Strippers banging club managers

avatar for JordanBelfort
Was eavsdropping on a discussion between two girls, couldn't make it out completely but it sounded as if the girls randomly have to bang the manager in order to continue dancing at the establishment... anyone hear of this practice?


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Very common practice.
Never heard of such a practice, but it does not surprise me that such a thing could happen.
I've heard of the managers using their position to take advantage. Assholes. I've never heard of employment depending on it though.
Happens all the time. Strippers also bang or blow the DJ frequently.
I’ve had several dancers say it’s common or they have done it.
Not directly, but not surprising. Bet it's more common with low end clubs or low end strippers at the club.
Yeah it probably happens
IDK how common it may be - I assume it happens but not sure how much of the norm it is
The book Candy Girl...a memoir of a Minneapolis-based stripper...the author writes about how the dancers at the major chain nude club got to cash out at the end of the night in the order of how frequently they banged or blew management. It's actually a pretty interesting book and the writer has gone to write TV and movie scripts, including the movie "Juno."
The blow job queen used to tell me stories about all of the managers, DJs, bouncers, and club owners she has sucked the cum out of. I never counted but it was a lot.
Happens all the time at a Dayton Ohio area club. Manager has actually forced himself on dancers in his office for oral sex.
I've heard first hand from a couple of dancer at my favorite club, that they have gone into the owners office, smoked pot with him and were then paid for extras.

Not recently but in the past the owner has taken 5 or 6 of the girls on a chartered private jet to NOLA and Vegas all expenses paid. I am assuming the the girls are taking care of the owner on these trips.
At my old favorite club, it was pretty well understood by everyone who stuck around that they had to service the owners and the bouncers, especially if they were the low end dancers.
Jackslash has it right, the DJs get a lot of the action. He has all theor numbers and texts them thoughout the shifts giving them a heads up as to when their sets are coming up.
Also is the one guy who moves most of the blow, at least at the clubs I go to.
Just because it happens doesn't make it right. Guys that do that are total shitbags.
My ATF occasionally points out dancers who are "dating" the owner - generally girls who are in some demand but not top producers.
I'm sure it happens, but it's a stupid idea on the manager's part. You lose all respect with strippers the instant they know you want to fuck them. Once your cock comes out of your pants, you might as well be just another John. BTW, this is exactly the reason why guys like us should never even think about owning a strip club: most of us have fucked at least one or two strippers in our respective areas (and even if we haven't, we want to).
I am truly shocked!

Who would have thought that strip club managers bang strippers? And that DJs provide drugs?

I thought managers and DJs were all upstanding and brilliant citizens that never did unethical things. My eyes are now open!
The surprise is ?

Sorry to say this is something that drove me away from the clubs some years back and over the years it hasn't gotten any better.....ever ask yourself why certain managers/bouncers are more aggressive with certain girls than others.....

Ever wonder why sometimes the DJ's seem to promote certain girls after their routines?
I say if it’s good enough for the president of the United States why shouldn’t managers and DJs get a little side action. ;)
avatar for Dblednmike
So Cal
7 years ago
I used to bounce in a club and it happened. Girls would blow the manager when they fucked up to get out of trouble. If he came in and was in a shitty mood some of them would take turns and “take one for the team”. First time I heard them talking about it I thought they were joking, A few minutes later one of them went up to his office, came dawn about 15 minutes later, and the rest of the night went smoothly.

It wasn’t all the girls, but they were the ones that were more likely to hook up OTC, or go with high mileage dances.
"That sounds pretty shitty to me. How nice of an establishment was it?"

Taxi_driver.......ever been to Brunswick?
I avoid all internal club drama when possible, but I've always assumed this happens to some degree at most clubs.
How do I get one of these jobs as a strip club manager ?
I know of one.......same name as the place you mentioned in Cleveland where this goes on from multiple sources. I haven't been t in Brunswick for over a year and there was enough drama going on because of the inside favoritism and dating I quit.......I'm much more apt to be in BrookPark or Cleveland myself when I am in the area now.
avatar for tony_montana
7 years ago
What Taxi just said is don't get high off your own supply. It's one of the first rules of running a good business.
I’m sure it happens in more than a few clubs in manhattan
The other secondary issue is when your supply takes it as a promotion and starts trying to tell the other dancers what to do, how they will do it, and when......and when confronted has the manager step in and back her..........I'm not sure the status over there at this point but I do know the some of the dancers went to other places and in some cases even other cities.

If it had been one dancer stating what went on I would have taken it with a grain of salt....two my ears pick up.....three.......and especially when the three are not all of the same clique...........

Do you feel that the dancers and the staff lost respect for the manager because he was fucking some of the girls? Did it make his job more difficult? (And did you ever get any action, yourself? Just curious.)
Hear of this happening to get out of house fees and "fines" (late to shift fines etc)
A friend of mine would work as a strip club DJ in college. I’d go to the club with him some nights - and the dancers were happy to do anything he wanted. I got quite a bit of pussy when filling in at the DJ booth. I had no idea how to actually DJ - but it didn’t seem to matter.

I’m guessing it’s prevalent with DJ’s due to some being a similar age to the dancers. The managers might be older - but they have the power.
How about the pee trolls? Do they get action too? I might want to step up my efforts to land a job.
avatar for GoVikings
7 years ago
^ lolol
avatar for Dblednmike
So Cal
7 years ago
BurlingtonHoFactory - There wasn’t a lot of respect there to begin with. The girls really didn’t like him much. He didn’t attach any significance to it in terms of special treatment beyond the incident they were “paying for”.

And yes, I did get some... But not for the same reason. I had a good full time job, this was a part time gig. Most people who work for the club take tips from the dancers. It’s stupid how much they pay out sometimes at the end of the night. All the bouncers I worked with would take tips for walking the girls to their cars. I wouldn’t take tips. I figured I was getting paid by the club to do a job, it wouldn’t be right to take money from them for doing my job. I was a nice guy to the girls. If I did someone a favor, like a ride home or something, I never tried to use it as leverage to get into their pants. As a result more than a few literally threw themselves at me. It was a fun time, but not something I could keep up long term.
The tips are another form of what I deem the trap of a dancer thinking she is making a lot of money when in reality she is making it for everyone else.......some girls are forced to tip out depending on the club culture........bouncers, bartenders, DJ's, managers, club mom as have, etc.....the list is endless.

I mentioned on here before at Legends there is a booking fee......
I’m sure it’s common.
avatar for scgato
7 years ago
Some clubs, the tip out on a Friday or Saturday evening can be over $150. The people basically lineup for the girls to tip out.
In my favorite club I’ve never heard a word about the managers or bouncers going after the dancers but many have “dated” one of the DJ’s. If you look at his FB friends it’s like a dancer lineup. I had several OTC sessions with a dancer who had just broken up with that DJ and in fact I helped her furnish her apartment. She was totally pissed at him and I never heard her reasons but she did admit he was better than average in the sack. I’d say the same of her.
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