Using a card reader on a phone??

avatar for PinkSugarDoll
What do you guys think about a stripper swiping your card on a phone card reader? I use one in my day job, I know some clubs forbid them because they’re common and in other clubs no one has seen one. You have to sign the screen to approve the charge. Would you find this useful??


last comment
avatar for Dominic77
6 years ago
Useful, yes. I've seen 2 girls using them (Square?) in a home club maybe 2-3 years ago. They were directly accepting LD tips on them. I wouldn't mind using them but I don't use credit cards in clubs. But if I did, I wouldn't mind. At least then I would know 100% of the money (minus Square's fee) is going to the girl and not the club/bar/bartender/hostess.

I know the clubs don't like them because the clubs lose out on fees or funny money conversions. So the dancers had to be discreet.
avatar for flagooner
6 years ago
Friends of mine at work use an app that directly transfers funds from bank acct to bank acct. I first saw it when they used it to split the bill for lunch that was ordered in.
avatar for PinkSugarDoll
6 years ago
Yeah I wouldn’t use a cash transfer app because the other person can see your name etc and I’m not interested in giving that info to a lot of folks I meet in the club, ya know??

Dominic, yes, square is exactly what I’m talking about and yes, avoiding club fees is also what I’m talking about.
avatar for flagooner
6 years ago
I understand that. I didn't know what info was shared. I figured you could use aliases, but would have to divulge the routing and account numbers.
avatar for PinkSugarDoll
6 years ago
Yeah just sometimes you meet not nice guys ya know...
avatar for flagooner
6 years ago
They must be the one's that don't post here.

avatar for steeldog65
6 years ago
I probably wouldn't do it but that's because I prefer a cash basis. I am more than willing to cut the club out of any fees as I think they literally screw the dancers in every way possible
avatar for gawker
6 years ago
I’ve done it. This club doesn’t allow them because they want you to buy their funny money on which they charge a 10% premium.
The dancer who accepted payment on her square reader only charged 5%. The charge showed up on my credit card statement as a Sports Bar.
avatar for Mate27
6 years ago
Bitcoin or “crypto” soon to come, maybe 5-10 years. My bet is still with blockchain instead of picking the correct crypto, so an etf blockchain for riches it is!
avatar for nicespice
6 years ago
A lot of those third party card processing or money transferring services explicitly ban adult entertainment.

Some enforce that rule more than others. For example, I heard PayPal is the worst.

On the other hand, there are other processors that are friendly about allowing adult entertainment, but the transaction fee will be higher for card swipes.

But I guess if it’s just an occasional thing with a trusted customer instead of a real habit, it’s no big deal what service is being used for accepting payment.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago
Using a card cuts down on anonymity which is important for many clubbers - most of the vets on here have an anti credit-card stance but I can see the avg SCer using it.

As others on here, I tend to avoid using a credit-card in the club but I might on a particular occasion where I didn't bring enough $$$ w/ me and using an app would be cheaper.

I'm old-school and have not used any phone payment apps so unless I had seen-it discussed here my first reaction would be to not wanna hand my credit-card over to a stripper ya know.
avatar for Cashman1234
6 years ago
I avoid credit cards completely when I’m in a strip club. I’m not concerned with the electronic paper trail - I simply don’t trust the club that much.

However, the club isn’t going anywhere. How can I feel safe in swiping my card using a dancer’s card reader?

Dancers can be transient - and have drug issues - which creates a need for quick money - and it offers a quick out too!

If a suspicious charge pops up on my bill - and I call my credit card company - they will have a good laugh when I tell them I swiped my card on Pink Sugar Doll’s card reader at Tits-R-Us during a 2 for 1 topless special.

In an industry where performers are transient - and don’t use real names - it’s murky at best. So I’d rather not swipe my plastic.

I’m sure Pink Sugar Doll is legit, and a good person. But there is too much risk when swiping a card.
avatar for wellhungsac420
6 years ago
i wouldn't do it... I'm strictly cash in pocket... I have no self control
avatar for georgmicrodong
6 years ago
@PinkSugarDoll: “Yeah I wouldn’t use a cash transfer app because the other person can see your name etc”

I use SquareCash and have it hooked to my Google Voice number and a burner email. You don’t have to use your *real* number. Yes, you have to use an actual bank card if you want the money in the bank, but you can get a card from Square themselves.
avatar for ei8ht_Ball
6 years ago
I see where this could be beneficial to the girl, because who doesn't love a drunk customer with a credit card in hand. But I think some customers would wake up the next day and report the charge(s) to their credit card company as fraudulent . . . even if they think they were charged the right amount. There could be a lot of unanticipated hassle with this approach.
avatar for PaulDrake
6 years ago
I think most of us here wouldn't be comfortable with it but there probably are more mainstream customers that would be. So not a bad idea to have it in your locker just in case.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
6 years ago
Never for me. This is strictly a cash-only hobby.

A payment system would need to jump through many hoops of fire to convince me that it can truly secure my privacy.
avatar for jackslash
6 years ago
PinkSugarDoll, I am sure you are completely honest and reliable. However, I have heard the rumor that some strippers are scammers and rip-off artists and drug addicts. I would not entrust my credit card info to such people.
avatar for PinkSugarDoll
6 years ago
I have heard that rumor too!

What I’m talking about—I am actually a hair stylist. (With a business degree, too). I use this when I am doing hair independently of my salon or on location. It’s just like in restaurants now where they have a card reader at the table, you swipe it and sign on the phone screen so it’s not like the customer has to go into an app on his phone, I would do everything, right in front of you, not walking away with your card. Just to provide a further insight for those who hadn’t heard of it, I should have done that to begin with, ugh!

This was a helpful discussion though. I appreciate the person who said they attached their square to a google voice, I have mine attached to a burner number, good advice though.

And I think also you folks are more experienced, like you mentioned, and jaded lol, than the average strip club patron. Haha. Thanks for the feedback!
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
6 years ago
"And I think also you folks are more experienced, like you mentioned, and jaded lol, than the average strip club patron."

'Seasoned' is the term we prefer.

Or 'sauced'.... depends on the night.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago
If the club allows it, then it wouldn't hurt a dancer to have that option and it can potentially mean additional biz - but if the club does not allow it then probably not worth the trouble to do it on the down-lo
avatar for PinkSugarDoll
6 years ago
Seasoned!!!!! Lol :D Semantics, I guess lol!!

I think most clubs wouldn’t know about it, I see it being banned in high-roller clubs, super clubs where guys are spending thousands.
avatar for shailynn
6 years ago
1. I collect “something” and go to conventions to sell and buy and have a PayPal card swiper similar to Square. So I have experience.

2. Most of us are jaded, yes, and I personally think a lot of typical guys in a club wouldn’t have a problem with swiping their card because they don’t know any better, although with square they aren’t giving a credit card number to you, it’s nit like you can take that info and produce additional charges. I normally would say go for it but like someone else said if some PL got up the next morning and yelled “fraud” to their credit card company after you got a few of those that could certainly hurt your standing with Square.

3. Would almost clubs even allow you to do this or are most big ones careless to what you do as long as they get their tip out and VIP fees?
avatar for PinkSugarDoll
6 years ago
When I swipe it I have the person hold their Card and their license over the screen and I take a pic, I try to get their wedding ring or their watch or a distinguishing feature in the pic. And that’s just for my day job lol! So I’m not super scared of a charge back.

Most clubs would frown on it but there is a lot of stuff they maybe don’t want you to do that happens anyway. I wouldn’t be too worried of getting fired because of this, unless there was an explicit rule about it they most likely would just ask you to not do it again, but how would the club find out??
avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago
"... When I swipe it I have the person hold their Card and their license over the screen and I take a pic, I try to get their wedding ring or their watch or a distinguishing feature in the pic ..."

That makes good business sense but I'd think it would scare-off PLs even more especially having their ID photographed.
avatar for georgmicrodong
6 years ago
I’ve seen a lot of customers lately using credit or debit cards. Several of the clubs have a tablet and app that lets them swipe the card and take a pic of the license at the same time.

Makes me cringe every time I see it.
avatar for jester214
6 years ago
avatar for IHearVoices
6 years ago
I'm all for dancers getting their money, but like several posters said this is a cash-only thing for me.
avatar for PinkSugarDoll
6 years ago
Thx everyone!
avatar for Subraman
6 years ago
I would never consider using my personal credit card. But IF AND ONLY IF there were some advantage to me, I'd be happy to get a re-loadable Visa card, completely anoymous so safe for both of us, and use that. But there has to be a pretty good reason for me to get off my ass and go to CVS to get a Green Dot Visa or wahtever... for example, the $100 VIP is only $80 if I pay that way.
avatar for pistola
6 years ago
I don't take a wallet into a strip club for various reasons. Cash only as a few bright mangers have already pointed out, Besides the fact that I never want to overspend (or at least walk to the car to think about it) or getting robbed or ripped off the more important reason is to have as much free space in my pockets in my LDK gear for my Johnson to flop around.

That said, fuck all that. Got any tips for hitting on the hot hairdresser?
avatar for pistola
6 years ago
avatar for whodey
6 years ago
I would have been fine with it up until you said "... When I swipe it I have the person hold their Card and their license over the screen and I take a pic, I try to get their wedding ring or their watch or a distinguishing feature in the pic ..."

No way I am letting a stripper, or anyone else, take a picture of my credit card and drivers license. That would leave you with a permanent record of the card number, name, address, drivers license number etc. ID Theft would be the least of the concerns at that point.

I have tipped a few strippers through a secondary PayPal account that I set up with a burner email. That Paypal account isn't connected directly to a bank account and I fund it with transfers from my regular PayPal account. As long as you use the send money to a friend option instead of the pay bill option there is no fee and all you need is the email address of the account you are sending money to. Stay anonymous, avoid possible credit card fraud and avoid fees all at the same time.

Still prefer to deal in cash, but sometimes an unexpected pleasure presents itself when you're short on cash.
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