
Comments by WillMunny (page 4)

  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Cleveland, Ohio
    Rhino Gentlemen's club - City of Industry
    Congrats on the good time. Why not flesh this out wirh some basic info on the club (cover, dance prices, etc) and submit as a review?
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    5 years ago
    Visiting Detroit in two week, best club for extras
    Jack's list is solid, but I'd take issue with Criket being described as a dive. From a facilities standpoint it's comparable to BT's and slightly better than Subi's (all of which I'd call middle-tier, vs Flight Club as the local exemplar for "upscale"). Also note the Henry VIII of choice is the Inkster location (aka North); Henry's in Southgate is not worth considering, IMHO. I've never tried Windsor myself but consistent reports are that there's not enough difference in cost or quality to juatify the cross-border trip.
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    5 years ago
    Lots of new dancers in the directory - fake?
    [in my best Maurice LaMarche/Orson Welles voice]: Sarcasm is lost on you, Pinky.
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    5 years ago
    Alternative for Cheetah Atlanta on a Sunday
    If you're really eager to see the Cheetah, you should have time for at least a pop-in Monday night. Despite the persistent rumors, at last report the club has *not* been sold, although it is just a matter of time before someone offers the owners more money than they can refuse (for those not aware, Cheetah is a single-story building surrounded by an increasing amount of high-rise commercial and residential development). FYI travel from the Cheetah vicinity to the airport should only take 20 minutes or so, probably less if you're timing for a 6am departure. Monday night would obviously not be "prime time" for the dancer roster, but (unless there's been a fairly recent change) they do a nightly walkout of the entire staff that's impressive juat for the eye candy (all girls in gowns for the lineup, then they do a 2-for-1 table dance special). I believe the lineup happens at 10pm.
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    5 years ago
    Alternative for Cheetah Atlanta on a Sunday
    What Shadowcat said. Oasis would be the other option of clubs open Sunday. Somewhere between Pony and Follies on the scale, both for dancer quality and mileage (tending more toward the Pony end of the scale on both counts).
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    5 years ago
    Alright an older stripper comes up to you
    I can't see hooking up with a woman I just met and didn't find attractive, just because I later found out she *used to be* a hottie. The girls I found most attractive in high school are the ones that still look good when reunions have come around - maybe some extra weight, wrinkles, graying hair, but they've held up well (certainly much better than me!).
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    5 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How did your favorite club do during the Super Bowl week end?
    "She has also told me that she wanted me to piss in her mouth and make her pregnant." I hope you explained to this poor girl that's not how babies are made? I've wondered if the bowl falling at/near the first of the month, especially after the holidays, has any effect on club business. Haven't observed any significant pattern though.
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    6 years ago
    Are strip clubs a good place to practice talking to girls?
    I recall when the PUA reality show was on the air, one of the exercises/challenges they had the guys go through was having conversations with a room full of models walking around in lingerie. The point wasn't to successfully pick up one of these women (as with a strip club or "breastaurant" staff, they were there as a job). The goal was for they guys to not be so overwhelmed/nervous around strikingly beautiful women that they couldn't carry on a conversation. It was more a desensitizing than "practice," per se. @SkiBum: you seem to think this is nonsense, which for you might well be true. But there are an awful lot of introverts and otherwise socially awkward people in the world that didn't grow up with the ability to make conversation with any person they meet - especially a woman they find strikingly attractive. To be clear, I think using a Hooters or a strip club has very limited "training value" for someone trying to improve their ability to talk to women. But as long as they're wary of the limitations (i.e. never trust someone that works on tips or commission), it is a potential step in the learning process.
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    6 years ago
    Under 21 Strippers and Alcohol?
    I've done this for underage (18 or over) dancers a time or two. Shots generally work best for this since there's minimal time a nosy waitress or bouncer can spot the sleight of hand. I've also purchased alcohol for a dancer that was of legal age but on "club restriction" - she'd overindulged on one or more occasions so management had her wear the same dayglo wristband as the 18-20 year olds. For the record, I realize that was enabling but I only bought one round and it was clear that she was in need of some "social lubricant" to relax.
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    6 years ago
    Blue Planet
    Is Cricket a nude club?
    Definitely not Criket. I've seen a few girls get fully nude at Henry's North, but not the norm there either.
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    6 years ago
    CJKent (Banned)
    “The more a person needs to be right, the less certain he is...”
    Has anyone received tusl emails: “holly6m693 has sent you a private message.”?
    Got a similar PM from a different user. Appears to be spam, I would not click on the provided link. You can add the user to your ignore list and message Founder to report.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Evil Lair
    PL Etiquette
    Dancer in a PL's lap is clearly "spoken for" so it's poor customer etiquette for another guy to try to snake her away. Interjecting into the conversation without the express purpose of poaching the dancer is less of a clear-cut violation, but still bad form on the third party's part. There's a sliding scale here based on how engaged the PL and dancer are. Sitting on his (with apologies to Lopaw et al) lap is more "off limits" than if she's in another chair at his table, or on the adjacent barstool. Whether or not they're actively engaged in conversation and/or any physical contact also affects the math on whether or not approaching her is fair game. The dancer's obligations are worth reviewing also. If "customer B" tries to engage her in conversation, she shouldn't be obliged to be rude (since she may well need to make money from B later), but "customer A" should have "right of first refusal" - i.e. she gives him a chance to spend more before ditching him for B.
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    6 years ago
    New York
    Ever got your fave in trouble with SC management?
    @Jackslash - In general the issue is the club's concern about direct liability for potential prostitution on their premises (i.e. the deal being made, even if the activity occurs OTC). I can see how this might never come up in metro Detroit :-) In my personal experience it was more of an issue with a specific manager/bouncer hassling a dancer than any "official" rule. One night I was picking up a girl at the end of her shift when the floor manager chased her into the parking lot and accused her of leaving with a customer (at the time I was her semi-regular ride and hadn't set foot inside the club for months). The manager was just an asshole, and the real irony was the club already had a well-deserved reputation for ITC extras.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Halloween Stripper Costume Ideas
    Sexy damn Freddy Krueger.... https://pre00.deviantart.net/b3a0/th/pre/f/2015/104/f/4/freddy_vs_jason_bishoujo_by_tniwe-d8po74k.jpg
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Fat bastard that can afford to fuck hot strippers
    How did that get in there?
    So was it a snapper?
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    6 years ago
    A Tuscl encounter
    Can't be Rech since he spent some time with JS69 before going underground. Has anyone (else) ever met Emily?
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    6 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    It's all about the money.
    Agreed on the observation others have made that this guy represents "easy" money (albeit not large quantities). No need for VIP, and other than some groping only the "lucky" one of them will have to worry about the mess (which presumably might correspond to a few extra bucks). Also, this thread just goes to show that no matter how much of an established regular you are, there can *always* be someone older/richer/easier to part with his $$$ that will pull away some of the girls you were interested in.
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    6 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: Magnum P.I.
    "Nothing ever happened to the Ferrari in the original show" Actually that isn't correct. In addition to a number of episodes where it received minor damage (fender benders, bullet holes), there was an episode where the original Ferrari was blown up, killing Magnum's buddy "Mac." They replaced it (implying Robin Masters bought or already had another) by the next episode so if you didn't watch regularly it's easy to have missed. For the new show, destroying 2 Ferraris in the 1 hour pilot episode shows they're making much too heavy use of CGI.
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    6 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Houston robot brothel set to open.
    As often as I read complaints that a dancer's performane was "mechanical" or "robotic" I would've figured these had already been in beta testing for years. On a more serious note, I'm waiting for the point when the androids can pass the Turing test. It may mean the end of humanity as we know it, but if it means I get to cross the Evan Rachel Wood threshold, I don't think I'll mind too much. https://m.xhamster.com/videos/evan-rachel-wood-in-westworld-s01e05-7493931
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    6 years ago
    Cities with the hottest girls
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    6 years ago
    Sky from Centerfolds Worcester
    A lot of the guys on here know her. She used to dance as "Bella."
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    What to do with unpublished reviews that you disagree with?
    I think rejecting it with the comments written in the rejection would be the best/first choice, assuming you have a high confidence in the facts at issue. Not everyone scrolls down to get the review comments so trying to get the review rejected (or ideally corrected by the reviewer) is ideal. If you rejected it but it still gets published (lotta garbage reviews out there lately...), commenting on the published review seems to be the only option (assuming Founder never reinstates a "flag review" function).
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Off again on again PL
    Dancer dollar awareness?
    Early in my "serious" clubbing career I made the mistake a few times of tipping with a larger bill in hope of getting a dancer's attention. Between the usually poor lighting, the difficulty of seeing bills clearly from most angles, and plain old fashioned lack of attention, I suspect most dancers could not tell what denomination of bills they receive in tips. My standard stage tip is two singles, which I consider an icebreaker - if I like what I see up close, and especially if the dancer engages while I'm tipping (physically, conversationally, or both), then I'll repeat a time or two before her stage set is done. In the rare cases where I feel the need to tip more extravagantly, I'll usually make sure I make eye contact and flash the bill with the bold print number facing her for a second or two - long enough to be sure she realizes its value. Sixty percent of the time, it works every time.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Favorite Anime
    Mahoromatic: https://youtu.be/lFiqas_g740 Science Ninja Team Gatchaman (Better known in the U.S. as "Battle of the Planets") https://youtu.be/p9AqGc-V3Gw
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    OTC Advice in Detroit
    The same factors that make extracurriculars so readily available in Detroit also lower the usual bar for OTC (as it seems you've already discovered). As far as "strategy" is concerned, I'd suggest shopping the club(s) that best suit your preferences, and when you find a candidate you click with make your proposal. (If you're used to a slower pace of negotiations you may find you get an OTC offer before you can make one).