if you were.......

Over 60 and discovered you had prostate cancer would you undergo chemo and/or radiation; have surgery with the risk of impotence and/or incontinence; or gamble and assume you'll die of something else before prostate cancer kills you. No the bad news for my fans here is I am in perfect health for a 45 year old man.
Right. I’ve heard you don’t look a day over 70
Shadow has a fair point as well. My own response is to get legitimate medical advice.
I know there are different names for the procedure - but I’ve heard cyberknife treatment can provide positive results with minimal side effects.
Also, with certain men, depending on how slow moving the cancer might be, watchful waiting can be an option.
I wish your friend the best. It can be an overwhelming choice - due to all of the options one might see.
Fuck cancer
My dad was diagnosed in about 2002/2003 with prostate cancer. He elected to have prostate surgery at that time. They removed the prostate and did lymph node biopsies...all clear.
About 8 years later cancer returned. Went through a few drugs, then radiation treatment. Knocked down the PSA and things were good for a while.
A few years ago his PSA started climbing. More drugs, more treatment options, shots, a semi-experimental treatment (radium 223) that I do not recommend after watching him go through it.
During all this, his PSA went from around 20 to over 13,000 at one point.
And then finally chemo. He's been on chemo about a year. They found a brain tumor during his last PET scan, on a fluke no less. Had brain surgery in February to remove the tumor, then had follow up radiation to help kill the remaining 5% of the tumor last week.
He'll start a new chemo drug tomorrow. This is the final drug option for him. When this one loses its effectiveness there are no more treatments.
Watching my father go through this has been living hell.
Two years ago during a trip here to see me he left his golf clubs here. Said he didn’t think he’d play anymore. That crushed me.
It’s spread to his liver, spine, rib cage, brain, etc.
I always insist on a nationwide PPO so that you can locate the best specialists if some serious health problem occurs. . There are many articles about "active surveillance" of prostrate cancer with biopsies and frequent PSA testing. I would sure give that a try before surgery or radiation.
It’s different with your dad - as his body is getting ravaged by the disease - and the brutal effects of treatment as well.
I think that's not always the case. Mayo Clinic and Johns Hopkins probably have the best urology departments in the country. This is probably not a condition that should be treated by your local HMO. Here's a summary from Mayo Clinic on the topic of when "active surveillance" might be the best choice:
Having already gone through cancer (all of this this calculus) with my late mother, there's certainly a lot to think about. And sometimes the best course of action may not to fight it. I can see where skibum is coming from.
Dad had a small seizure, fainted, fell yesterday. Ruled out stroke, did brain MRI and a bunch of other tests.
Found 2 masses in his brain again, from the cancer...recommending Gamma Knife radiation next week, in lieu of surgery. Then he’ll go to an inpatient rehab facility to regain strength and motor skills (he lost feeling on his left side).