GF issues with my SC fetish
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Not sure if this is even allowed here but just joined, so WTH.
Been seeing a lovely woman for about 4 years. Sex is great, she's gorgeous, funny, smart. She's got it all.
Problem is my SC fetish. I lied about it when we started up and downplayed how often I go as she is so so on them but against LDs when in a committed relationship. I convinced her to go with me on the condition of no LDs for either of us while there. I went too far with a dancer on stage and got pissed at her for not letting me get a LD that night and she caught me friending a few ladies on FB that I was getting regular dances from.
I really love this woman. Just not sure if I can give up SCs for her, or if I should.
Been seeing a lovely woman for about 4 years. Sex is great, she's gorgeous, funny, smart. She's got it all.
Problem is my SC fetish. I lied about it when we started up and downplayed how often I go as she is so so on them but against LDs when in a committed relationship. I convinced her to go with me on the condition of no LDs for either of us while there. I went too far with a dancer on stage and got pissed at her for not letting me get a LD that night and she caught me friending a few ladies on FB that I was getting regular dances from.
I really love this woman. Just not sure if I can give up SCs for her, or if I should.
Only you can decide which to choose. I'd be reluctant to jettison a gorgeous, funny, smart GF but that's just me.
My two cents: Don't fuck up a good relationship with great woman for the seedy world of strip clubs.
Bishop - but the pull of the club, man. I'm not sure I'll be able to stop.
Ermita - yeah, I was a dumbass that night. Now I cant bring her with me though because I know I cant stop myself.
I'll be honest here. I sort of expected someone to tell me I shouldn't have to change. That she should love me for who I am.
I'm surprised your GF hasn't left you after that night. Now she knows who your thinking about while the two of you are fucking.
Women are very possessive, because they fear you will leave them (or cheat on them) for the other woman.
If you want to have your cake and eat it too, then learn to tone it down about SC with your GF. If push comes to shove, take the GF.
Better for the both of you, if you can't stop your fetish & she wants a gentleman who doesn't indulge in what she doesn't like.
Seriously... >_>
Is everyone here single? If not, how do you handle it with your GFs and wives?
If you can't walk away from something that she can't accept then you're best bet is to walk away from her. Otherwise get good at lieing and hiding shit.
If you can't walk away from something that she can't accept then you're best bet is to walk away from her. Otherwise get good at lieing and hiding shit.
Now I cant bring her with me though **because I know I cant stop
myself**[emphasis mine].
If you couldn't even put on an act for one night to show how unimportant strip clubs are in your life--an act that could have set the tone for your relationship and prolonged it somewhat--then I think you lack the capacity to give them up.
And you probably screwed yourself when you took her along and then had no self control at avoiding a LD. Talk to Alucard man.
Keep going to strip clubs and ruining good things in your life but please send her packing first. She'll realize in time that you did her a favor and she'll move on to a much better man than you.
That said, I've found that simply telling the truth works quite well. I'll freely admit that my situation is far from ordinary (though I'm also. It convinced that it's as rare as some seem th think), in that my wife not only knows I go to strip clubs, but also that I have sex with strippers, paying them hard earned cash to do so.
Only you can decide whether or not it will work for *you*, of course, but if you're honest about what you want from a strip club, you at least achnowlege that her feelings matter to you, and maybe gives her some confidence that you're not talking about leaving her home alone every Friday night to get your grind on. Then maybe you can agree on some limits with which you are *both* comfortable.
Of course, if you can't compromise to the satisfaction of both of you, then you get to decide whether not agreeing is worth staying together or splitting.
But if you do reach an agreement, you'd better keep it, or you likely will split. Agreeing with the intent of breaking that agreement as soon as its expediant is a douchbag move, just like getting piased at her for not letting you out of a promise to not get lap dances.
You need to go buy some flowers, take them to your GF, tell her you made a terrible mistake, but now you've seen the error of your ways, and from this day on you will never, ever set foot in a strip club again...
In other words, lie to her.
Then keep your clubbing secret. And whatever you do, don't get caught.
(Gee, I feel just like Dr. Phil)
If that's true, then why would anyone want to throw it away for strippers. SMH!!!
Why sacrifice something that's way harder to get for something that's so easy to get?
The other 10% are gay
You have 2 options.
1. Do nothing different. Your smart, funny, sexy girlfriend will catch on soon enough and dump you for a guy that has an addiction for her.
2. Stop stripclubing, marry your girlfriend, have 2 or 3 kids. Wait 20 years. By then you will either be divorced or your wife won't give a rats ass if you go to the club or not. Hey, you'll be an older guy, but you can then enjoy what you have always wanted.
Good luck.
I'll take her off your hands and you can just keep on enjoying the strip clubs! Send me her name and phone number and if the sex is as good as you say it is I'll pay for your first VIP after becoming a free man !
So ask yourself if you are really ready for a longterm relationship. If you are then deal with the fact that this woman, if you want her in your life, is not into the SC habit that you are into. That's OK, if you can just deal with it and be good to her in a relationship and keep your clubbing on the side.
If you can't deal with both separatley, then maybe you need to ask yourself if this is the woman for you--or if you are the man for her.
Clubbing isn't bad, obvviously very rfew here are going to argue too much with you about that. But its a big world and not everyone agrees with that perspective on strip clubs. So your big questio is--can you live/love a woman that disagrees with that? ...and still feed your habit while respecting her?
Clubbing is a fun night out for boys, but only men can deal with it in the longterm real world context. This is one of those "know yourself" moments but also a "know her too" moment. You have to deal with both moving forward.
There is always a third option.
Tell her you stopped but keep going to clubs in secret. The old time guys will remember a poster named DougS. Dude was married, but took extreme measures to keep his addiction secret. Could have been a covert agent for the CIA. Secret bank accounts and credit cards, google voice mail, disposable phones, club clothes as work. Fake travel itineraries.
Sheesh, after while, it seemed like it would have been simpler to just be honest
Exactly motorhead. This is why being dishonest to a S.O. about visiting Strip Clubs is not a good idea. If you can't stay away, get rid of the S.O.
"Sometimes clubbing is best when it's your secret. You tried to share your secret habit with your girlfriend and it blew up in your face. The facts as you present them here suggest two things: 1) that you don't realy know her that well and 2) that perhaps you lack the capacity, maybe even maturity, to respond to the situation you created.
So ask yourself if you are really ready for a longterm relationship. If you are then deal with the fact that this woman, if you want her in your life, is not into the SC habit that you are into. That's OK, if you can just deal with it and be good to her in a relationship and keep your clubbing on the side.
If you can't deal with both separatley, then maybe you need to ask yourself if this is the woman for you--or if you are the man for her.
Clubbing isn't bad, obvviously very rfew here are going to argue too much with you about that. But its a big world and not everyone agrees with that perspective on strip clubs. So your big questio is--can you live/love a woman that disagrees with that? ...and still feed your habit while respecting her?
Clubbing is a fun night out for boys, but only men can deal with it in the longterm real world context. This is one of those "know yourself" moments but also a "know her too" moment. You have to deal with both moving forward."
This is IMHO BS!
This guy's GF should be asking herself is she wants to continue to be shit upon by this "person".
She needs to walk away real soon & leave this guy to his obsessive clubbing!
It is. :)
I don't want to fuck this up.
Now, it looks like she is willing to try some things to accommodate you since she did go to the club. You also seem to say that part of the allure for you is the seediness of the clubs.
So get thinking. Is there some way you can engage in the seedy side of life without having a secret life from her?
Thinking about here in LA I might think about one of the topless places like Sam's Hofbrau or even more so the Neo-Bullesque places like Jumbo's Clown Room or possibly even fetish shows.
Another possibility would be to consider going to a swinger's club but only having sex with each other. I know that sounds contradictory but swinger's clubs have a definite no-means-no policy and more than a few couples go there just for the exhibitionism/voyeurism.
Unfortunately, folks on here are right - 90%+ of civilian women hate strip clubs. At best, they can tolerate an occasional visit (e.g., once/year), so long it's with your buddies. But be prepared for a couple days of the cold shoulder and an icy reception in bed in return for that privilege. At worst, it's a total deal-breaker; she thinks SCs are a blight upon the earth and any man who'd want to go is despicable.
There's only one answer. If you're in love with SCs, as you obviously are (as am I), you can't get serious with a conventional girlfriend. All the homemade stripper clothes and poles in the basement won't work. It's not the same because we want the variety, and in your case, the seediness. Instead, you'll have to content yourself with more casual girlfriends - ones you date for a few months but never get serious enough with to divulge your SC ways. Eventually, you'll want to have sex in the VIP again (which I abstain from if in a relationship), so you'll need to break up to get it.
I'd say you should accept yourself as you are, and don't try to have it both ways. There are guys who want to be married, love the married life, and only feel fulfilled with a wife. Others of us just aren't wired that way. Sure, we want closeness, intimacy, etc., but we're gonna have to get it via the shorter term relationships, and get good a breaking up. It's the only way. Otherwise, immense heartache looms at the end of your long relationship with your "amazing girlfriend" when she finds out you've either been sneaking into SCs behind her back and/or when you realize that no matter how amazing she is, sex becomes dull and no amount of glitter and fantasy will make her exciting like getting down with your favorite honey in the SC.
She said she wants to see how I am. Is that a good thing? I think it might be a very bad thing.
NOT me!!!