Yes,jackslash. The Detroit churches would never, ever, let such debauchery occur. That stripper must be fucked up in the head. The Penthouse Club has always been a model club. (If you believe that, I have several bridges for sale)
As you know, I have prayed at many Detroit area churches - Holy Subi's Pentecostal; St. Bogarts Orthodox, the two branches of The Sepulchre of Brother Henry Hamilton; and The Coliseum of All the Lost Souls.
last commentThis news coverage will probably increase business at PH for the next few weeks.
As you know, I have prayed at many Detroit area churches - Holy Subi's Pentecostal; St. Bogarts Orthodox, the two branches of The Sepulchre of Brother Henry Hamilton; and The Coliseum of All the Lost Souls.