There is an older regular at my favorite club that literally has the girls line up for dances as soon as he walks in the door. I see him damn near every time I go to the club. He has to be in his 80's. He walks very slow. Never orders a drink and it's always early in the day.
I have seen girls see him come in, run up to him and escort him to an open high top table. Within a couple of minutes he has 3 or 4 girls lined up waiting for their turn to get 2 dances and make their $20. I really hate it when he sits close to me. Blocks my view.
He is not fussy about their looks and they all spend 2 songs jerking him until one of them succeeds in getting him off. He gets very handsy with all of them. Too handsy some of them girls have told me but they keep going back.
He is there less than an hour and spends no more than $100. I guess many of us hope to be in his shoes when we get that old.
On a serious note is it just a badge of honor for the dancers to go give a nod of respect to this old guy? Just something simple as that?
It’s like when my buddies meet once a year back in my college town, and go to the one college bar that’s still there, nothing has changed. The owner is still standing in the corner at the end of the bar, same place he’s been since we were there, and before we were there, which has been over 20 years. He’s a grouchy no personality guy, but we all go over and say hello, buy him his favorite beer or do a shit with him and speak for about 15 minutes, then go about our night. It’s out of respect that we do it, that he put up with us when we were 20, and now we repay him by tipping his bartenders way too much and buying the bar a round of drinks since we can afford stuff like that now.
At one of my clubs that functions like a neighborhood bar, there are guys that have been going there 4 nights a week since forever (5 y, 10 y, 20 y?). The dancers, even an old fave, would talk to the guy from time to time for 30 s or 2 m. He'd tip each dancer like $4 once or $2 twice. They'd be there by themselves maybe 4 of them like that, talking to everyone. He's not a lot of money. but if she works 4 days a week, every week, each of those guys are like $64/mo, which would pay her phone bill or something.
I get the sign of respect thing, especially if the guy is a fixture at the place. Plus the money adds up over time.
I guess it's a quick easy 20-bucks they can use towards their house-fee/tipout - I would assume dancers like making quick sure $$$ where they can just go up to the custy, do their dance, get their $$$, and go hustle the rest of the clientele - and perhaps some of the girls that go up to him may not be the top-girls that may have a harder time selling dances and take advantage of every opportunity
I don't think its the money when its that little. Strippers don't think like that, they don't get that small amounts of money add up. Many don't even get that large amounts add up!
Agreed on the observation others have made that this guy represents "easy" money (albeit not large quantities). No need for VIP, and other than some groping only the "lucky" one of them will have to worry about the mess (which presumably might correspond to a few extra bucks).
Also, this thread just goes to show that no matter how much of an established regular you are, there can *always* be someone older/richer/easier to part with his $$$ that will pull away some of the girls you were interested in.
I have seen the guy a couple of times. The girls crowd around to hide the dick out HJ orgy. When he cums a little cheer goes up and they high five. Except for the girl with jizz in her hand. Saw one girl offer a taste to the others. No takers.
That guy is my hero. I hope I'm still going that strong into my 80s. Also, when you're that old, no reason to be fussy about a stripper's looks. Take anything you can get.
I saw him again today while I was getting dances from a favorite. She asked if she could stop for a minute to help him find a seat. Seems he also has eye trouble. That may account for his choice of dancers too. :) I gave her the minute.
last commentIt’s like when my buddies meet once a year back in my college town, and go to the one college bar that’s still there, nothing has changed. The owner is still standing in the corner at the end of the bar, same place he’s been since we were there, and before we were there, which has been over 20 years. He’s a grouchy no personality guy, but we all go over and say hello, buy him his favorite beer or do a shit with him and speak for about 15 minutes, then go about our night. It’s out of respect that we do it, that he put up with us when we were 20, and now we repay him by tipping his bartenders way too much and buying the bar a round of drinks since we can afford stuff like that now.
I get the sign of respect thing, especially if the guy is a fixture at the place. Plus the money adds up over time.
Hope it is covered by Medicare.
I was thinking you shared a stall with the bar owner! Grunting a few out together - lol!
It’s like a game of hot potato - where the losing dancer is left with a handful of jizz.
Also, this thread just goes to show that no matter how much of an established regular you are, there can *always* be someone older/richer/easier to part with his $$$ that will pull away some of the girls you were interested in.
"When he cums a little cheer goes up and they high five."
^That's so cool. Go, old dude!
Also, when you're that old, no reason to be fussy about a stripper's looks. Take anything you can get.