I suspect that every PL has a unique pet peeve regarding dancers that is not shared by most other PLs. What's yours?
For the sake of this thread, try to avoid the obvious. Pretty much all of us don't like SS or ROBs. Even stuff like tattoos (which has been debated here endlessly) and bad breath can probably be left out.
For me, if a stripper has a really loud, grating laugh, then that can be a deal breaker if she's less than an 8. That's probably not even on the radar for most guys here. But for some reason it really puts my teeth on edge.
Tan or brown colored stripper wear. Yeah, I want to see it all off of her but that color, if she’s wearing it upon first approach, is a turn off to me. It seems to me that that’s a color one would choose if doing laundry wasn’t a priority.
When they talk like they know it all or whatever they say is fact. This isnt even under the stripper shit mode, it’s anout anything in general when 99.9% of what comes out of their mouth is perception, yet if they’re saying something it has to be true. It’s the entitlement that comes along with it doesn’t mater what they say, as long as they’re saying it, it must be true because PLs pay for it.
It’s that bubble Personality, they think whatever goes on inside the bubble of the strip club can be made true, just because. Things like “I’m hot, so pay me”, “You’re here to see me”, “why should I have to pay my water bill, water should be free?”, “Take me on a trip to Vegas, I deserve it.” You get the idea....
Following up on Dr's comment, I hate that spray tan or brown body make up that gets all over my dress pants when I am travelling for business. I have gone shopping more than once to buy a new pair of pants on my way to a meeting.
I have two obvious pet peeves - that are bad breath and smelling like smoke.
But beyond those pet peeves - my only dislike is the strippers that promise but don’t deliver. I want them dirty - and when a dancer talks filthy specifics in the front room - but doesn’t deliver in the back room - is a pet peeve of mine.
When they assume the fact they have massive tits makes me want to spend time with them, when in fact it has the opposite effect. Dancer: "aren't these amazing"? Me: "Yes, what are they"?
For me its strippers that spend 20 minutes+ talking with other pls or sitting in their lap before getting a dance then come to me and ask wanna dance first thing. I dont care. Its the principal that they dont feel the need to "sell" me a dance like everyone else. Doesnt matter though in the end. If shes hot enough ill still say yes. Definitely better than the strippers that blow me off after asking for a dance. I secretly hope they get rejected by everyone else. It gives me a certain satisfaction.
I feel the same way chess master. I generally never want to talk that long anyway especially on a first meeting so if she goes to wanna dance quickly it's usually a bad sign.
+ I'm a non-smoker - a stripper that comes and sits next to me uninvited and just lights up a stinky-ass cigarette w/o asking me if it's ok to blow that stink-ass smoke in my face - more of a semi-mild irritant since I accept that is common in clubs where smoking is allowed
+ the "don't touch me at all if you haven't paid me yet" dancer - she walks over to me to chat me up and I grab a feel of her ass and she moves my hand - 99% of the time she's black-balled (unless she's very hot) - I can understand her thinking I'm trying to cop a free-feel, but it's a strip-club and for me personally your ass interests me more than your convo - I see the ass-feeling as part of the flirting and it turns me on to wanna spend - her not allowing touching while talking to me tells me she's not a fun/accommodating dancer (w/ the caveat I don't grope a dancer if I don't have intentions of getting dances from her - if I don't have any dance-intentions then I don't touch her)
+ the hard-seller - the dancer that does not try to engage you and seems to be solely about the $$$ as if she's almost literally reaching into your pocket to take your $$$ - i.e. the one that comes up to you and does things along the lines of "lets go do some dances - c'mon they're just $20 - let's go" - or literally grabs you by the arm and tries to pull you out of your seat to go to the dance area
I hate when they start talking about their families. I don't care about their boyfriend. For God's sake, if you are naked in my lap, rubbing on my dick, DON'T start talking about your kids!
I'm a non-smoker - a stripper that comes and sits next to me uninvited and just lights up a stinky-ass cigarette w/o asking me if it's ok to blow that stink-ass smoke in my face - more of a semi-mild irritant since I accept that is common in clubs where smoking is allowed
I don't like it when they sit down and immediately ask "Want to get a dance?"
I get it's their job but I wanna feel like they at least want to talk to me before. Somebody said it up there, the engagement and social factor is part of the fun
My pet peeve is the one who doesn't bother to make simple convo or introduce herself. I have found that this doesn't mean they aren't down to do extras, mileage, and/or OTC, but it's a turn off in the beginning.
I guess a pet peeve is the dancer that doesn't do what the club advertises or markets itself as. For instance if the club is a nude club, and the girl never gets naked, either one stage or even in the back. I guess or even in topless/nude clubs, where the girl never takes anything off on stage, wtf? Or a club that is a full-contact club, but when you go back the girl says no touching or limited touching. Again, wtf?
A while ago at one of the AA dives I hit, i saw a young slender ebony-dancer on-stage place a lit-cigarette either in her cooch or butt-hole (couldn't quite tell) and proceed to make it puff clouds of smoke - I was both impressed and kinda disgusted by it.
More of a peeve at myself - I hate when I get floor dances from an attractive gal that are so-so, and I write her off as a no-way. THEN, months later, agree to a couple dances again, toss out a couple suggestive comments/questions, and things click and we get an epic VIP/private room session going. I kick myself, thinking I could have been doing that months ago!! If she’s down with the program, send a damn signal with the floor dances! LOL!
w.r.t. girls that never go on-stage, I assume some are high-money-makers that prefer to pay the extra-fee to not go on-stage - but I've also met older strippers that don't like to go on-stage; I assume they feel a bit self-conscious about it.
“place a lit-cigarette either in her cooch or butt-hole”
Lol! That’s a whole new meaning of “blow smoke out of your ass”
The only time I don’t go on stage is when a customer buys me off. But on the other hand, I usually only have to go on 1-2x per shift anyways. It’s not a big deal.
A little of all of that. And climbing the pole and hanging upside down a little. I’ve been meaning to practice more with it.
My stage isn’t *that* impressive though. There’s definitely others who are more athletic with it though. And other dancers have an easier time getting “rained” on
I definitely make it a point to make eye contact with customers. I need to know who I’m dancing for when I get off :p
Someone who's so obviously fake, as in over the top fake. You know the types, the ones who act overly interested in mundane BS, or laughs too long or hard at a joke that's not even funny.
+1 @skibum too. Someone flaunting big ass or big boobs or w/e that I have no interest in.
Starting a lapdance by saying you charge extra(by 50%! ) above the standard price for lap dances for touching tits and ass( not even the vag.) Either you don't allow touching (which is fine though not preferred) or you do and obvious you do since you're trying to charge for it. And not mentioning it until the dance is abou to begin. Fuck that. It's one and done for me when that happens with my arms down my side like I'm fucking paralyzed. Don't want an accidental brush of my hand to think she is getting more money from me.
All-time, it's definitely being ignored...so many women have straight ignored their way out of dances.
Lately, it's this one dancer who knows my name and has started shouting it out when she's on stage. I can't remember whether I asked her not to do that. I do know I haven't been back since, so I have no idea whether she'll stop.
Re: the dancer smoking the cigarette with her other lips...saw that at a regular dance club (for you South Florida SCers, it's the club that originally was where Scarlett's now is).
The "no financial clue" dancer - usually inexperienced dancers that sit w/ obvious non-spenders for long periods of time while there are custies w/ money burning a hole in their pocket and unaccompanied - and I'm not talking about sitting w/ a regular, but dudes that don't spend a buck in the club and just hang-out.
^^^^^^^that frustrates me to no end (Papi's post about clueless dancers wasting time with non spenders). Especially when she's exactly my type and yet she's talking to this fucktard who hasn't so much as pulled out a dollar for over a half hour. I usually assume they are regulars. But then a lot of times when the girl leaves them and FINALLY approaches me I tell her I was waiting until she was done with her regular. And she goes, oh that's not my regular, I thought he wanted dances but I guess not. Like, damn girl, are you new or just that bad at reading dudes?
That's why I like experienced dancers, they seem to pick up on vibes pretty damn fast.
First off, the OP needs to understand that I'm a different kind of cat than the rest of the losers (OP included) here - when I go to the club, it's to lock down the hottest dancer there for the entire evening.
So my pet peeve is when 2-3 hours in, she starts making up silly excuses to leave my table - like she "needs to pee" or "I have to go on stage." What's up with that?
"... So my pet peeve is when 2-3 hours in, she starts making up silly excuses to leave my table - like she "needs to pee" or "I have to go on stage." What's up with that ..."
That's when you just backhand a bitch and put her back in her lane - "bitch you aint's going nowhere"
Some dancers seem to drink coffee to keep themselves going - a chick w/ a combo of coffee and cig breath is def a turnoff and something I prefer to avoid
Laughing at everything I say. II know that I have a pretty sharp wit and humor comes naturally to me but once I get 2 or 3 laughs out I tend to tone it down and yet some keep laughing as if I'm channeling Dave Chappelle.
Another one are the dancers that know you want them to come by based on eye contact but they instead sit with loser after loser who doesn't give them a dime. These tend to be the ones who also gravitate to the bros who "make it rain" with $1 bills yet spend zilch on actual dances.
The ones who immediately sit on your lap before asking. I like the lap sitting just as much as any guy but usually they sit right on my wallet or phone that gets jammed into my leg. Ouch.
The lap dances where they constantly change positions. Tells me immediately they will not be worth any more time and don't know what actually pleases a man.
"The lap dances where they constantly change positions. Tells me immediately they will not be worth any more time and don't know what actually pleases a man."
I'm not a fan of that either, but some of my best dancer experiences started that way. If I want more I talk about it, and sometimes the dancer gets the message and it's game on. Sometimes they just want to know it's worth their time to put some work in.
I hate it when they're not clairvoyant. A proper stripper will send me dirty texts whenever I feel like spending on OTC, and when I don't feel like spending she should send me texts saying that she misses hanging out with me and wants to know if we can meet at a bar just for fun. So far none of them have met my expectations.
When a dancer sits by herself or with other girls when I’m by myself at the other end of the same bar. That just means more $$$ for the next girl that will make the effort
When I haven't tipped her on stage, attempted eye contact, or paid the least bit of attention to her, and she plops down in a chair next to me and won't leave.
"Sometimes they just want to know it's worth their time to put some work in."
Now you mention it this is a pet peeve as well. To me(considering im not on their side of the equation) it should be "worth their time" from the first song. I dont show up to work and decide if the first hour of my shift is "worth my time". I already know im being paid. I know theres guys(who knows how many) that buy one dance and are done regardless, but still bullshit...
I think the standard stripper advice is to spend 2-5 songs with a customer before getting a dance. (The song variation depends on how busy the club is). Even if a dancer messed up by sitting with the wrong customer, then they should have known to leave.
Granted, there are “troll” customers every here and there who will lead a dancer on and try to act like they will be a viable customer when they really aren’t. A newbie will fall for it.
“I already know im being paid. I know theres guys(who knows how many) that buy one dance and are done regardless, but still bullshit...”
Idk. Most of the time, when I dance for a customer, it’s not a one and done. So I view them as potentially higher than $20. (Though sometimes, on some frustrating shifts, I encounter this several times in a row.)
But I agree that it’s poor form if you’re encountering that. Even if a customer is a jerk, I always pretend to be cheerful because my next potential customer could be watching me. There’s better ways to imply to someone you’re in demand and deserve money than taking an attitude with anyone.
A dancer holding out on the first dance to get a custy to wanna buy more to get more will not only be a one-and-done but good chance I'll blackball her in future visits - unfortunately the holding-out out to get the PL to buy more often works with newb PLs - having said this I don't run into this often though
"Granted, there are “troll” customers every here and there who will lead a dancer on and try to act like they will be a viable customer when they really aren’t. A newbie will fall for it."
Yeah thats not fair to waste your time like that. But i think more than just newbies fall for this. I see it far too often a dancer spends 10-20 minutes with somebody and then get no dances.
Yeah I think a dancer needs to safeguard herself against her time being wasted by somehow confirming dances or at least checking in on it after a given amount of time and introductions. After 5-10 minutes of intro there should be some sort of closure on where things are going. Any longer is just wasting both party's time.
But also a dancer that holds back on the first dance needs to realize that there's a risk of losing a really good customer because of it. Competition and free market in this business is a beautiful thing. There are plenty of strippers that provide excellent first time dances and in the long run they are going to have more repeat business because of it.
For better or worse money wise, I don’t start out with air. (If that’s what you guys are getting at) At most, I’ll shimmy around for like 10 seconds.
This talk is making me cringe at newbie me. Even though I logically knew hanging around too long was a mistake, I didn’t have the backbone at the time to just walk off on these talkative jerks who kept trying to clamp down time for free.
But I know I’m much better at it now because these types now like to tell me “don’t just be about the money!”
But that was all on me. And I didn’t realize other customers would get bothered by such as thing as well. This is a really interesting discussion.
last commentI like chatting with dancer when she's up close and on stage. Actually don't like it if she's shaking her ass in my face.
It’s that bubble
Personality, they think whatever goes on inside the bubble of the strip club can be made true, just because. Things like “I’m hot, so pay me”, “You’re here to see me”, “why should I have to pay my water bill, water should be free?”, “Take me on a trip to Vegas, I deserve it.” You get the idea....
But beyond those pet peeves - my only dislike is the strippers that promise but don’t deliver. I want them dirty - and when a dancer talks filthy specifics in the front room - but doesn’t deliver in the back room - is a pet peeve of mine.
That’s about the extent of my dislikes.
(Low amount, then they will get smug and give hustle advice. High amount, and then it’s a competition.)
+ the "don't touch me at all if you haven't paid me yet" dancer - she walks over to me to chat me up and I grab a feel of her ass and she moves my hand - 99% of the time she's black-balled (unless she's very hot) - I can understand her thinking I'm trying to cop a free-feel, but it's a strip-club and for me personally your ass interests me more than your convo - I see the ass-feeling as part of the flirting and it turns me on to wanna spend - her not allowing touching while talking to me tells me she's not a fun/accommodating dancer (w/ the caveat I don't grope a dancer if I don't have intentions of getting dances from her - if I don't have any dance-intentions then I don't touch her)
+ the hard-seller - the dancer that does not try to engage you and seems to be solely about the $$$ as if she's almost literally reaching into your pocket to take your $$$ - i.e. the one that comes up to you and does things along the lines of "lets go do some dances - c'mon they're just $20 - let's go" - or literally grabs you by the arm and tries to pull you out of your seat to go to the dance area
I get it's their job but I wanna feel like they at least want to talk to me before. Somebody said it up there, the engagement and social factor is part of the fun
I kick myself, thinking I could have been doing that months ago!!
If she’s down with the program, send a damn signal with the floor dances! LOL!
Lol! That’s a whole new meaning of “blow smoke out of your ass”
The only time I don’t go on stage is when a customer buys me off. But on the other hand, I usually only have to go on 1-2x per shift anyways. It’s not a big deal.
What is the stage skip-fee in your club - and does it vary if you skip it once or for the whole shift?
On avg - how many times do you go on-stage per shift and how many songs per time you go on stage?
I usually go on stage 1-3 times a shift, except for when I occasionally work a dayshift.
In most clubs in my area, it’s a three stage rotation. Two songs per stage, for a total of six songs.
What does your stage-routine consist of:
* dancing around the pole?
* twerking?
* getting on the stage-floor on your knees or back?
* etc?
Do you make it a point to make eye-contact w/ the custies or you kinda just do your own thing?
My stage isn’t *that* impressive though. There’s definitely others who are more athletic with it though. And other dancers have an easier time getting “rained” on
I definitely make it a point to make eye contact with customers. I need to know who I’m dancing for when I get off :p
+1 @skibum too. Someone flaunting big ass or big boobs or w/e that I have no interest in.
Lately, it's this one dancer who knows my name and has started shouting it out when she's on stage. I can't remember whether I asked her not to do that. I do know I haven't been back since, so I have no idea whether she'll stop.
Re: the dancer smoking the cigarette with her other lips...saw that at a regular dance club (for you South Florida SCers, it's the club that originally was where Scarlett's now is).
That's why I like experienced dancers, they seem to pick up on vibes pretty damn fast.
So my pet peeve is when 2-3 hours in, she starts making up silly excuses to leave my table - like she "needs to pee" or "I have to go on stage." What's up with that?
I think to myself "damn girl, are you new or just that stupid"
That's when you just backhand a bitch and put her back in her lane - "bitch you aint's going nowhere"
If you have $$ for tattoos you have $$ to get your teeth fixed!
Another one are the dancers that know you want them to come by based on eye contact but they instead sit with loser after loser who doesn't give them a dime. These tend to be the ones who also gravitate to the bros who "make it rain" with $1 bills yet spend zilch on actual dances.
The ones who immediately sit on your lap before asking. I like the lap sitting just as much as any guy but usually they sit right on my wallet or phone that gets jammed into my leg. Ouch.
The lap dances where they constantly change positions. Tells me immediately they will not be worth any more time and don't know what actually pleases a man.
I'm not a fan of that either, but some of my best dancer experiences started that way. If I want more I talk about it, and sometimes the dancer gets the message and it's game on. Sometimes they just want to know it's worth their time to put some work in.
Now you mention it this is a pet peeve as well. To me(considering im not on their side of the equation) it should be "worth their time" from the first song. I dont show up to work and decide if the first hour of my shift is "worth my time". I already know im being paid. I know theres guys(who knows how many) that buy one dance and are done regardless, but still bullshit...
I'd like more dancer input on this thread.
Sure! On what specifically?
I think the standard stripper advice is to spend 2-5 songs with a customer before getting a dance. (The song variation depends on how busy the club is). Even if a dancer messed up by sitting with the wrong customer, then they should have known to leave.
Granted, there are “troll” customers every here and there who will lead a dancer on and try to act like they will be a viable customer when they really aren’t. A newbie will fall for it.
Idk. Most of the time, when I dance for a customer, it’s not a one and done. So I view them as potentially higher than $20. (Though sometimes, on some frustrating shifts, I encounter this several times in a row.)
But I agree that it’s poor form if you’re encountering that. Even if a customer is a jerk, I always pretend to be cheerful because my next potential customer could be watching me. There’s better ways to imply to someone you’re in demand and deserve money than taking an attitude with anyone.
Exactly. And how the hell am i supposed to know the magic number of dances before she starts trying?
Yeah thats not fair to waste your time like that. But i think more than just newbies fall for this. I see it far too often a dancer spends 10-20 minutes with somebody and then get no dances.
But also a dancer that holds back on the first dance needs to realize that there's a risk of losing a really good customer because of it. Competition and free market in this business is a beautiful thing. There are plenty of strippers that provide excellent first time dances and in the long run they are going to have more repeat business because of it.
This talk is making me cringe at newbie me. Even though I logically knew hanging around too long was a mistake, I didn’t have the backbone at the time to just walk off on these talkative jerks who kept trying to clamp down time for free.
But I know I’m much better at it now because these types now like to tell me “don’t just be about the money!”
But that was all on me. And I didn’t realize other customers would get bothered by such as thing as well. This is a really interesting discussion.
And yes it is perfectly fine for it to always be about the money. Even the part about pretending that's NOT what it's about. ;)
Sometimes you just want to say, "Know your place bitch if you want any money, or I'll just trade up for the '6' sitting down there."
Well, a 6 is what most of you "settle" for anyway.