tipping the bouncers does it work ?

Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
I've learnt that tipping the dj works well, tipping the bartender is worth it, so is their iny special perks to tipping the bouncers? I've gotten high mileage with out doing this just wanted to know if it would help out a little more or would it just get me in trouble with the wrong side.
last commentGenerally there is no real reason to do this. You can every now and then (I have before) but it isn't likely to increase mileage or anything like that...
Thats what I was thanking
There are clubs where tipping the bouncers keeps them from policing what goes on between you and the.dancer. There are clubs where tipping the DJ or bartender or waitresses has the same effect. Depends on the culture and management of the club who if anyone is on the lookout for forbidden activity and whether tipping those people does any good. I have been in clubs where tipping the bouncer $20 was the difference between a lame dance and a crazy orgasmic one.
Why does tipping the DJ work well, what do you gain from tipping him, or her?
I only tip bouncers around the holidays and give bigger tips to the waitresses and bartenders then to, just as a gift, otherwise the bouncers are on their own unless they help out in some way, like calling the AAA for a car problem.
I tipped a bouncer just once - to get to the head of the line waiting for the VIP. My dancer was happy that I did so - no wasted time. She made me happy when we got into the VIP.
I'm with london on this, What does tipping the dj do? Also, what does tipping the bartender do other than the normal reasons that we tip bartenders?
Well londonguy most dj I know know more about the girls and witch one does extras so if u tip a little he will give the info also he will play what ever u like
I only tip the waitresses and bouncers. The only bouncers I tip is at my favorite club, I notice that bouncer are more relaxed with me and they usual send me dancers that are good at LDs. A couple times they give me some bad apples, If you keep on tipping the bouncers and they dont give you any type of good treatment or heads up just stop tipping.
I only tipped a bouncer once. He wound up being a bigger asshole about policing VIP than anyone I've ever seen before. YMMV. That's my story, and I've never done VIP at that club again.
I figure the bouncers rip of the girls so I don't tip them
Besides maybe throwing an extra dollar into the tip jar when I pay the cover, I can't ever remember tipping a strip club employee other than dancers and bartenders/waitresses.
The girls always handle the tipping if it is needed, and if I felt like I had to be the tipper then I would tip through the girls so I can feign ignorance if I ever need to. I would never be associated with a pay off of any kind, one of the few times I would consider voluntarily using a middle man.
I forgot to comment on the DJ. Most of them play what you ask them to play anyway, even if they don't play it immediately. I have never had to wait more than two songs. As for the info I have never known how to ask for it, but other dancers seem more than happy to give that info up. Sometimes it is done as a favor, and sometimes as a slight against the "whore", which only makes me want to see if their words are true. :)
You can tip for information, services, gratitude, or to look like a big shot.
Tipping the DJ usually gets your songs played. I rarely have gotten any good dancer info from a DJ.
Tipping the door staff gets you nothing, other than a smile.
Tipping the bouncer or video monitor guy has been know to earn leniency from them, but only when accompanied with conversation. It works better if you frequent the club and do the same each time. For the most part, this won't get you much if you are one and done. Also most bouncers will help you with seating, if you request it.
Tipping the bouncer can avoid getting thrown out if youre planning on getting drunk
You tip for receiving exceptional service or when it's understood that I'll be getting good service. To me, it doesn't matter who, as long as they can deliver some value I want to pay extra to receive. Otherwise, who deserves it?
In my experience, it's rare that a DJ can deliver that, but I wouldn't rule it out. But the ridiculous tip-for-standard service attitude at some of the high end gentlemen's clubs can get annoying, but it amounts to a go-along-to-get-along situation.
You have to catch them when they are about to fall asleep, sneak up from the side and then they tip easy. Of course you have to run like hell after you tip them.
I've hardly ever tipped bouncers in all the years, I've been clubbing. When I run into a dancer that insists I do so, I just tell them no. Most clubs in my experience the dancers eventually do tip the bouncers, so why should I. It hasn't affected my VIP experiences.