Comments by gk
discussion comment
12 years ago
Ahem, that would be forum, not form in the previous comment, But perhaps form is a big part of this hobby in another context. i just appreciate all the variations, unlike some who are so obsesssd on one physical characteristic that they can't appreciate the many differeent variatins of women. Did I mention that I'm an ass man from way back Wait a minute...
discussion comment
12 years ago
Good point Farmerart. I have not been participating in this hobby or in TUSCL much lately either because my other life activities and obligations have been pressing me for time. But eventually weariness and the need to escape brings one back to TUSCL. Where else can we find the erudite and and idiotic in the same form with a common interest?
Ironic isn't it that this frivolity is real work for the dancers, although not in the real world.
discussion comment
13 years ago
Sometimes clubbing is best when it's your secret. You tried to share your secret habit with your girlfriend and it blew up in your face. The facts as you present them here suggest two things: 1) that you don't realy know her that well and 2) that perhaps you lack the capacity, maybe even maturity, to respond to the situation you created.
So ask yourself if you are really ready for a longterm relationship. If you are then deal with the fact that this woman, if you want her in your life, is not into the SC habit that you are into. That's OK, if you can just deal with it and be good to her in a relationship and keep your clubbing on the side.
If you can't deal with both separatley, then maybe you need to ask yourself if this is the woman for you--or if you are the man for her.
Clubbing isn't bad, obvviously very rfew here are going to argue too much with you about that. But its a big world and not everyone agrees with that perspective on strip clubs. So your big questio is--can you live/love a woman that disagrees with that? ...and still feed your habit while respecting her?
Clubbing is a fun night out for boys, but only men can deal with it in the longterm real world context. This is one of those "know yourself" moments but also a "know her too" moment. You have to deal with both moving forward.
discussion comment
13 years ago
I'm an ass man from way back. Doesn't mean I dont like the other end, that's always best. But there's nothing sexier that a cute ass pjmn a sexy woman, and there's a lot of latitude on what makes a cute ass. And once you get caught up on whats cute and turns you on, you never know.
discussion comment
13 years ago
Atlanta suburb
IME the part-timers are less fun to be with. They have less invested in them by customers they don't see that often, so there is lower incentive to match what full-timers do. There are exceptions to everything, I suppose, which would acconnt for the reports that counter this(any I may have some of them myself!).
discussion comment
13 years ago
Life is a two-way street. If you're going to be a repeat customer, you need to listen and talk.
discussion comment
14 years ago
It's great when it's live at a club, a turn on.
discussion comment
14 years ago
Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
You tip for receiving exceptional service or when it's understood that I'll be getting good service. To me, it doesn't matter who, as long as they can deliver some value I want to pay extra to receive. Otherwise, who deserves it?
In my experience, it's rare that a DJ can deliver that, but I wouldn't rule it out. But the ridiculous tip-for-standard service attitude at some of the high end gentlemen's clubs can get annoying, but it amounts to a go-along-to-get-along situation.
discussion comment
14 years ago
Atlanta suburb
Definitely agree on this. Many clubs are way to cold with the AC cranked up too high. They need to find a middle ground. Clubs that are hurting from the bad economy tend to scimp on both heat and AC so they are often uncomfortable in all seasons. Upscale clubs that don't worry about paying bills are bear the most guilt about running the chillers too much, thinking the dancers want it cooler and the men want it that way too. They should take surveys and be more customer friendly.
Another thought, ever notice that many of the bouncers at clubs are big, sometimes overweight types. The metabolism of those guys might be another reason for some of the cooler temps inside.
discussion comment
14 years ago
Privacy is b ecoming a very precious thng. Let's hope it doesn't become a relic of the past. For anyone wanting to protect his or herk privacy, I would suggest limiting the use of any company issued device to only non-compromising uses/situations/locationss/traveling etc. that's the only way to stay safe.
The law will always be on the side of whoever owns the device, there's plenty of precedent for that already, privacy doesn't count in that context.
discussion comment
14 years ago
QWords to live by:
Life is short, so have fun whenever you can.
Not having any fun, you're not working hard enough to find it.
Complaining too much makes anyone feel older.
Best cure for aches and pains begins with boobs in the hand, oh wait, boobs dont exist anymore! (see previous TUSCL discussions).
discussion comment
14 years ago
It sounds like this woman is psychologicaly unstable. The real problem seems to be the need to weed out such types before they are hired.
discussion comment
14 years ago
I think fantasy is passe. The whole notion of a fantasy is built around something you supposedly can't have.
If you're fantasizing about something, don't stop there--why not figure out how to do it or get it?
discussion comment
14 years ago
Detroit strip clubs
You missed a fun time at the MBOT. But you neede to have the bucks to enjoy it. Most locals stay way, so I've been told. But traveling mongers love it.
discussion comment
14 years ago
I call it the vallley girl syndrome. I prefer to avoid these dancers because they can't concentrte on their jobs.
discussion comment
14 years ago
Breathe, breathe in the air
For a lapdance, Ill take a chair or a couch, presuming it's a private one.
discussion comment
14 years ago
Breathe, breathe in the air
dowcat's right. You need to know what you're buying.
discussion comment
14 years ago
There's too much sharing on the Internet and social media. If you slip up or select the wrong controls, the entire world knows too much about you. I doubt if I would ever use a "sharing" option.
discussion comment
14 years ago
I like Monday afternoons for most of the reasons Steve lists. My regular club, however, does have a nice age mix on Mondays, so there is no trade off in quality, although certain dancers that I like do take that day off. I find most dancers eager to have a good time on Mondays because business at the start of the week is never a sure thing.
And it's a great way to start the week. Why gripe about Mondays?...Schedule the time, go to a SC and be happy.
discussion comment
14 years ago
Book Guy
I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
I think Detroit is top of the line too. Maybe I haven't travelled to enough Toronto clubs or hit the suburbs thoroughly, but my limited experience in the GTA is summed up as follows: you can do better.
discussion comment
14 years ago
@Snake, agree with Doug. You did get lucky. My experience with Charleston clubs is the fun varies with the club and the dancer like anywhere else, but the boundaries are vary close in. Maybe things are changing, I am not a regular visitor to clubs in that area, so I can't say. Anyone else?
discussion comment
14 years ago
Book Guy
I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
I think it's an aeronautical term about clearing trash off the runway.
discussion comment
14 years ago
In the wind
Be careful, sounds like that book might be pre-owned and that could turn out to be messy on the second read.
discussion comment
14 years ago
I put all my clubbing expenditures on Form 1069-OTC.
discussion comment
14 years ago
I th;ink they are OK when part of a girl's personality. But anything can be overdone. So basically, I find them sometimes appealing. When they aren't it's b
ecause of the overall package they are attached to.