Nipple Rings

I'm going out on a limb and betting that most members here are not fans.
I have mixed feelings at the moment since a CF has them. I actually think they look hot, appearance wise, on her. She doesn't have any other piercings or tattoos, and says the nipple rings are her one nod to her "kinky" side.
She claims they keep her nipple thick and perky (I can attest to that much) and makes them much more sensitive. She does seem to real enjoy it when I suck the rings hard into my mouth, pulling on her nipples - now if I just didn't end up with that damn metallic taste in my mouth, lol.
Your experiences?
I have mixed feelings at the moment since a CF has them. I actually think they look hot, appearance wise, on her. She doesn't have any other piercings or tattoos, and says the nipple rings are her one nod to her "kinky" side.
She claims they keep her nipple thick and perky (I can attest to that much) and makes them much more sensitive. She does seem to real enjoy it when I suck the rings hard into my mouth, pulling on her nipples - now if I just didn't end up with that damn metallic taste in my mouth, lol.
Your experiences?
Not a complete deal-breaker but...she'd have to be really special in other ways for me to pursue.
Add tats tho' & I'd look elsewhere.
ecause of the overall package they are attached to.
Also, any piercings that look like plain steal barbells, definitely a turnoff for me, no matter what body part they're punched through. Barbells only belong in the weight room.
I'll compliment a dancer if they look good on her, but I won't get any dances from her.
Recently, I danced a girl with pierced nipples and it became a turnoff... I like to play with, tweak and tease nipples, but just didn't even know how with the piercings in the way. She was very cute other than that, and her dances were better than average, but I only went four dances and THAT was a stretch... I would'a stopped at 2, but felt like I needed to give her a better chance, and also didn't want to hurt her feelings. (I was WAY into her until she removed the top)
I've sometimes have made the comparison to vintage cars, like a 60's Mustang. So many kids junked up cars like these with plastic ground effects, stupid spoilers, amateur paint jobs, etc., that when one is either found or restored to its original balance and purity, the demand and value go through the roof.
The big, clattery tongue piercing where the girl is constantly moving it around so it bangs into her teeth? No. The 16 ear piercings, lining the outside edge of her ear? No, this is not Inner Mongolia. The eyebrow piercing? I can take it either way. The clit piercing? If I'm the only one she allows to see it.
Had a FWB one time who called and told me she got her nipples pierced ala Janet Jackson. Before I could test drive them, she had them removed because she said it hurt too much and was worried about milk delivery. She also said the actual piercing hurt like hell. Makes me wonder if the dancers that have them are masochists or have lost feeling there. I have noticed that the pierced nipples seem slow to respond to stimulation.
After asking if it's OK to play a little rough (and giving her *some* clue as to what's in store), and making sure you promise, and intend, to stop when she tells you, gently hold her hands behind her back, tightly enough that she feels restrained,nbut not so tightly that she feels trapped, and take he ring and gently pull and twist it. Not too hard, as even girls who like that sort ofthing don't usually like their nipples in a vise, or twisted off, but so she can feel it.
When her eyes close and she lets out that husky moan, come back and tell me you still don't like them.
10inches is right on: kind of like putting a bumper sticker on a Lamborghini
Should have been an earring "hooked"!
Once in a while I'm turned on by a "biker chick" type of look, for which the girl has extra tattoos, piercings, and attitude. For these few limited girls, there's a sort of sense of her ability to "take charge" and with that goes the appearance of someone who has broken a few rules, is willing to take a few risks, etc.. I know, it's a fantasy, but once in a while I indulge in that fantasy.
Also, a girl who has the cute-innocent girl-next-door appearance (probably because of body-type and face; but also, she can enhance it with clothing and make-up selection) will not benefit very much from a tattoo or gross piercing, especially not if it is in an egregious or obvious place.
And a girl who has huge ass because she's lazy and doesn't go to the gym, but no tits to speak of? She just cannot excuse the over-ass-ness by means of Dow Chemical balloons inserted under her skin nipple-wards. The gym is the only thing that reduces the problem of over-ass-ness. However, a woman with a "womanly" ass and average or larger-than-average (but not necessarily superbly firm, or even superbly large) breasts, if she manages to build an image of zaftig-slinky-sexy like Zsazsa Gabor or Marilyn Monroe, can be SMOKIN' hot.
If on the other hand the same zaftig woman tries to wear Petticoat Junction shorts and red-checked knot-tied men's shirt (a.k.a. the Daisy Duke look), with her cheesecaked and swelling ol' ass squeechin' out of the sides of both legs of the shorts and her kidney-fat squeechin' out of the tops of the shorts, she'll look disgusting. Same body, worse clothing. And if she then giggles, tries to be innocent, and bats her eyes in that early-Britney-Spears way that is so smokin' hot when Britney does it, then I'll just conclude that the zaftig girl is FAT AND UGLY AND IN DENIAL.
All in all, it's about a woman being able to combine various choices in appearance, with various demeanors and attitudes that may be less malleable. I have always wondered what happens inside the mind of someone who acts girlish when she looks womanly; or vice-versa; and how her lifetime experience of "who I really am" colors her nighttime choices of "how I'm going to behave in the club" -- or whether she can actually control that behavior at all.
In fact, ABILITY TO CONTROL CHOICES is one of the prime things we're looking for, when we look for hot women. It's about their capacity to read our desires and then fit within one of the thousands of categories we're willing to accept. Men will fuck just about anything, AS LONG AS it's verifiably "hot enough" (or, to put it differently, as long as it's verifiably "not hideous). What we need, therefore, to allow ourselves to feel horniness for any given woman on the strip-club's dance floor, is the sense that she "gets" the concept juuuust enough that she can take all her flaws and ineptitudes and yet squeeze them, for the shortest of times, into a different category in which they masquerade as assets and benefits.
It would have to be a damn big ring for me to do that! :)
Saw dancer again, and tried the nipple ring twisting thing. When I asked if she liked it, she said it made her wet. Then she asked me to spank her, lol.