
Comments by SoonerSam (page 2)

  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Tired of easy extras?
    Agree with everyone else. If you're tired of easy extras, then you're probably dead or gay.
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    11 years ago
    taking nominations-worst towns for strip clubs
    The one experience I had in Colorado (don't remember the town) was not very good. Air dances from a platform. No contact. Lame ass experience. Not sure if the rest of Colorado is that bad.
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    11 years ago
    STILL no Ohio clubs listed on the Top 100
    It also doesn't help Ohio that the SC laws kinda put a damper on fun. Not to mention one can go to Detroit if one lives in the northern part of the state and get good service, or one can go to West Virginia clubs such as in Weirton or Wheeling and get good service if one lives east or southeast. And of course Pittsburgh has some good clubs there where I've heard extras are possible. I know for a fact that extras can be had in Wheeling area or in New Cumberland, WV clubs like Tiffany's Dolls or Fantasy's.
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    11 years ago
    the harem..lodi nj
    Perhaps because they have so few black dancers might actually work to your advantage. Perhaps Lodi is a community where few blacks reside, and so having that bit of "spice" as it were might help you land a job. I honestly know nothing about that club, I am simply speculating on the possibilities. But as Club_Goer said, you need to go in and assert yourself and simply ask. The worst they can say is no.
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    11 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Does She Have What it Takes ?
    I think she's hot. I have no idea about Vegan clubs, though, so I can't speak to that. But she can come and sit on my face for a while!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Lines by strippers that worked to get you into VIP.
    " I have two rules: you have to cum on my tits, and what happens in VIP stays in VIP." Yeah, that worked.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    North Carolina
    Current State of Strip Clubs
    Plus, let's look at the strip club industry over time. It has been an ever-evolving industry. First there was burlesque and Vaudeville. Then it morphed around the 70s to a more open strip club type of thing (see the Mitchell Brothers O'Farrell Theater in SF - "Behind the Green Door," anybody?). When the 80s hit, there was more glitz and show as Yuppies entertained their clientele while watching a young girl strut her stuff. We are currently in a trend where strippers have gone from doing fan dances and only showing at the end of the act to giving head and FS in the VIP. And many more are now doing OTC. The industry evolves to the growing and ever-changing demands of the custies. Girls will always find a way to earn. The cam girl explosion we've seen in recent years has little to offer those of us PLs who lack the physical touch of the opposite sex in our everyday lives. I know I go to strip clubs for contact. I need to touch, taste, and be touched by a stripper. I don't see this changing any time soon. Also, even if prostitution becomes legal (here's hoping!), real world examples abound internationally of strip clubs still in operation, some just across our border in TJ. But look elsewhere around the world for legal prostitution and strip clubs, and you'll find plenty. Hell, strip clubs will evolve yet again into legal brothels with great music and lights. Rumors of SC death are greatly exaggerated. Probably by those strippers who for whatever reason refuse to give extras. Girl's gotta earn a living.
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    11 years ago
    Names & Numbers...and Lists
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    11 years ago
    Best strip club city
    I hear good stories about Dallas clubs. My friend had sex in a VIP in Dallas. I've not gone VIP yet there, but would if I could find the right girl for the right price. Baby Doll's in Dallas is a top rated SC and many of the reviews suggest extras are available. Just my two cents. That, and Dallas is the closest of those clubs on the list to me.
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    11 years ago
    New To The Life
    Papi, again I am on board with what you said above. I am gun shy about escorts primarily because of the don't-know-what-you're-getting factor. With a stripper, if she is open to OTC, you've already seen her and interacted with her. Even if you only just met her, you've developed some sort of basic relationship with her in the club. It's at least a known quantity. With an escort, anything can happen - might not be her pictures you saw, she may want to ROB you by charging more than what she quoted over the phone, etc. Some of this can happen with a stripper too, but for her the consequences are more potential hazardous. You know where she works if she tries to rip you off. It's in her best financial interests to keep you on the hook and happy for as long as possible. I just like strippers more than escorts. Papi, once again, kudos.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    girls that don't ask for dances
    From Papi_Chulo: "Perhaps some dancers may feel the same way – i.e. maybe they think custies get tired of been approached all the time for dances and the dancer thus “assumes” that if the custie is interested in getting a dance from her; then the custie will approach her and let her know?" This is a good point! And honestly, it may be the case most of the time. I obviously will never approach a dancer I do not want a dance from unless it is to tip her on stage for a song choice. I noticed last night at my favorite club that I have maybe developed a reputation (although I just may be imagining it) for wanting particular girls. I am particular, this is true. And, I had three former and current CFs at the club last night, so I was spending most of my time/money with them and was not approached by anyone else the entire night. I'm OK with that - if I want a girl bad enough I'll tell the waitress to get her for me or I'll talk to her on stage. Last night was weird, though. I actually had about five CFs or former CFs there, as two were there for dayshift and I came in just before the shift change. I felt like I was doing a serious juggling act. But Papi's point is well taken and probably dead on accurate.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Have you ever lost interest in the Hobby and needed to take some time off?
    I have little impulse control, and so when I go clubbing, I spend a lot (in my opinion). I think if I did more OTC - and I just found another girl to take my OTC girl who moved away's place - I can save myself some money. I usually spend at least $300 in a SC visit, and two times ago I spent damn near $700. At $200/pop OTC, I can save some money. Maybe I need to take a break from SCing.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    To club or not to club
    @curiousity - I wasn't referring to you when I said "you" in my last post. I was making an analogy of what some guys do when they get a dancer for a GF. My post had nothing to do with you, man. I can see how reading it might make you think I was talking to you directly, but instead I was trying to point out the hypocrisy with some PLs regarding their thoughts on dancer GFs. Sorry for the confusion.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    To club or not to club
    At the club I work, if a dancers starts dating a custie outside the club as BF/GF, the custie is no longer allowed in the club on nights she works. The reason is because we don't want drama from a dancer getting jealous of her BF getting dances or tipping and we don't want custies getting all amped up about their GF grinding on other guys. While most guys who are regular posters on here would understand the business, civvies are idiots when it comes to that. Let me get this straight, you met your GF at a strip club where she dances, and now you're jealous because she still dances there. You knew what she did before you started seeing her, and you were OK with it, but now you're not? Hypocrite. I've seen several dancers say they were gonna quit because their BF who they met at the club is not happy with them dancing.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Getting rid of a long time favorite
    @skibum - someone mentioned trying to do some sort of guarantee with her. Sounds like a good idea to me, but if I read the original post right, it sounds like you want maybe just one night a month or so where you get to sample everyone else in the club. If that's the case, she won't be taking that much of a financial hit, so you might tell you you'd like one night every month where you come in and spend your money on whoever you want except her. And you'll be with her all the other times. I think if you are honest and up front with her, she will be more likely to be receptive.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Sloppy Seconds with your Buddy
    Plus, we must remember that chances are those two likely weren't the first customers these girls had that night, and lest we forget our faves in the club are likely giving others the same treatment we get. At least with a friend you know the guy you're following.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    How do you get a club unlisted?
    Thanks all. I just noticed that Founder unlisted it as of Wednesday night. I just checked and it's not there anymore. It was there earlier in the day, so either my club update or my PM to Founder got it unlisted. Thanks for the advice, though!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Dancers cumming
    Just this past Sunday I licked a stripper's pussy until she came, and then she said, "You wanna clean up the mess you made?" To which I promptly licked the cum from her pussy clean. While that does not constitute "dancing," it was during a LD that this happened. Does that count? If so, it has happened several times for me. I love having to clean the stripper cum out of my goatee.
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    11 years ago
    In the wind
    What's your favorite "ism"?
    I like hedonism. Of course, all of this is nothing more than solipsism.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    How Do You Let Down A Favorite Without Pissing Her Off
    This is why I try to make it clear from the get-go with my faves that I am not a one-dancer guy. I love to play the field. Last night was a perfect example - I had about 4 girls at the club that were at one point CFs for me, including one who may be my new CF.. Most of them understand that I don't stick with one girl, so they're pretty cool about it. My main question for you is, are you sure she'll poison the waters for you in that club? Maybe she'll be OK with it. But you know better than I would, obviously. If she will, then I don't know of an easy way to let her down. Maybe wean her off of your money, like get one dance instead of three for $50. Then eventually just tip her $10 for hanging around or something. I don't know, I'm not saying it's a perfect fix, but it may at least ease the pain of getting your rep sullied at your favorite club, if it is your favorite I mean.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    I Love You
    Sorry, when I said "CL" I meant "CF". Slip of my fingers, I guess, or I was confused. :P
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Speaking of shitty reviews (is this a shill?) ...
    I did flag all of her three reviews as possible shills because if you read the other two she wrote, she talked about the $7 Tuesdays and her brother in another one. And they all seem to be shilling for the club in question. I have never been to any of them, but I'm just skeptical that this is a real review. Thanks for the feedback, Papi.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Speaking of shitty reviews (is this a shill?) ...
    I just looked at the other two reviews this person put up for two other clubs, and they are almost exactly the same way in terms of inappropriate caps and exclamation marks. These reviews seem like shills.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    I Love You
    OK, along this topic, last night I went to my favorite club to meet a dancer I am considering OTC with. Anyway, while there, I had no less than three other girls there who at one time or another have been my CL, and one of them is a real friend who I've known for about 6 years now. This one told me like three times last night that she loved me. Now I am pretty certain this was a term of endearment as I don't spend much money on her anymore. I use her now as a means of scouting out girls for me who I would like, or having her get them to come over for me, etc. She's gone from CL status to BFF in the club. Still, I was a bit taken aback by what she said even though I was sure it was simply an "I love you as a friend" statement. I was barely able to respond with a weak "Love you too" back to her. It won't change our relationship, but it was still kinda weird.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    Safe P4P
    @Slick - point taken LOL.