How many would skip NFL in favor of clubbing.
Solo PL
I know I would. I have watched less and less televised sports as the number and length of commercials has increased coupled with the moronic sideline interviews. I also came to realize that football has more standing around than baseball. Hockey is truly the only action sport.
Football has about the same amount of action as women's Curling but without the hot girls
Football has about the same amount of action as women's Curling but without the hot girls
I like to joke around with motherfuckers and call BBBJ if the Eagles win and BBFS if it's the Vikings
no homo
Speak for yourself! Here at TUSCL we are inclusive of bitches and dudes.
I recall the Patriots/Falcons Superbowl of a couple of years ago - I went to the SC earlier in the afternoon planning to leave in time to get home to watch the game, but the club was jumping and I couldn't tear my PL-self away from the T&A.
I agree with Vantablack!
I don't think I'd skip a sport to club because there are usually options afterwards. The best clubs I know of have TVs, though, so I don't have to make a sacrifice. I'll be in DC Sunday and the prospect of $5 dances at EI is awesome, but I seriously doubt I'll go since Miami plays LSU Sunday night.
And when are you gonna stop whining about the NFL tired whiner???
Now that's what I'm saying.
no homo
You watch the IMSA Endurance Championship? I really hope Chevrolet takes the win again this year! It'll be their 3rd consecutive manufacturer championship title if they do!
I confess that I hate the Vikings with an irrational passion. I was born in Detroit, so it's genetic, along with my hatred for the Packers and Bears... ;-)
(Not football I know but....)
Love that new head coach who thinks his players benefit more from practice than preseason game reps. Might wanna start searching for the next HC before the end-of-year rush.