
Dancer dollar awareness?

Off again on again PL
It seems like it is a bad idea to tip a dancers on stage with a larger denomination bill as they aren't always aware who gave them a bigger tip.

I read a post on the pink forum where a few strippers said they never count their money until the end of the shift. Which has made me make sure to say out loud how much I am giving a dancer if I am tipping a fair bit after an LDK.

How aware are dancers of stage tip denominations or extra tips for dances?


  • aham5
    6 years ago
    They are aware. Strippers have a 5th sense that can detect any bill larger than $5.
  • WillMunny
    6 years ago
    Early in my "serious" clubbing career I made the mistake a few times of tipping with a larger bill in hope of getting a dancer's attention. Between the usually poor lighting, the difficulty of seeing bills clearly from most angles, and plain old fashioned lack of attention, I suspect most dancers could not tell what denomination of bills they receive in tips.

    My standard stage tip is two singles, which I consider an icebreaker - if I like what I see up close, and especially if the dancer engages while I'm tipping (physically, conversationally, or both), then I'll repeat a time or two before her stage set is done.

    In the rare cases where I feel the need to tip more extravagantly, I'll usually make sure I make eye contact and flash the bill with the bold print number facing her for a second or two - long enough to be sure she realizes its value.

    Sixty percent of the time, it works every time.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    Yeah, it's often a crapshoot whether she'll notice you're giving her a $1 or a $5+ - probably preferable to give her multiple singles as she likely will notice that more easily.

    Even if she notices the bigger tip still no guarantee it will have a better outcome for us, and if one wants to split-hairs it can be argued that one should tip w/o necessarily wanting/expecting credit for the bigger tip but all PL-things being equal it's better if they notice you're tipping extra.
  • SanchoRG
    6 years ago
    If I have time even just $1 will put me in line for dances. If I want to cut in line $20 will work wonders. Anything in between is a waste IMO
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    Hm, wait for her to walk up to you and make eye contact. When she’s directly face to face, then pull out the money.

    Unless she’s ridiculously intoxicated, she should be able to notice.
  • Icey
    6 years ago
    They're pretty aware and they remember who tips
  • JuiceBox69
    6 years ago
    My girls that tip are always aware of what big daddy gives
  • ppwh
    6 years ago
    > Yeah, it's often a crapshoot whether she'll notice you're giving her a $1 or a $5+ - probably preferable to give her multiple singles as she likely will notice that more easily.

    Could go either way. I like the counter-JS69 approach of tipping her a 5 from the reverse and telling her I'm cheap, but I'm not that cheap. She pulled it around and checked to make sure. Then a few ones when her face brightened.
  • Been_There_Already
    6 years ago
    It really depends on the club and how crowded it is. I've had a lot of success getting the attention of the girl I wanted by tipping with a larger bill. Of course, even if she notices, there's no guarantee that she's not going to get off stage and go sit with a regular. At the same time, I've had girls come sit with me after I tipped them well and as they're counting their money say something like "Shit, someone gave me a ten". I also had one girl hand it back and ask if I meant to do that.

    But if it's dark and crowded, I throw singles instead of handing out larger bills.
  • ppwh
    6 years ago
    > I also had one girl hand it back and ask if I meant to do that.

    It's awesome with that happens.

    It's also cool when you give her a 20 and she comes over and mentions that you gave her a very large bill after her set.
  • PaulDrake
    6 years ago
    @nicespice - I am actually way more interested in the tipping for dances part. How aware are most dancers of what they get from a set of dances?

    Let's take the case of you and I as customer/dancer. You aren't going to give me any priority for a $40 2 song LDK w/conversation first. But if I am willing to pay $80-100 then it changes the equation and moves me up your priority list (still not at the top).

    I think there have been a few times where I have tipped a dancer a bunch extra and they totally didn't notice.

    @papi - When I tip I am paying for attention, service, and priority. For me I rarely tip for just straight appreciation in the way I would tip some other service job.
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    In your case, since you are a regular potential, I think you can just ask directly.

    “So I’m pretty flexible on my time lately. When do you normally hang out? How about $x for y time”.

    I think Subra talked about $200 or so for 4 hours of time in SF or something like that. Which is crazy to me, but it has to work somewhere.

    And as for noticing...hmm tough call if it’s not like treatment goes up depending on that. I would say even more money maybe :p But I figure that’s useless and I’ll bow out.
  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    i used to think a one dollar bill was a needless bill. then i got hooked on stripers and learned quickly that one dollar bills (usually five at least) looks much impressive than a single five or larger bill. and definitely $20 ones looks far more dramatic than a single $20 bill.
  • blahblahblah23
    6 years ago
    With stage I think you need to give her the larger bill while she is looking at you/near you. I prefer $20s on stage over a bunch of ones but getting rained on is fun too. With lapdances I'm always aware when I'm being paid more than the standard. Not sure I understood that part of the question, but I did kinda skim-read.
  • ppwh
    6 years ago
    > She kind of like had her mouth hanging open, but not in like a sexy I'm trying to seduce you way, almost more like she was amused by him.

    That's the REALLY? REALLY? ARE YOU GOING TO GET YOUR ASS KICKED OR ARRESTED? look because she had to keep it mellow for the other customers.
  • two_bits
    6 years ago
    “So I’m pretty flexible on my time lately." - Haha, yeah, = unemployed.

    "I think Subra talked about $200 or so for 4 hours of time in SF or something like that. Which is crazy to me, but it has to work somewhere."

    $200? Who does this Subra think he is - Family_Man? But seriously, $200 for 4 hours - that is crazy, you gotta be talking a 5, 6 tops. No way you're snagging a 7.5 "with a great personality" with that low rent prop.

    And these guys wonder why they're not locking down model quality hotties like me. SMH
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    6 years ago
    If I'm tipping at the stage using larger denominations, then I give it to her directly (slipping it into some part of her outfit or whatever) so that she knows what she's getting. I only do this when I'm also going to ask her to join me after her set. Works for me.
  • ppwh
    6 years ago
    > I am actually way more interested in the tipping for dances part. How aware are most dancers of what they get from a set of dances?

    This was settled between the two 69s. If you had a significant life event, the bitches can smell it. You can pay them in various ways. One is not being a pain in the ass, for example.

    If you have the "I'm going to be a pain in the ass" look, you'll have to tip around $2000 if it has been a slow month.
  • Salty.Nutz
    6 years ago
    My MO is no more tipping at the stage unless my intentions are to sit and tip at the stage. i no longer tip to grab the strippers attention, and i will stare without shame. i have been ignored giving 1 or 10 dollars tip at the stage, she goes and sits with her regular. i also stop tipping 40 for LDKs because i dont get any preferential tipping for being generous. i also think that tipping sets you up to be an easier mark where strippers can act lazy when they are with you.
    i tip the bartender and bouncers well instead. Cocktail waitress have a high turnover.
  • Dominic77
    6 years ago
    I don't think it's so much (IMO and IME) that they don't see the denomination (since I think or know they do) it's just that it gets the message across as a $2 or $3 tip does when a $2 tip in the norm. Interest. So end result is the same.
  • Countryman5434
    6 years ago
    I save my ones for honk kong chicas only!
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