the dancer tipping the VIP bouncer is like any tax on a business. The business always passes it on to the customer. Now here's a question--has anyhone ever negotiated VIP/POP that acknowledges dancer will take care of the bouncer out of those funds rather than ask you to do it afterwards?
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    yes or no?
    DandyDan, yes, too high is another one. Not just for fear of a court summons, but also about whether she will even come out of it completely, especially if there's alcohol on the side.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    yes or no?
    Steve, I was just emphasizing the immediacy of it, not V-Day. But maybe that's what was on her mind. She strikes me as too lonely along with being too needy (the latter being common).
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    NBA All-Star Game also attracts other pros - strippers, prostitutes
    SuoerDude, you're right, reading your post jogs my memory. Thanks.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Detroit, Michigan
    V-Day Fallout
    I used to take chocolate covered strawberries in to my regular club on Valentines Day. The girls loved them, even if they were dieting. Didn't do it this year because I'm not there every week like I used to be. A dancer is like any other woman, she likes flowers and sincere attention. When I take somebody out for dinner or whatever, she's getting my sincere attention.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Huge support for polygamy, study finds
    Player: good observations--women like, money, shopping and getting their mortgage paid. The dancer-customer relationship begins with those principles.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Walk this way
    It's a mood thing. Simetimes I'm chatting up a dancer beforehand and really having fun, so I'll walk back with my arm around her waste. Some others, especialaly firt-timers, like to take your hand and literally guide you back there, walking ahead with you in tow and that ass swaying...I'll go along with that, it's my kind of view. If its my ATF, I say let's go and I lead her back, but always pausing to let her enter first. Steve: "strut back like Vince McMahon"...LOL. CTQWERTY: I'm thinking about trying the Coliseum on an upcoming Detroit roadtrip. I would ordinarily just stick with Bogarts or Flight Club since they are more easily accessible after a long drive. But would it be worth it for me to make the longer drive up to the Coliseum? Is it open afternoons? (Curiousity, looking for a sure thing, whatever.)
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    yes or no?
    I look for MTD, mentally transmitted disease. In other words, make sure she not a psycho bitch in disguise. In fact, my MTD alarm just went off the last couple weeks when I started getting to know a blonde dancer who had always caught my eye because she had a good, observable work ethic, if you get my drift. Turned out to be overbearing, obnoxious, too desparate, too clingy-- wants to go out, invites me over this Sunday (today!). Ding-ding-ding!
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    NBA All-Star Game also attracts other pros - strippers, prostitutes
    (omitted fr om prior post) ...back to squeaky clean!
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    NBA All-Star Game also attracts other pros - strippers, prostitutes
    If there are restrictions on prostitutes, does that mean Kobe Bryant will stay home? Wasn't he caught fooling around with a high class working girl a few years ago? He's managed to get back to sq
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Iowa Court Discovers 'Art' Loophole Allows 17-Year-Old Strippers
    What is the current law with respect to artistic expression in Ohio? While it seems that this would be something clearly understood once ruled upon, the reality here in Ohio seems to be a lot of fluidity. Every little nuance seems to qualify as something to change interpretation (I suppose that's what "law" is though, right?) The higher courts here threw out local bans on nude dancing where liquor is sold because they violate either free speech or artistic expression--I don't recall which they cited--and now we have statewide legislation that puts ridiculous limitations on topless dancing and related contact and then gives back to communities the option to ban nude dancing. There's too much pandering to downstate beliefs here that ignores basic principles of speech and expression. Of course it has created new jobs for all these undercoverf predators. Maybe we should entice that Iowa judge and the people who wrote that loophole into law to move to Ohio.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    D.C. recommendations?
    The times I've been in the District and visited clubs has been very disappointing. As one of the above post says, the laws seem to be very restrictive. There appears to be a routine for regulars in some of these places that results in a little more friendliness, but it doesn't seem to work for out of towners because we are so obviously in for a one-time visit. What I'm suggesting is that thngs might get more fun/intimate sitting at a remote table or maybe some OTC arrangement might be possible. Even though the places aren't fun, I've observed too much familiarity to think that nothing more special is going on somehow. But inside the clubs, that something extra wouldn't be much at all in my imagination. The advice to drive to Baltimre sounds good.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Asian Hostess Clubs with Fringe Benefits /Extras -- Phila/ NJ /DE /NY
    Which ones do you recommend?
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Boot camp teaches bachelors how to score booty
    I've heard the Cosmo advice before too. It boils down to this, he's sahying you have to get in the woman's head first. He's right.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    too much too soon?
    Dick, do yoiu write for soap operas?
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Jerzey boi
    Extras for free...
    (How) "it happens." --sure does. (Babehunter) "she knew I'd come back" ---smart dancer, good rrelationship. Keep it going. If you're a regular with a good relationshiop and a good rep, your credit should be good too. Happens to me.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Clubs with beautiful young dancers
    Diamonds in Cleveland is great for eye candy but, in general, not good for contact. Sometimes you just want to take n the view while sipping on a drink to relax. But too often, the best looking girls have the worst attitude (forget about contact) so that can spoil the atmosphere sometimes. So I always try to appreciate variety instead of seeking out perfection... They just have to have a great ass.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    F-ing politicians
    I seem to recall the pubs closed early, say around 10:30 or 11 p.m. when I visited some 20 years ago. Has that changed? So what hours are srip clubs allowed to be open? Oh, I almost forgot,...yes, f--king politicians, same all over, always pandering.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    State high court will review legality of 'pole tax'
    The government is supposed to be "of the people." But in reality it's just a tax/protection racket. Sorry, my libertarian bias is showing. If we let government tax entry into strip clubs, what's next, hidden cameras to catch us speeding--oops, they're already doing that. Man the barricades, we've lost control.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Rhode Island
    "Report: Hundreds forced into labor, sex in Ohio"
    Toledo is a lame strip club town. It used to be a little better, but the city just got strict, even before the new law. Samsung, I think you nailed it--Toledo is a small town (relative to Detroit) "just 55 miles from Windsor" Canada. It's a depot!
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Too much of a good thing is never enough
    Video cameras in VIP area?
    Two recent camera stories. 1) A club I hit on my travels was known to have cameras, but they didn't seem to be monitored or even turned on, judging by the fun that goes on there. I go in the oter day and dancer freind asks if I knew XXX got fired. No I hadn't. Seems she was caught by the owner giving a BJ in a private dance cubicle in a very obvious way. Owner went down and stared at her waiting for her to stop--had to tap her on the bobbing head several times to get her attention. She's working somewhere else. Sad, there was something about her that I liked. 2) Another place on my travels I know does not use cameras. But one day I'm in the private dance room expecting my typical friendly service. Well, dancer friend says she can't because they've installed new cameras. Talking to others later, it turns out that this was bogus and the dancer uses that story when she's not in the mood. I've scratched her off my list, regardless of mood.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Do Dancers use the term "ATF”?
    Steve, I understand your question now. Personally, I don't think we should "pull back the curtain" on much of the stuff we talk about here. If a dancer wants to participate, that's her right and she can join in, but otherwise, this is like a fraternity. We need some secrets. So no, I would never say to another dancer that so and so is my ATF. I suppose if you have that type of relationship with a dancer, most everyone else (dancers and regular customers) who have half a brain knows the score, so referring to it is redundant. If a dancer doesn't see it, she's probably new or an airhead.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Do Dancers use the term "ATF”?
    Steve, I understand your q
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Do Dancers use the term "ATF”?
    That's our special jargon. Dancers I'm familiar with use the terms "customer," "regular" or "regular customer" when referring to us, in polite company. Also, I don't think I've ever heard a dancer make a distinction between an ordinary and a special customer, other than, "I have to go now, my customer is here" meaning that it is a customer she defers to because he's spends big money with her.