
Comments by IHearVoices (page 12)

  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    He/Him - He’s a filthy pig. That’s him in VIP with another whore.
    Opening the door to enter the club
    I have this when I go to new clubs and/or clubs I don't get to often. The Follies buildup is particularly exciting, especially when I see that sign.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    question of the day....
    I don't think it'll ever be seen as normal because there's too much opportunity to make a name and/or a profit off denigrating the SC (and really, sex work in general) world. There's always going to be a market for capitalizing off prudes and the like.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    November Election
    I do GR work in PA, so I've been paying fairly close attention to the state races...I would say to pay attention to whether they talk about immigration and/or trafficking. Those are probably the closest issues to SCs that they can handle since politicians often mask their hate for SCs with them, particularly trafficking. Just in general, though, look at their platforms and see if they talk about anything remotely close to SCing. The one easy "pro tip" I can offer - if a candidate is endorsed by Emerge, run the other way. Fast. Sounds like you live in a Philly suburb, which is where the most important elections will take place (whether in MontCo, DelCo, or up in Bucks). Seems that in PA, though, local elections are in odd numbered years. You may have to wait until then to have a real effect on SC policy, but I could see the state outcomes influencing those a bit.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Westchester, NY
    Is DC and Baltimore area dead?
    I go to EI when I'm in the area - matter of fact, I'll be there Sunday in all likelihood. I'd go Saturday too, but the place I'm staying at is 45 minutes away and it probably won't make sense to go after UFC 229. Wouldn't even think about any other place in DC, although I've tried Mustangs once and it was alright. EI has more contact, though, and the dances cost less. Baltimore, there's a guy who does private parties. Went to a couple last summer: even though I haven't gone lately, his info stays updated so I know he's still in business.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Cities with the most uglies
    If we're talking "most", then some big city...but there are usually lots of fine ones to cancel them out. If we're talking 'per capita', then I'll say the Harrisburg area of central PA (about an hour away from Cashman's response of Reading). It's one of the reasons Halloween can't come fast enough. @25: college towns tend to have attractive women in Wally World late at night, especially after the clubs close.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How many clubs that you have reviewed are now closed?
    Three are closed: Other than those; one is probably on the verge of closing, one is constantly opening and closing (it's open now) and two have changed names.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Still don't know what I'm doing here . . .
    What's your reason for doing this?
    C...I was always a fan of regular clubs and particularly the dancing that one could do. Lots of grinding, close contact, all the good stuff that we often associate with SCs. A few years ago, people stopped dancing in regular clubs - they just wanted to look at each other and stunt for social media. SCs provided a return to the old days, of sorts - as long as one had enough money, obviously. It's served me pretty well, especially since I'm now old enough that I get strange looks when people check my ID on regular club visits anyway.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Asking for a girl to come out of the locker room
    I did this once...well, somewhat. A girl asked me if I was waiting for anyone and I said that I wanted to see the girl who went in the DR. The girl I asked said that the girl I wanted wasn't feeling well, but that she said she'd be out. Putting the P in PL, I waited almost two hours. Right when I was going to leave, she came out. She explained what was going on and it made a lot more sense. Long story short, she was pregnant. Her dance was cool and we talked a bit afterwards. That was her last night at the club...until Thursday. She came back after having the baby and she remembered me. Generally speaking, though; I assume that if a dancer makes herself unavailable to me then she makes herself unavailable to my money.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    How many "Free" songs do you give for lame dances?
    I used to give one song, but now I don't give any. I think someone above said two minutes, and that's about where I am now. I'll let the song finish because I paid for a whole song, but my mind is made up by that point: if she does that 'get good at the end' nonsense, it totally turns me off. This stuff can be found out before reaching an LD area, though. I think it was shadowcat who said once that a girl's sales pitch is indicative of her dancing style: one of the best tips I've learned on here.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    New York
    Longest time you spent in a club
    Longest I can remember is 8:45 during my first visit to Follies. My Follies visits are usually at least 7 hours because I get there at noon, never want to leave before rush hour, and then...rush hour in Atlanta? No thanks. Tootsies visits can get in that 7-8 hour range on UFC nights, but those don't really count since I watch fights in the separate bar area. To answer Diggler's question, I went to Tootsies on my birthday this year and spent $100. I was there for at least 4.5 hours.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    954 (South Florida)
    The Cabin (Duncannon, PA) Is Closing
    It's not super popular by any stretch, but it's a commodity around here (only 43 more days until I don't have to describe central PA as 'here' anymore). I think the last person who reviewed the place said they didn't know how 3 clubs could survive within a half mile of each other along the same street - and that's not counting the swingers' club or the Asian massage parlor in between - in a town as small as Duncannon. He was on to something, apparently.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Using a card reader on a phone??
    I'm all for dancers getting their money, but like several posters said this is a cash-only thing for me.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Club coupons ?
    Closest I ever came to using a coupon was a during a trip to 2001 Odyssey in 2015. I was in town for the women's CBB Final Four and the club has a thing where you get in free if you show them a ticket from a sporting event. I went in with my ticket and then asked if I could put it back in the car since it was a special edition and I didn't want to risk anything happening to it in the club. Door girl said they needed to keep the ticket for bookkeeping purposes or something. I told her there was no way of that happening and turned to walk out. She got a manager, who offered me a $10 cover in exchange for keeping my ticket (normal cover is $20). I took the deal. Had a pretty good time, still have the ticket. That said, I doubt I would do such a thing again. If I'm not planning to spend enough on dances to make the cover seem like a footnote, then I probably don't need to go to that club.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    New Jersey
    Strip Club ROI
    If I'm here in central PA, I take $200-250 and spend no more than $150 (there's just never enough reason). If I travel, I tend to spend more because the ROI is usually better: the dancers are more attractive and they do more. As far as ROI, I go to be entertained - all that 'fantasy' talk is pure manure - and I usually am. A constant grinding night is usually all it takes for me to enjoy myself.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Front room DFK leads to your wife leaving you.
    Economics and Strippers (Lap Dance Prices)
    Although my SCing started at a now-defunct bikini bar in Tallahassee, most of my experience comes from South Florida. Dances are $25 there in most places, so that's what I'm used to. I balked at the idea of going to a club mentioned earlier because of its $30 dances, but then considered all that went into the dances and figured they were worth the 'extra' $5. I can't ever see myself spending more than that on a dance. Places here in central PA differ greatly in pricing. Some charge $10, some charge $20. Some do 45 minute dances - they call them VIPs, but they're not - for $80. I was interested in checking out Platinum Plus until I saw they charge $30 topless and $40 nude. Other than the place referenced at the beginning of this paragraph, I can't see myself getting dances anywhere under a structure that is or averages out to more than $25 a song - which takes me out of ever going to NO unless Passions survives all this nonsense. Even at $5 a dance, I'm not saying yes to anyone I'm not interested in or who I think is just alright. If I'm curious about someone, maybe because I see her giving a lot of dances, I'll try her out...but I'd do that at $25. The cutoff is quicker, though. I got an underwhelming dance at the $30 spot and cut her off at 1. Then again, I've done that at $10 too. The money doesn't really matter once I'm inside: it's about entertainment and time. All the cost considerations come beforehand.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Rhode Island
    What's Your PL Pet Peeve about Strippers?
    All-time, it's definitely being ignored...so many women have straight ignored their way out of dances. Lately, it's this one dancer who knows my name and has started shouting it out when she's on stage. I can't remember whether I asked her not to do that. I do know I haven't been back since, so I have no idea whether she'll stop. Re: the dancer smoking the cigarette with her other lips...saw that at a regular dance club (for you South Florida SCers, it's the club that originally was where Scarlett's now is).
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    He's right - she's right - or there's blame on both sides ?
    She's 100% right. She said nude songs were $30. He said he wanted nude songs, which told her he was cool with $30 a song. They were back there for anywhere between 12-15 songs, according to the time frame given. As many ROBs as there are in clubs, this girl isn't one of them.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    College Football is Back !
    I read somewhere that Meyer can be around the team for two of the three weeks, but just can't coach the games. Even if Ohio State loses to TCU, they can run the table and win their conference to get into the playoff. Shoot, they don't even have to win their conference to get into the playoff.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Fave College Football Team ?
    Miami fan since '86. There are other teams I'll root for (especially if they play UF or FSU, but I'm only an actual fan of Miami.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    College Football is Back !
    I'll go with Alabama, Clemson, Ohio State, and...Georgia. Mark Richt is no longer at UGA, so they won't underachieve. If they run the table and then lose to Bama in the SEC title game, I think they'll get back in over a Washington or Oklahoma.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Put your clothes back on Lady Gagag.
    I didn't realize she was that skinny. I'll have to agree.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    How many would skip NFL in favor of clubbing.
    NFL, probably not - just because most games are on Sundays. Now if I'm at Follies, that's a different story...although Follies had RedZone last time I was there on a Sunday, so it was the best of both worlds. I don't think I'd skip a sport to club because there are usually options afterwards. The best clubs I know of have TVs, though, so I don't have to make a sacrifice. I'll be in DC Sunday and the prospect of $5 dances at EI is awesome, but I seriously doubt I'll go since Miami plays LSU Sunday night.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    3 NOLA clubs raided.
    There's no reason to SC in NO when Passions closes...unless you like paying a lot of money. I'm not sure I'd even go there in general anymore.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Anyone ever go to the club on your 30 or 60 min lunch break ?
    Once, just to say I did it. Got two decent dances. The club is 20 minutes from the office so it's not really feasible. There was a traffic slowdown on the way back which made me late, I smelled like her perfume, and one of her hairs was on my shirt. Thankfully, I was at my desk for the rest of the afternoon.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    From the birthplace of money and women
    numbers game . . .
    10, 0, and 0.