Okay, let's say it plays out like a well written sci fi nook or movie-the city sized craft comes to rest near a major city and they've run out of blue rock to power their craft. The crew of a hundered thousand are stuck on Planet Earth without bus fare home. It turns out that their women are very ready to assimilate, however,they have some dissimilar anatomy. So, cut and paste the survey and give me your thoughts:
Skin color: Would you screw them if they had:
Blue skin Green skin Red skin
Height: The women are:
three to four feet high seven to eight feet eight to nine feet nine to ten feet
They have four breasts They have six breasts
Weird anatomy
They have huge flipper feet Literally two faced and the vagina is between their breasts
I don't think I would be attracted to these alien females. Blue skin reminds me of the chick from Avatar. I read that some porn studios are experimenting with body paint on the porn actors and actresses.
They've already done that somewhat overseas samsung1. I remember seeing some bad, outdoor Smurf porn a while back. For some reason, they kept the genital region uncolored.
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