Anybody here live super close to a SC
Does anybody on this forum live, like, a half-mile from a SC (or a couple miles for you suburban and rural folk)? If so... what is that like? How is it knowing that just a 8-minute drive/walk away from your home is some hot $20 T&A? Do you end up going there multiple times per week?
My go-to SC is 11 miles away -- my SCing is limited by not wanting to spend more than I already do, not b/c of time or distance constraints.
What is that, about 2 miles?
I used to live less than a 5 minutes drive to Treasure Island in Hialeah.
It's not an amazing club by most people's standards, but I definitely visit that club more often than pretty much any other in the area. The problem is, I'm the sort to go in once every month or two and drop $800, rather than getting 2-3 lapdances ($80-100 total) every week.
If the dances were cheaper? Yeah, I'd probably visit a bit more often.
But I don’t think I’d want to live so close to a good strip club. I’m close enough to going broke as it is.
I’m lucky to not live near any strip clubs. The closest club is about a 15 minute drive (due to traffic).
If I lived closer - or in walking distance - I’d be a much poorer man!