
Comments by Array (page 6)

  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Best bumper sticker
    “Sometimes I go topless” on a convertible driven by one very hot babe.
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    6 years ago
    New Jersey, near the Shore
    Some final thoughts on SA
    Since I’m married I only use SA when traveling alone. I’ve met with three girls after having made it clear that it was a one-time thing with each of them. None seemed to have any qualms about the situation. I’m now working on an arrangement with a more local girl who is pushing for an on-going relationship. I’m giving serious thought to cutting that one off before anything really gets going. Since PPM is contrary to the stated goal of SA, setting up SD/SB arrangements, I’m always curious about what’s driving these women who say they would never be a prostitute. Two of the women I’ve met clearly do it as an occasional thing for the extra cash. The third, I’m fairly certain, was being driven to do it by a lazy-ass, drug-addicted, abusive, good-for-nothing boyfriend. That’s the only one I felt badly about afterwards.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    Porn vs. Prostitution
    Huntsman, I appreciate the correction. I always associate Douglas with that statement, probably because he was the one with the hot wife about 50 or so years younger.
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    6 years ago
    if you were.......
    Shadowcat, I had the same problem a couple years ago, if BPH is your situation. A little outpatient surgery with a laser knife and it’s just like the old days except for the retrograde ejaculation. I was recently in a club in the Atlanta area, not your favorite, and got a very satisfactory relaxation treatment. The girl, however, wouldn’t believe I had cum because there was nothing to spit!
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    Porn vs. Prostitution
    I believe it was Supreme Court Justice William Douglas who said, “I can’t define pornography, but I know it when I see it.” Well, I can’t define prostitution, but I know it when I see it!
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Rhode Island
    Seeking Arrangement gone bad ... The Salt Daddy
    I’ve done the SA thing twice. Both times it was on a business trip, and I was completely up front with the girl that it was going to be a one-timer, although in one case it turned into a two-nighter. So, maybe I’m not a true SD, but I’m not the jackass that wrote that article by any stretch of the imagination. As long as we have a clear understanding of what’s going to happen and how much money will be exchanged I have a clear conscience. My third SA date did not work out, as described in my post earlier this week, but again the conditions were clearly set up and agreed to by both parties beforehand and the girl was honest enough to alert me to her issues and call off the date before we got into a very awkward situation. I think in all three cases these were normal civilian girls who need extra income and have accepted this route as an occasional alternative to hitting the street as a “professional.” I feel somewhat badly in using them if this is something they really dont want to do, but I’m not going to give them a handout for no return either. As far as understanding the girls’ basic motives, I don’t think it’s too hard to figure out. If they emphasize or overuse the word “ fun” in their profile then they’re probably DTF. If they show a lot of skin in their pics or emphasize their cleavage then they’re probably DTF. Professional escorts list substantial or higher as their lifestyle expectations. If Friends with Benefits is shown as an expectation then you can look for a fun evening. If you see the word Romance then RUN! If sex is not going to ever be part of the program the girl will make that pretty clear. At least that’s how I see things. What I can not figure out though is why so many girls show photos of themselves sitting in a car. Someone please help me out with that one.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Can I take an 0 for 3 tonight?
    Update: Did not strike out. The club came through the second time around. I recently did my first two SA’s. Both showed up and both were a good time. They were late though. This was my first bust. To the girl’s credit she did seem to have every intention of showing up, and I do appreciate that she didnt just show up with a red surprise. I didn’t go to Follies because on my last two visits there the talent was less than stellar, as seems to be the opinion of multiple reviewers.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Traveling through Texas
    San Antonio is no fun. Dallas is little fun at most clubs unless you find a rare bird. There are several clubs in Houston that can be considered a sure thing, and a number of others that you can fairly readily find a cooperative girl. That is, if your definition of fun means extras. If you’re looking for less I’d still rank them Houston>Dallas>San Antone.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Anybody here live super close to a SC
    When i lived in Houston I counted seven strip clubs within about three miles of my house. I was regular at two of them and almost never went to the others.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    FTW - Hottest Teacher To Be Accused of Having Sex With Student
    Hey, I’m going down to Florida next week. Do you think she’s on SA?
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Trafficking and free speech
    #twentyfive - “...you support the Constitution when it works in favor of what you like but you deny others the same right...” Sounds like a lot of liberals. And, sounds like a lot of conservatives. And, it particularly sounds like a lot of politicians on both sides of the aisle!
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Strip clubs and the drug problems...
    One of my more regrettable SC experiences was in Houston. A girl I had done things with in the club once before called me asking if I wanted to come in and have a little fun. I did. While hanging out in the club a little later my then CF showed up, also looking for a little fun. I was honest with the CF, and she was sort of understanding, but CF wanted to know who the other girl was. I told her and CF hit the roof. She asked me if I realized the she was probably in the dressing room right then spending the cash on more drugs. Like the poster above I have never touched illegal drugs, even marijuana, and would not have done what I did that day if I had known where the money would go.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Married Dancers with Children
    The key words in the first paragraph are “ long time.” Nine years is a long time for a lot of marriages and is when a lot of people are seriously questioning why they ever got married or if they married the right person. I lasted a bit longer, 12-15 years before I started asking those questions, but it will happen in almost all marriages. So, I guess I’m saying that you should feel a little guilt, but certainly don’t feel that any problems are all on you. I know I’ve popped a couple ITC cherries, both unmarried, but I made it clear to the girls that we wouldn’t do it unless they were fully on board with any potential long-term guilt. @BJ, I love the tango, sexiest dance ever! I don’t dance but if I did that’s the one I want to learn. I once went to a tango show in Buenos Aires. I couldn’t help but wonder if they had one giant orgy afterwards!
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Wall Street
    Strippers banging club managers
    I’ve had several dancers say it’s common or they have done it.
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    7 years ago
    Scanning the room from the back
    Figure Skaters: Hot or Not?
    LOL, OP! Every time I see one of those skaters I think of Onatopp.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Here’s the giant project that could replace that strip club on NE 163rd Street
    I’ve never been to Dean’s Gold, but I will be in South Florida in a couple weeks. Do I need to make a stop there before it’s gone forever? Or, since time is limited should I just stick with old faithful Diamond Dolls Pompano Beach? Life is so short!
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    The rule of 3
    Thank you, Shadow! It scares me to think how much I may have spent on having sex with strippers. So, if I take my current estimate and divide by 3, it doesn’t seem nearly as bad. Or, only one-third as scary, or something like that.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    How often does she keep your hoodie or shirt ?
    They’re going to try to collect some DNA off them and blackmail you.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Navigating the post-FOSTA apocalypse
    1. Imagine a hypothetical situation, that potentially may or may not occur, whic
    No, Dominic, the cat is both dead and alive until you open the box! -Schrodinger
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Strip clubbing is saving my life...
    I’ve known several people who retired and died relatively soon thereafter. Work was their life, and they couldn’t adapt to not working. Meat is right that there is so much to do besides work. But these guys couldn’t figure that out and they died. I retired at 63 and I feel like I’m busier than ever. But Jack is right too. When I retired the best advice I got was to remember that when you’re retired, every day is a Saturday!
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    He/Him - He’s a filthy pig. That’s him in VIP with another whore.
    OT: Would you choose a self driving car (fully automated - and safe) - or a flyi
    Autonomous, self-driving cars are going to make a huge difference in traffic behaviors. Most traffic problems are caused by the drivers. Driver errors, driver impairment, driver aggressiveness, driver timidity, etc. Taking the driving out of the hands of people and putting it under computer control will make driving so much more efficient and safer. Remember the rule of thumb you learned in driver’s ed? Allow one car length between you and the car ahead for every 10 mph driving speed. That’s to allow for driver reaction time, which is 3/4-1 second for most people. The reaction time of a computer is measured in hundredths of a second. So traffic speeds will probably be significantly higher and uniform for all drivers, there will be SAFE tailgating (that will be scary until you get used to it), driver impairment wil be an almost non-issue, and so on. Traffic congestion will be very much reduced. I say, bring it on and the sooner the better! With that said, I still think flying cars would be super, super cool. In 1961 I had to write an essay titled The World in 1990. I said we would have flying cars by then. I’m still waiting.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Hypothetical situation
    OP, I’m surprised to hear you call this a hypothetical situation. I’ve seen it more than I care to recount. Recently, I went to a club to see my ATATF. So, this is a tale of three strippers. A=my ATATF, B=one I’ve seen and talked to on occasion and had a few LDs with, but honestly not very good LDs, C=another dancer I’ve seen several times but never been able to get a dance with (consider her the hot young newbie). So, I enter the club and sit at the bar. Dancer B almost immediately sits next to me and starts chatting. I’m something of a soft-hearted sucker so I don’t send her away. Besides I had been led by the door girl to believe that ATATF was not in that day. Within about three minutes I got a tap on the shoulder, turn around and there’s ATATF. She sat down on the other side of me. I didn’t want to chase off dancer B because of burning bridges and all that. Fortunately, ATATF was soon called to the stage and I quickly took B for a mercy dance (remember, I’m a SHS!) and got back to the bar by the time ATATF was off the stage. So, I was rid of B, but I think ATATF was a bit pissed because she told me she had to go thank a guy who had stage-tipped her. Next thing I see is the two of them heading to VIP. So now I was getting pissed. I sat at the bar doing a minor slow burn for a bit trying not to get too pissed. After all, I understand she’s there to make money, but good god, girl, who’s your priority customer? Who’s spent more money on you more regularly over the last six months than me? But then another tap on the shoulder and dancer C has joined me. Now I had seen C in the club several times and had been intrigued by her well above average looks and the high quality of her stage dances. We had chatted a couple times but had never done lap dances because of circumstances - I was financially tapped out for the day, I had exceeded the set time duration for my stay or other such stuff. So, since ATATF was off in VIP I invited C to sit and talk for a while. Eventually the subject of lap dances came up and off we went. Those were quality lap dances, serious LDK potential but, alas, old man plus prostate history meant that wasn’t going to happen. So then I was back at the bar sitting alone. ATATF had seen us come out of the lap dance room and was chatting with some other folks. She looked my way a few times and I could see daggers in her eyes. After each of us stewing for about a half hour she finally came over to sit with me again. I immediately hauled her off to VIP. There was serious tension in the air for the first 15 minutes back there but things eventually warmed up and we had some great virtual make-up sex. (This is a very strict no mileage, no extras club, so it was truly virtual.) I think we’re back to good with each other again. So, what’s the moral of the story? 1. I shouldn’t be so soft-hearted. I should have chased B and got right down to business with ATATF. 2. Everyone needs to remember it’s business. The girls are there to earn a living. I can’t lay exclusive claim to any of them. Nor can any of them lay exclusive claim to me. 3. Be very careful with the emotions. Yes, I’m a true PL now. I have developed some real feelings for ATATF, but fortunately I’m pragmatic enough to recognize that everything stays in the club. I think she’s also carved out a small space for me in her heart. But, she’s smart too and keeps everything under control. Sorry, I may I’ve gone a bit off-topic from the original post, but it reminded me of this experience. The thing about this board it that it allows us to talk about things, which for various reasons we may not have other outlets to talk about. And sorry to be so long-winded about it!
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Mans best friend? A dog or a dancer?
    Be careful which you choose. Either one could turn out to be a bitch!
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Off again on again PL
    Dancers arrested stories?
    I was at the old Trophy Club in Houston about 15 years ago when three cops walked in. They just walked around, checked a few id’s and left. The story later was that one girl had a warrant on her, but she managed to hide in the ceiling of the dressing room until the cops left.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    OT: Frog legs
    I’ve eaten frog legs. Yes, they tasted like chicken. I’ve eaten rattlesnake. Also tastes like chicken, but a bit tougher. I’ve eaten alligator tail. Tastes like very, very tough chicken. But the most unusual thing I’ve eaten was some years ago when I was in Ecuador and partook of a local (local to Ecuador and Peru) delicacy called cui. Tasted like very tender but very greasy chicken. Look it up if you want to be somewhat disgusted. I’d be curious to hear what other wierd things people have eaten. (Tranny pussies don’t count.)