
Comments by Array (page 7)

  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Man runs over victim 3 times before fleeing metro strip club.
    That reminds me of an incident near Houston about 15 years ago. A dentist was cheating on his wife, also a dentist. She found him with the mistress in a hotel and confronted him in the hotel parking lot. She then ran over him with her car, then circled the parking lot two more times to run him over twice more.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    The Justice Department enforcing pot laws
    I agree with points in both discussions above, but not all. My perspective is that of a very infrequent alcohol drinker and one who has never used pot. The loudest voices in the country want pot legalized and the trend is increasingly in that direction. I believe that it will be legalized nationwide within 5-10 years. As a non-user I’d rather it wouldn’t be legalized, but I’m pragmatic enough to recognize that it will be. I have somewhat of a libertarian bent also, but there are times where legal restrictions are necessary. In the case of alcohol, for example, there is clear scientific basis for driving and workplace restrictions on alcohol use. In the case of pot similar scientific evidence is lacking. And, as BHF points out, the determination of such scientific evidence can not be obtained because any meaningful studies can not currently be performed due to laws against possession of pot. Most people believe,based only on anecdotal evidence, that pot is less harmful and less dangerous than alcohol. It may well be. However, everything is toxic, i.e., harmful at some level. Alcohol is known to cause cancer, and known cancer-causing agents are usually restricted in their handling and distribution in some way. But alcohol isn’t restricted in the same way because the level of carcinicity is fairly low, and people want their alcohol too much to care. Pot will have some level of toxicity, but we can’t currently determine that. Similarly with the behavioral effects of alcohol and pot. Anecdotal claims that pot will not impair driving reflexes, which I’ve heard quite a few times, may very well be bullshit. I believe there should be studies of pot to determine blood THC levels that do not impair reflexes for driving or workplace safety. And then those levels should be promulgated as limits analogous to the common blood alcohol limit of 0.08%. As I said above, pot will be legalized relatively soon. Right now Congress should get off their asses and pass a law to allow scientific studies on pot. Law enforcement clearly has better things to do than chase down pot users. A return to the Holder approach is probably appropriate.
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    7 years ago
    Off again on again PL
    How to tactfully let your regular dancer know you want variety?
    I ask my CF to recommend a back-up for when she’s not there. The problem is, she just tells me who not to get dances with and she gives me all the reasons why. Other CF’s I’ve had in the past would actually make suggestions. Actually, I think the current CF has a thing for me whereas previous CF’s were more businesslike about it.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    Have you fucked a Pornstar ?
    I once met a dancer in Houston who said she was moving to LA to become a porn actress. I told her she’d need training and offered it for a reasonable sum, but she declined.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    CJKent (Banned)
    “The more a person needs to be right, the less certain he is...”
    Amazon and Microsoft employees caught up in sex trafficking sting They brazenly
    What a joke. Microsoft alerted their employees that LE might have obtained their company ID’s, emails and other info while running a prostitution sting. And the employees should take care how their company credentials are used. It was a lot simpler and more straightforward when I worked in the petrochemical industry. If you used company resources for obtaining sexual services you were fired. Period, end of story.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    If you went to the sc with unlimited funds?
    I like JS69’s suggestion. But I’d also need to hire a French model (male) to “steal”her away in about a month when I tire of her.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    New York
    PLs and Strippers who hangout with each other all night, what’s going on?
    I’m curious to hear the female and dancer perspective on this. BJ99???
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    7 years ago
    New York
    PLs and Strippers who hangout with each other all night, what’s going on?
    Hey, on this board we call ourselves PL’s because we go to strip clubs to see and talk to half-naked women and to sometimes have sex with them. I would consider myself an all-time pathetic scum of the earth loser if I had to pay a girl hundreds of dollars just to talk to me. It drives me nuts when I see it happening, but God bless the girl that can grab a fistfull of bills just for sitting next to a guy.
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    7 years ago
    Charlotte, NC
    Bartering for extras
    I used to go to a lady dentist. She wasn't bad to look at but certainly nothing special. I don’t suppose things would have worked in reverse, would they? More seriously, I’ve sometimes wished my auto mechanical skills were better. Given the car problems these girls seem to have, I have to think a lot of trading of services could happen.
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    7 years ago
    Sexual Harassment - Corporate History
    Good point, Lone Wolf. I lived through that corporate environment as well. But it wasn’t just sexual harassment. It covered a lot of other things too that evolved into the whole corporate diversity movement. The amazing thing though is that it just seemed to me to be the old big manufacturing corporations that did this. A lot of other businesses did not seem to get the memo. And so now we’re finally seeing it in entertainment, media and government. All those who preached so loudly for diversity never looked inwardly, or so it seems to me. Another problem as pointed out by the OP is the backlash when it all goes overboard. The best example now is the education business, particularly colleges and universities. What started as a reasonable attempt to protect and provide some measure of justice for mistreated women evolved into almost a situation where it seemed barely safe for a man to flirt with a woman. The pendulum seems to be starting back to a reasonable medium, since a few stories are coming out about men wrongfully accused who are finally being heard. Another thing I found interesting, not entirely related, but which shows how the old manufacturing corporations have been leading edge for major change. Government bureaucrats, especially in the State Department, are screaming about Rex Tillerson’s attempt to streamline what he sees as a “bloated bureaucracy.” Is anyone surprised at what he’s doing? That’s what he did at Exxon and what happened at every other oil company, chemical company, auto company, and a lot of other companies. I am constantly amazed at other places that can’t see the bloat in their own businesses. Printed media is feeling it. Pharmaceuticals and technology will eventually. As one who has lived through that and as a taxpayer, I can only say, “Go git ‘em, Rex!”
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    And the beat goes on...
    I’d be happy to sign up for her science class.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    A new strip club experience
    Once at Houston Dolls, I think. A couple came in and sat down and looked around the room more than at the stage. The girl eventually rolled her chair over next to me and started a conversation. She asked me a couple questions about my clubbing habits, and eventually got fairly direct asking what I went there for. Depending on time of day, day of week and which girl, one could frequently get extreme extras. Being rather suspicious, I was evasive in my answer. She invited me to join her and her man for a drink, but I declined. She said the offer would stand until they found someone else t take it. They soon left the club alone. In retrospect I’m pretty sure the unspoken offer was for an evening with the two of them, but I was too clueless to figure that at the time. When I did the opportunity was gone. I think I would have declined regardless since she wasn’t all that hot and I’m not into mmf threesomes.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Somewhere in the club
    Dancer licking symbolically to another dancer
    I recently met a stripper with a forked tongue - literally, a forked tongue. She actually had her tongue sliced so that it was forked. I’m not into piercings, so this really creeps me out, especially when she sticks it out and wiggles the two sides around independently.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Rhode Island
    OT: Last book you read
    I’m currently reading Mr. Adam by Pat Frank. It’s a Cold War era science fiction book in which all men in the world are rendered sterile due to a nuclear accident, except for one man named Mr. Adam. (Frank wrote several books on the consequences of nuclear disasters.) This one is somewhat tongue-in-cheek and very light reading. Another Frank book is Alas, Babylon, which is totally serious and somewhat unsettling. The last book I finished reading was In Search of Schrodinger’s Cat, about quantum physics. Somewhat heavier reading than Mr. Adam, kind of like an M-1 tank is to a matchbox car. I like variety in my reading and my clubbing. Tuscl
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Readers Choice
    Stephen Hawking now says that the earth will end in a ball of fire in 600 years. Care to comment, PD83?
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Life is strange.....
    I’m sort of in a same situation as the OP but haven’t quite had the same degree of intimacy. To maintain the relationship as is I have convinced her and myself (honestly) that she is doing a job and I am buying a service. But, I still desire her companionship at every opportunity and she has been willing to provide it. There has been no sex, and most likely won’t be, there has been no OTC of any sort, and probably won’t be. But we still enjoy each other’s company when we can. There is great affection between us, but that’s all it will ever be. We acknowledge that and are comfortable with that.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    Big asses
    “...looks like a diaper.” Well said, Nina, very well said!
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    OT: Airport Bathrooms
    Schipol Airport in Amsterdam has very clean bathrooms. I once passed three cleaning ladies standing outside the men’s room preparing to enter and clean. As I was standing at the urinal I could hear the ladies talking and thought they sounded awfully close. I finished up and turned around to find them just standing there watching me.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    I strongly prefer women of color. Every color.
    Badges? We don't need no stinking badges!
    I think both those clubs are in Harris County outside the city limits.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    I'll be damned, Astros win the World Series!
    How ‘bout them ‘Stros!
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Social Media and ATF
    I have no strippers as Facebook friends, although several have shown up in facebooks “people you may know” lists. (That’s creepy in and of itself! I’ll find my own friends, thank you!). When I look at the strippers’ public profiles and see the truly pathetic losers who are already her friends... Wow, I don’t want to be associated with that bunch!
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    New Jersey, near the Shore
    A different perspective on Harvey Weinstein
    Please allow me to unload for a few minutes. I am pissed. I don’t know whether Weinstein or Cosby did the stuff they are accused of or not. I don’t have firsthand knowledge of the facts. I wasn’t there. But, I know the truth of the old adage, where there’s smoke there’s fire, and, man the smoke is thick in these cases. But, what really grates on me are the sanctimonious shits that are coming out of Hollywood, the feminists and the media, particularly Hollywood. I saw today that Weinstein is kicked out of their big organization MPAS. Not compatible with the ethics of their organization or some such crap. Since when are they guardians of Hollywood morality? Probably half the clowns that voted him out have done the same things. And the radical feminists, who think every heterosexual male is a rapist who hasn’t yet been caught. Give me a break! Give the man his day in court and deal with what comes out of that. In the meantime I say to Hollywood, radical feminists and the media, shut up! Thank you for the opportunity to vent. Tuscl
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Oh DAMN!
    Sorry, someone has to say it, THAT’S BULLSHIT!
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Computers in the work place
    At the place I used to work the company made it very clear that logging in to such sites would not be tolerated at all. Once the rumor went around that about a half dozen people were fired for "improper internet usage." Several days later I had an IT guy in my office and I asked if the rumor was true. Indeed, it was. I said I thought the company blocked such sites. He said yes, but said the barriers were a piece of cake to get around. He asked if I wanted him to show me. Uh, no thanks, I'm ok without it!