
What's your reason for doing this?

Still don't know what I'm doing here . . .
Sunday, September 23, 2018 9:27 AM
A) You just love naked women? B) It's a social interaction thing? C) Looking for a relationship or emotional gratification or any of the hundreds of other things that you truly won't find at a strip club. D) Your CF is the best, so you want to hang out until she moves on, and then you anticipate that you really won't care much for strip clubs anymore at that point.


  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    A. 98% of my interest. B. the other 2%
  • Smalltowncpl
    6 years ago
    Both A and B but mostly B
  • Smalltowncpl
    6 years ago
    I ment mostly A
  • s275ironman
    6 years ago
    Combination of A and B
  • 3LeggedMan
    6 years ago
    A and B in an 80/20 ratio.
  • Jigman
    6 years ago
    D for me
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    Mostly B then A. If it was just naked women with no interaction I'd watch free porn.
  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    i’m gonna change my response. i love interacting with naked beautiful women. so..... A. 50%. B. 50%
  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    thank you flag for your input. i'm kinda slow sometimes.
  • IceyLoco
    6 years ago
    none of the above, for money making opportunities and fucking bitches everyone wants but can't have coz it really strokes my ego. Sometimes I just go to ratchet strip clubs to drink. Cheep alcohol is always nice when it comes with titties, although some of those places can be depressing.
  • Muddy
    6 years ago
    A,B and if I’m not lying to myself C too.
  • Clubber
    6 years ago
  • Mnaz
    6 years ago
    C pretty much. After a few failed relationships and bad girlfriends in the real world, just having a couple steady girls at SC is a pleasure at least for a while.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    A) I love women (plural - one-woman has never been satisfying enough for me w/o getting bored sooner or later) - SCs give me instant access/gratification to multiple desirable women at the same time w/o any commitment/overhead
  • ei8ht_Ball
    6 years ago
    Mnaz - I like your response. You were able to pick C without being a schmuck about it. I started out with C because when I first started this I was young enough to legitimately date those girls, and even though I now understand why that was ignorant on my part, I truly feel that they'd have been better off with me instead of their deadbeat boyfriends. After that it progressed to A and B, but lately I feel like I'm stick in D. I usually take a break from this shit every now and again, but I've found this CF who is so fucking amazing that I really don't want to. She might move on or who knows what, so I really want stick around while I can. I think she gets that this can't be a long-term path for her, and I know I'll miss her when she's gone, but when that does happen I feel like i'm going to need a serious (if not permanent) break from clubbing. When she's not there I feel like I'm settling for second (or third, or fourth . . .or tenth) best anyways.
  • JeffTUSCL
    6 years ago
    E) Scientific research
  • IHearVoices
    6 years ago
    C...I was always a fan of regular clubs and particularly the dancing that one could do. Lots of grinding, close contact, all the good stuff that we often associate with SCs. A few years ago, people stopped dancing in regular clubs - they just wanted to look at each other and stunt for social media. SCs provided a return to the old days, of sorts - as long as one had enough money, obviously. It's served me pretty well, especially since I'm now old enough that I get strange looks when people check my ID on regular club visits anyway.
  • georgmicrodong
    6 years ago
    A1, sex with the naked women.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    E) I go for the intellectual exercise/conversations
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    F) I was hoping to steal a lasagna recipe.
  • Countryman5434
    6 years ago
    Love women
  • Vantablack
    6 years ago
    C and D! Those two answers fit my situation all too well
  • Warrior15
    6 years ago
    F) I want to have sex with young, beautiful girls.
  • Liwet
    6 years ago
    Mostly B but I do it for the memories too. I like to trace the body parts of the girls into my mind so I can draw an amalgamation of all the best into my imagination when I'm lonely.
  • mjx01
    6 years ago
    A... but a CF with known ROI makes things better IMO
  • DandyDan
    6 years ago
    In the beginning, it was pretty much only A, but over time, it evolved to where it's split between A and B.
  • Dominic77
    6 years ago
    A). I love women. Strip Clubbing mostly just saves me from burn out from the job/school. It gets the juices flowing.
  • houjack
    6 years ago
    Started at A, moved to C/D when I went full RIL. Now that she's ghosted my ass for good, I'm back to A.
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