Strip clubs and the drug problems...
Do strip clubs contribute to the drug problem of this country? yes but whos to say if its more then a regular club or not. I certainly dont know that answer. Heres what i do know. Strip clubs provided a large amount of money to girls often with little to no skill set. This fast money doesnt lead to a drug problem but it can definetly feed a drug problem quickly. If you need drugs you will do anything in your power to get them. For dancers this means literally anything. If your job is prancing around naked on a stage for money, sleeping with someone for more money or drug money is not going to be out of the quesiton. Its starts a vicious cycle you strip for drug money and use drugs to forget about the fact that you strip. I dont believe strip clubs in themselves contribute to the current problem more so then any other club but i do believe most strippers if honest have or do use.
Yes, they do contribute to the drug problem for specific people. For the reasons you state.
No, because the drug problem in America is much bigger than the population that could involve strip clubs.
Personally, I am mixed about drugs. Philosophically, I think people should be free to do what they want as long as they don't endanger others by driving while high or doing other things that could injure others while high. On the other hand, drugs can really mess people up and some of that would persist even if drugs were legal.
So politically I favor legalizing marijuana because everything I read about it suggests it would result in harm similar to alcohol. Harder drugs should remain illegal but people should be placed in house arrest and have to option to join treatment programs or maintenance programs where drugs are relatively cheap and legally distributed.
Putting people in jail is expensive and it makes no sense to me to spend tax dollars and ruin lives for non-violent crimes. There is no perfect solution, but spending tax dollars to lock people up who wouldn't hurt people otherwise makes no sense to me. We're supposed to be a free country.
I don't touch drugs, even marijuana, because I personally don't want to directly support the people who smuggle and distribute drugs. I'm also not that interested. Last time I was in Colorado I considered an edible, but it just didn't seem that interesting to me. But I say to each his or her own in places where marijuana is legal (or semi-legal since it is still federally illegal, even though this is definitely something that should be up to states).
The club, with loud crowds, gun screening, and cctv in the parking lot, is ideal for a safe drug transaction.
The access to quick money is dangerous. The danger can quickly increase as the dancer learns that extras provide additional money to fuel her drug habit.
After a dancer gets into extras - she can find even more need for drugs to numb the emotional toll. In this case - the club can become a gateway to prostitution.
With certain customers - they might offer drugs as payment - and that can also push the dancer deeper into addiction.
There is also a chance that a dancer will steal from anyone she can - because of her intense addiction. Stealing from customers and other dancers is a definite possibility.
So, the lifestyle, and the access to money, both contribute to making strip clubs bad places for girls with drug problems.