Rhino Gentlemen's club - City of Industry
Cleveland, Ohio
I never thought I'd have a chance, but it ends up I had to be in Rancho Cucamonga today so i flew into LAX last night...Stopped in at the Rhino in COI. Most of the girls were around 5-7's in my book...one girl 8-9....Fit latina, smoking hot....I was about to leave and hit my hotel, the doubletree in Whittier, and save my money.......But then I see her....We were in the VIP in 5 minutes and i was one satisfied customer 30 minutes later...I've never done a VIP in my life, and I didn't haggle her on the price...it was just pure efficiency and fun....She tells me she's from another state and she flies there and works a week and then goes back home...So must be good pay there.
Glad you had a great time. Like the previous poster said, you should write a review.