Got your taxes done yet?

I have mine done except for printing them out and mailing the state. I didn't want to spend $20 to efile the state. Federal was free with turbo tax to efile but that software sucked big time when it came to handling IRA's. Other people's questions on the community views saved me after much searching along with importing data from a brokerage account that did not send a 1099 form.
The tax software managed to confuse me again when it came to vehicle property taxes asking about registration fees. I caught the mistake after much reading and searching again. I don't plan on using turbo tax again. It's a relief to be finished (for the most part). How about you?
The tax software managed to confuse me again when it came to vehicle property taxes asking about registration fees. I caught the mistake after much reading and searching again. I don't plan on using turbo tax again. It's a relief to be finished (for the most part). How about you?
I believe CNBC is doing a show on Thursday night on people who think it's ok to cheat and not pay their fair share of taxes. People like our current US treasury secretary Geither I believe were not up to date on paying taxes when they got hired by Obama. We got such great role models to follow (sarcasm).
Pussy!! For what he charges me he can pull a couple of all-nighters to get my return done!
I knew a stripper who said she reported all her income on her taxes. I didn't believe her, but it could be true.
A fav of mine reports no income at all. She does not have a bank account or credit card, and she pays for things with cash or money order. Her financial life is like that of a drug dealer.
Don't know how many beers I can afford tomorrow evening at the 5.