
Monday, Monday...

avatar for steve229

It's just turned out that most of my recent club visits have been on Monday afternoons (ok, the $10 dances may have something to do with it). The dancers run a little older, and the club is a little sleepy then, so it's not for everyone. On the other hand, dancers are more likely to linger and chat over a drink, and the older dances know how to give the slow and sensual dances I like.

So, anyone else a Monday monger?


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avatar for CTQWERTY
13 yrs ago

I'll phone The Hip Hugger ($10 dances all the time!) and have Don reserve you one of his finest stacking chairs against the VIP wall... We'll see whether you ever leave!

avatar for samsung1
13 yrs ago

During Monday night football season some clubs had free food (pizza, wings, snacks) out during the football games.

Other than that though, nothing special on Mondays around here. I also like to go on Mondays to avoid the crowds and help me prepare for the week ahead of me.

There is one club that does a $10 dance day on Mondays but the catch is that you must buy a set of at least 3, so really it is more like 3 for $30 so I have not fallen for it yet. CTQWERTY knows what club I am talking about (Centerfolds).

One club I know of is specifically closed on Mondays but open the rest of the days (Jen's Den in Akron)

avatar for CTQWERTY
13 yrs ago

Centerferds?!? That "3 for $30" 'deal' are like 1.5 minute songs each as I recall.

Surely The Lap Dance Gods are asleep, for when they awake Centerferds and The Paper Moon will cheat customers no more.

avatar for Rod84
13 yrs ago

I'm not necessarily a Monday guy, but DO like the afternoons compared to the evenings at most clubs. One of my favs in Atlanta is Follies and because the girls are so dang good in the afternoon, it's actually as crowded, if not moreso, during the afternoon than it is on a typical weeknight.

avatar for gsv
13 yrs ago

At Flashdancers in NYC they are still somewhat busy in the mid to late afternoons, even on a Monday from what I've seen. Lately it has depended on when my ATF is there, but I do prefer going toward the end of the week, like Thursday, Friday, or Saturday, as in general it seems they have much more dancers. Even so, I do like the afternoons, a lot more calm and a lot more attention from the girls. ;)

avatar for gk
13 yrs ago

I like Monday afternoons for most of the reasons Steve lists. My regular club, however, does have a nice age mix on Mondays, so there is no trade off in quality, although certain dancers that I like do take that day off. I find most dancers eager to have a good time on Mondays because business at the start of the week is never a sure thing.

And it's a great way to start the week. Why gripe about Mondays?...Schedule the time, go to a SC and be happy.

avatar for vincemichaels
13 yrs ago

I was at the Inner Room in Cocoa Beach for all the reasons steve229 lists. Mondays are a good day to relax in a club.

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