
Comments by WillMunny (page 3)

  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    Desertscrub a Rubber Stamp?
    I stand by my vote to reject this one. Other than name-dropping and an extremely generic description of his personal experience with a single dancer there's virtually no substantive content in the review.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    mr.wonderful to single moms and college age girls...
    edit feature please founder?
    @Founder apparently for a certain very vocal minority you may need to implement a new forum option: https://i.ibb.co/JyLVR66/Screenshot-2019-06-01-12-18-45-1.png
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    IR Cocoa Beach closing
    I hear so many rumors about clubs closing I've just stopped believing any of them. But I do try to live each club visit like it might be my last.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Extra Mile
    Having a hard time adding new club listings
    If it's an established club that simply changed names/ownership I'm not sure @Founder always sets this up as a new club - I've seen cases where the club listing was updated and older reviews were carried over.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    mr.wonderful to single moms and college age girls...
    edit feature please founder?
    I must be missing something. Why would someone feel obliged to "defend" themself against nonsense posted by someone they're otherwise willing and able to ignore? Grow the fuck up, and F.I.D.O. (Forget It - Drive On).
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Off again on again PL
    OFF TOPIC - What to do about conflict with a neighbor...
    Unless there's some restriction on the burning, your neighbor may not have done anything wrong, legally or ethically. He doesn't control the wind, and he didn't store these cars in a shed that somehow captures smoke from outside (yet mysteriously fails to exhaust same?). If the shed doesn't have adequate weatherproofing and ventilation for this not to be a problem, anything you're storing in there isn't going to hold up well with just routine changes in seasonal temperature & humidity.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Kentucky pastor, 26, arrested after ‘sending messages trying to set up a threeso
    Is this the Giovanni's Pizza Place ad of the day? But seriously, assuming this is true this guy's going to the special hell.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Extra Mile
    Is anyone else sick of assholes calling every positive review a club ad/shill/wh
    Am I the only one that misses the Indian Packers & Movers shill ad of the day?
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    New York
    Quirky Strip Club Regulars
    @NiceSpice - what exactly does an "active ass lap dance" entail? (Feel free to post photos to illustrate) @DrEvil - your sketchbook guy was probably either a struggling artist/art student who found a cheap source of "life models," or a wannabe artist working on a new system (Phase 2 is asking the girl back to your place to show her your etchings). I've seen quite a few oddballs while clubbing but the only one that really stood out in my mind was on a recent visit to Follies. An older gent, probably mid 60s, dressed in typical "dirty old man gear" (t-shirt & basketball shorts), was camped out at one of the high tops. Several dancers came by and spoke with him but I never saw him get a dance. Instead, every so often he would stand up at his table and dance all by himself. Not sure what his story is/was, but the dude was clearly having fun on his own terms. 💃
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Evil Lair
    Don’t Compliment Her Looks
    I tend to take this case-by-case. If I'm getting to know a dancer well enough to compliment her then it will be something sincere, even it is about her looks/body as opposed to something less superficial. Giving an insincere compliment would, I'm sure, sound just as goofy as it sounds to me when I get complimented by a dancer I've just met (handsome, nice eyes, big dick, etc). @NiceSpice - you have a fantastic rack 😘
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    What is a fair OTC price anyways?
    As several previous posters have noted, there are some flaws in the assumption that the price of a dance (or VIP time) can be directly compared to an hourly rate OTC. The concept is similar to the difference in any regular business between billing rate and salary. If for example a company charges $300/hour for my time, that doesn't mean my salary will be $600,000/year. In reality I would only make a fraction of that because the company is also covering overhead and other "hidden" costs (office rent, taxes, salary for non-billable employees, etc). In the club scenario let's say for discussion I'm paying $10/song (roughly $200/hour) for the dance plus a fully stocked bar, music by a live DJ, wait staff/bartender, bouncer, and a variety of dancers being there for me to choose from. If you consider a VIP at, let's say hypothetically $250/30 minutes - so $500/hour for one-on-one private time with the dancer of choice, all those external amenities are still part of the experience, so it's not the same as OTC for $500/hour unless if the dancer is providing her own music, drinks, and bringing a couple of hot friends for "warm up" time. As previously noted, there's also the reality that in practice a dancer isn't making her highest possible income 100% of a shift. The best hustlers can struggle to sell dances when the club is slow, much less VIPs. And even in a packed club with a bunch of free spenders, it takes time to approach a new customer, make conversation/share drinks, and close a sale. As for screening, in effect this is a mutual process between dancers and customers by meeting ITC. Thus many dancers only offer OTC after one or more ITC meetings - and countless more use that line as a hustle to keep a PL coming back and spending, with no intention of OTC ever actually happening. To get back to the root of the OP's question, ultimately you have to balance what you think is a fair price for your level of quality and services with what the market demand will support. I once knew a dancer that had decided her price was $1000/hour, and stood firm on that number in part because of similar, flawed arithmetic relative to the price of a VIP at her club. There were times she would finish a "good" shift with a net profit well under $500, but somehow she felt entitled to much more OTC. If she had just been willing to accept something more reasonable (but still above "market rate") she could have made much more money, but as it was she was left struggling between rare occasions when someone was rich (or foolish) enough to meet her asking price.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    RE: Unpublished reviews
    @Clubber, I pretty much agree with Gamma's essentials but I would use the term "level of contact" in place of "mileage" or "extras." It's not subjective to state whether I was allowed to touch a dancer anywhere vs. having to sit on my hands. I don't see how quantity can be subjective, considering every review requires selecting from a set range of options. (Just saying "there were a lot of girls" is vague but I assume that's why @Founder put the set ranges in). Quality, both of the dancers and the club/overall experience, is inherently subjective to some extent but the whole point of writing a meaningful review is to give enough information that someone else reading the review has a clear impression of what to expect. The bottom line to me is people need to write better, more substantive reviews for them to serve their intended purpose. Saying "Club looks same as always, beers were cheap, got a deal on dances with my hot favorite" just shouldn't cut it.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    The Square Above Charlie Weaver
    Could it be?
    You said you'd pass on her now if you saw her in the club, but what about as a civvie? Seems to me that she was setting you up for an opportunity OTO (Outside the Office).
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    When to bail on a hookup?
    So @Wallanon, I assume next time this sort of 'opportunity' comes up you'll just go out there, drink your drink, say "Goodnight, I've had a very lovely evening", go home, and jerk off? If not, you may have to change your screen name to Gawker-In-training.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    First time in Atlanta & Pink Pony
    Spoiler Alert: you had about the best time you can possibly get at this club with your first dancer. It probably helped a lot that dances are actually only $10/song so even giving you pricing for a block of time she was robbing you blind. She was at least honest about the lack of anything better being available in VIP. This is one of a very small number of clubs in metro Atlanta that are open on Sunday, so it's not that surprising there was a decent crowd for night shift (for a Sunday, which will always be slow for obvious reasons). While this club has a reputation for some of the best quality dancers, they've also had ongoing legal and financial issues. The operating business actually declared bankruptcy recently, and the local jurisdiction (Brookhaven, not City of Atlanta) is trying to force them out of business completely. With that background, it's become a virtual zero-contact club (especially VIP). Your experience with Dancer #2 is much more the norm. Based on your reviews and the things you reported as positives, next time you're in Atlanta and looking for evening entertainment I'd suggest trying Tattletale again (on a weeknight) or possibly Oasis. A repeat visit to PP is likely to leave you disappointed.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    respect for others goes a long way
    A few website changes 🌝
    Thanks for correcting the review sorting. I think the consensus was that having VIP and "regular" discussions on a single board was easier to navigate, and having the toggle to show VIP topics only served the same purpose for those not wanting to mix with the rabble. I really like the tags for ignored comments, makes it easier to follow the conversation (and confirm my ignores are justified). Seeing the number of up/down votes & names on a review will be interesting- especially any downvote comments. Hopefully this will encourage improvement in content. Only thing we're still missing is that edit button....
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    Memorial Day
    As long as it's just a visit, don't want to hear about any of you taking up residence! Seriously, I'll be taking time to remember all those who served and died to preserve the freedoms we enjoy.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Scanning the room from the back
    Detroit Pricing in Reviews
    As AnonJim noted, this becomes a much more complicated question if additional services are part of the mix. Unlike most markets where VIP sessions are based on a set block of time, in Detroit (metro suburbs) dances almost universally happen in the same private area as what would otherwise be called a VIP area in most markets. Thus dances are priced by the song (generally a fixed price, possibly with a fixed fee to the house) but a savvy customer can request pricing by level of service (no song count), making the numbers more variable. Obviously getting explicit on what "services" may be involved is potentially sensitive on several levels. By comparison, in a COI club you'll pay a fixed fee for a set amount of time in a private VIP room. But although the dancer makes a cut of that fee, in most cases they also expect a tip - sometimes even equal or greater than the base price - for extracurricular activities. My approach on reporting on these places is to always state the fixed costs clearly, and usually to give some kind of "order of magnitude" range without specifying exact level of service. This way a reader knows the ballpark "all in" cost but isn't expecting to walk into VIP with exact change counted out in advance for whatever he wants to do. The most important part of the "range" pricing is establishing a top end so newcomers and less frequent guests don't get gouged. As an example, I know from multiple visits that in Metro Detroit if you're identified as a non-regular you will almost invariably be quoted double the "normal" rate if you let a dancer put the first number in play.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Are dancers running out of stage names to use?
    @Shadowcat - If that's the same dancer I've met, she doesn't even look vaguely Asian. Not that I'm complaining.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Are dancers running out of stage names to use?
    I guess you wouldn't like my ATF Formica.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Scanning the room from the back
    Detroit Pricing in Reviews
    For the reasons outlined by the OP, as a standard policy I don't disclose full details or pricing. If I'm asked via review comment or PM for more information, whether and how I respond has a lot to do with the person asking - if they're a known contributor by reviews and/or the forum, I'm inclined to share more details because I have a reasonable degree of confidence the info will remain confidential and not be misused.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Beginning to feel like a real pig
    And this, gentlemen, is how you do a "humble brag" right.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    respect for others goes a long way
    Dancers Directory Updrade
    Not much to add from what's already been suggested. I understand there is already some form of (private) photo verification for dancers, so I could see making public photos mandatory as a problem from the dancer's perspective. In general, as with the PL side, it seems like anonymity would encourage candor in discussions. Having an option for dancers to list clubs they work at would be helpful but as frequently as this changes I'm not sure how useful it would be in practice. It would be convenient if there's a way to link directly from a dancer's list to the TUSCL club page (among other things this would reduce confusion where club names change or there are multiple clubs with the same/similar names in the same area.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Alternative for Cheetah Atlanta on a Sunday
    @Anislee my info on the lineup may well be out of date. Hopefully not, but of so I suspect Redmonwin will still have a good time. Keep in mind if you have Saturday night open, Tattletale would be another option and close enough for a cheap Uber from the Cheetah.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    What do you say to a stripper after she gets her college degree?
    And yet another Women's Studies major enters the workforce....