
Comments by gk (page 14)

  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    what do you like dancers to wear?
    Nothing is nice. Otherwise, a skimpy string thong always works for me.
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    15 years ago
    finger in the kitty
    I like it when my dancer gets off. But I don't like fake moans and grans.
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    15 years ago
    The Ultimate PL
    Maybe there shuld be a rule that strippers can't cut their hair real short.
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    15 years ago
    Teen Girls Dress like Strippers at Prom
    I've seen some of these dresses in stores shopping with my friend. She understands the fashionable but as a Mom with standards she draws the line at revealing too much or llookig slutty. Prom dresses used to be formal, elegant and made the statement that I'm now an adult with style and elegence in a manner that suited personality--that is, subdued colors, of flashny colors. The fashion trend now seems to abandon the formal/elegance theme and go simply for "I'm sexy." Businesses try to outdo each other and this is the result.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Are club Mgrs scripting fake reviews on TUSCL to promote their clubs?
    The manager/dancer review jumps out as...bland. It's a wonderful place, clean, friendly, helpful staff, every woman is beautiful, the best dance I ever had, etc.
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    15 years ago
    April Fool's in Strip Clubs?
    Do boobs come in Plenta?
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    15 years ago
    Days or Nights
    Day shift: fewer customers, more discretionary income, more solo customers, skews older, more purposeful customers, depending on location more white collars around lunchtime. Depending on location, more blue collars after 3 p.m. Always regulars. An occassional pervert, several PLs Night shift: more group outings, skews younger, partytime, more rookie customers ("hey look, naked women"). More curious than serious. Always regulars. An occassional pervert, lots of PLs.
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    15 years ago
    Columbia Police Raid, Shutdown Platinum Plus Strip Club
    Kudos. Naughtiness, mystery and an escaped perp. Watch for updates on America's Most Wanted ....stripclubber.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    heels or not?
    Steve, agree with that. Some are much hotter in their street clothes. But some go out of ther way to look slouchy as if to say "no wY" would I ever be a dancer. But put a cute ass in anything and it works for me.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    finger in the kitty
    Fingering is part of my game if it's part of hers. It's not an extra. But know your dancer and her limits. But sometimes you just need to gently test those limits to find out where things stand if you don't already know. That test doesn't have to be blatant, it can be more of a teasing on the outside with a few hints. Had a lapdance the other day from a dancer who's very aggressive (in a good way) and she always initiates this. She doesn't like passive, non-participatory customers. A good social attitude for a dancer.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    What would be appropriate dress for a better grinding experience?
    Never wear jeans, this isn't a picnic in the park. 1. cargo shorts or whatever you prefer, or 2. thin weave business casual pants, polyester or polycottom blend, or 3. loose Dockers..... 4. Always black, dark gray or brown. 5. In fact, best to keep some designated SC pants.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    The kids smothering game in the form of Stevies doesn't turn me on. I would rather play with the nipples than let some dancer dominate my breathing. Granted, Stevies are a big turn on for some. But that suffocation stuff, be careful.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Club Regular?
    Hey, there's no meter on that. When you're a regular you feel like a regular and the people working there know it. Obvious signs: you're recognized, they know your name. But it also implies there's some consistency about you: spending$, dancer preferences, having an ATF, drink preference, etc.
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    15 years ago
    Phillies Fan Scores Acquittal, Conviction in Sex-for-Tickets Trial
    Isn't attempted prostitution called "pandering?"
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    15 years ago
    Low Mileage Favorites?
    There are a few "sweeties" I've known for years or who are fun to talk to. Some are warm ups. Some know they are just in for the conversation and some drinks.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Any place that interests me.
    "Trainable"??? Yea or Nay??
    A newbie is definitely trainable--but she has to be serious about her job and want to make maximum money. Otherwise a slacker is a slacker and should be avoided after the first mistake. My ego says I've trained a few, but in most cases simple observation will show them the light.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    heels or not?
    I think I know what you're talking about. Personally, I like the shorter dancers too (although there is a very tall one I also like). But what I really like is see a dancer I know in her street clothes before and after work.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    What type of dancer do you think is most aggressive?
    Signs your dancer might be aggressive 1. She complains about iit being her time of the month(rent). 2. She takes two of your fingers and sticks then in her mouth all the way to the back of her throat. 3. You get drunken "hello" kisses you dont want from a dancer you don't know and you haven't left your bar stool. That's just generic stuff I've observed/received. But as to type--I don't thnk you can typecast an agressive dancer by race, hair color or looks. And what does "agressive" realy mean? (Yes I saw CGs personal definition, but for others it might be different.) If by aggressive you mean too forward and over-the-top in a way that makes you uncomfortable, feel out of control or ruins the lapdance (for example, grinding too hard) yes, that's bad and is worth walking away from. But if it's simply playing hard, bring it on. For the most part, the more desparate or drunk they are, the more aggressive they might be. But sometimes we overlook the most common aggressive dancer--the one who promises whatever and doesn't deliver. And I'm not just talking extras, but the ones who tease and say my dances are better or you'll remember my dances etc.--but they lie. That's more than being aggressive, that's aggression, because then we're the victim.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Love em or hate them?
    It's fun for whatever reason. I like Lopaw's rationale, and I understands SCs. We can do both. Who needs an affirmation? It's my/our fun and business, nobody elses.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Looks like Samsung1 will be making some extra trips to the clubs
    If those bills were marked, there could be some strange "tats" showing up on dancers.
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    15 years ago
    Strip Club Bathroom Attendant Job Opening in Vegas
    I have only one situation to relate this to, and the bathroom attendant I'm speaking of made self-proclaimed "good" tip money in the strip club and now makes decent money doing the same thing in a regular nightclub-bar. But his threshhold of "what's good" is a lot different from ours.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    South Carolina
    Platinum Plus in Greenville - customer dies
    I have a theory, but first a personal story. I have never seen anyone asked to leave or be escorted out of a club. Once, I did witness someone at my favorite club who was so drunk and stoned that I recommended that management ask him to leave, thinking he was a potential danger to customers and dancers. However, the dude was not causing any commotion so was allowed to stay and no harm was done by his condition. The club's patience paid off, what was perceived as potentially over the line turned out to be nothing to worry about and the club made money off the customer after he stayed. Patience was smarter than the quick trigger. Basically, the upscale clubs with uptight rules are the ones that have quick-trigger bouncers. If you are at a bar, there is always the potential for a customer to get loud or obnoxious. Smart bars and strip clubs just let these loud dudes mellow out. But the more anal ones, typically the chain/corporate variety, don't like any behaviour outside their narrow definition of the norm. I usually don't like those type of clubs. They may be doing it for safety reasons, which I can appreciate, but overall the vibe in those places is just not rigbt. So that's my theory--that, in general, the more high-end the club, the more likely it is to have trigger-happy bouncers and a tendancy to eject. What do others think?
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    To Tip or Not to Tip?
    The request for tips in society is getting ridiculous. Now the person who slides your phone-ordered pizza across the counter to you when you pick it up and then takes your money is asking for a tip via a jar next to the register. I leave a buck. I know these people are just trying to make a living, but it gets a bit obnoxious sometimes with so many hands being held out. And I'm one who doesn't hesitate to tip for service when it's appropriate. However, here's another perspective I learned from my brother-in-law: you get more in the long run by greasing palms that you save by being stingy. He gets the best service everywhere and people welcome him by his name with respect, as in "hello Mr._______." So there's good reason to tip when it makes sense. Now back to our situation. In SCs I always look for the "pay to play" factor. Sometimes it's tipping more than the norm, tipping more people than the norm, sometimes it's buying more drinks than the norm. It's just the cost of a day/night out. Plan on it, budget for it. But if you can play without paying, why throw money around unless you need to make a big impression. But if it's really expected (i.e. the green version of dress for success) play along and do what seems right for the environment you're in. If you're in a high end GC, expect to tip everybody. If you're in a wanabe club, I would expect to tip only a waitress or a bartender. At my two favorite clubs, I usually leave at least $10 for the bartender or waitress even if I have only one or two drinks. Why not, I'm usually spending way more than that with the dancers.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Bacon flavored vodka
    Bad stuff. Almost as bad: root beer float vodka, but at least it tastes like a drink you'll recognize.
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    15 years ago
    Stripper Compliments
    The most transparent stripper sit is when they talk about your cock. But as for real compliments that I think pass the test, I'm told I understand dancers (I think I do). But the best one that I think is real is when they simply say, "you're OK, we know you."