Got your taxes done yet?

avatar for sharkhunter
I have mine done except for printing them out and mailing the state. I didn't want to spend $20 to efile the state. Federal was free with turbo tax to efile but that software sucked big time when it came to handling IRA's. Other people's questions on the community views saved me after much searching along with importing data from a brokerage account that did not send a 1099 form.

The tax software managed to confuse me again when it came to vehicle property taxes asking about registration fees. I caught the mistake after much reading and searching again. I don't plan on using turbo tax again. It's a relief to be finished (for the most part). How about you?


last comment
avatar for CTQWERTY
14 years ago
Still awaiting the schedule 36-24-36 CC strip club expenditure writeoff form. Got a few visits, lappers, and overpriced drinks I want to itemize...
avatar for sharkhunter
14 years ago
I wonder what percentage of taxes dancers pay in taxes? Some may pay a certain percentage of what they actually earn to be able to claim income to buy houses or cars. I doubt they all claim everything they make especially when dealing with cash all the time. I'm not advocating they pay more, it would likely result in them wanting more money for dances.

I believe CNBC is doing a show on Thursday night on people who think it's ok to cheat and not pay their fair share of taxes. People like our current US treasury secretary Geither I believe were not up to date on paying taxes when they got hired by Obama. We got such great role models to follow (sarcasm).
avatar for sharkhunter
14 years ago
meant to say I wonder what percentage of income dancers report to be able to claim income to get loans for houses and cars. I bet they don't claim all the income they make.
avatar for sharkhunter
14 years ago
If we could only claim a write off deduction for helping out single white mothers and other dancers, that would be a massive tax credit.
avatar for sinclair
14 years ago
Most strippers are too lazy to file a claim. They'd just have to pay into the system anyway. I knew one that had a hard time getting an apartment because she had no pay stub to show the leasing company.
avatar for farmerart
14 years ago
In Canada, my personal return is not due until April 30 and my corporate return deadline is June 30. Lots of time yet - though there was a pleading call from my accountant this week to get the finger out of my ass and bring in my stuff to him.

Pussy!! For what he charges me he can pull a couple of all-nighters to get my return done!
avatar for Dougster
14 years ago
Not done yet. Word is that Payer11's income is so low he doesn't owe anything, and that txtittyfan lost so much money shorting treasuries the day before they bottomed a couple of years back that he has enough capital losses to tide him over until the end of time.
avatar for jackslash
14 years ago
CTQWERTY's "schedule 36-24-36 CC strip club expenditure writeoff form" is going to save me a bundle.

I knew a stripper who said she reported all her income on her taxes. I didn't believe her, but it could be true.

A fav of mine reports no income at all. She does not have a bank account or credit card, and she pays for things with cash or money order. Her financial life is like that of a drug dealer.
avatar for vincemichaels
14 years ago
jackslash, does she do loans? All cash people generally have tons of cash (dancers excepted) LOL
avatar for TimboAtl
14 years ago
All these comments about strippers not paying taxes is why we need the flat tax system. Have the drug dealers, illegals, strippers, etc pay tax on everything they buy, so the tax is automatically collected. The tax rate would have to be 20% or so, but with no income tax, it would even out for people who pay taxes now. It would suck for companies like G E though. Right now they employ 1,000 tax lawyers and lobbyists and pay zero taxes.
avatar for Prim0
14 years ago
Seems like GE could be better off not having to pay 1000 tax lawyers and lobbyists and just pay there taxes. maybe, I haven't run the numbers or anything.
avatar for gk
14 years ago
I put all my clubbing expenditures on Form 1069-OTC.
avatar for sharkhunter
14 years ago
My effective tax rate is much lower than 20% when it comes to how much I pay for income taxes. However I just remembered I pay phone taxes, sales taxes, local sales taxes, and who knows how many other countless taxes.
avatar for farmerart
14 years ago
Say a prayer for POOR farmerart. I just cut an eye-popping cheque to pay my 2010 personal taxes. There will be some Alberta strippers hitting the Food Banks in the coming months, I fear.


Don't know how many beers I can afford tomorrow evening at the 5.
avatar for vincemichaels
14 years ago
I'm praying for oil at the bottom of the hole you guys are drilling, farmerart.
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