
Comments by SoonerSam (page 3)

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    11 years ago
    Ever gone on a stripper golf outing?
    I DJ'd at a club that had an annual golf outing with strippers. Unfortunately, I was never able to go because I was working the day shift when it went down. I did hear all sorts of crazy shit, though, like strippers fucking guys in the weeds and shit. I guess it pays to be a shitty golfer after all.
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    11 years ago
    North Carolina
    when it comes down to it
    Not trying to be PC at all. In fact, I met a dancer just this week who may end up being my new OTC experience girl, who also happens to be black. She just is someone I am attracted to in terms of body type. I will admit that I usually do not find black girls attractive. However, black girls with what I would call "white" features, i.e. bone structure, small but shapely ass, light skin, etc., really can turn me on. This girl is hot, and she is a p4p provider. Again, she turns me on, and that is the point. So, black girls that look "white" (I guess). Is that racist? If so, then I guess I am.
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    11 years ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    Safe P4P
    @Rod8432 - see, this is what I've been saying to all my friends. Everyone pays for pussy, it just depends on how you view it. And at least with an escort or an OTC stripper, you are pretty much paying for a sure thing as opposed to dating which is hit or miss with respect to getting any. I'd much rather fuck a stripper OTC for cash than date a civvie who may or may not put out. My friends are all like "I would never pay for pussy." But we all do in some fashion. I'd rather go for a sure thing.
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    11 years ago
    My ATF is gone ...
    For the record, it's just a visit and not a move back. But that's OK. At least I can give her a proper goodbye.
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    11 years ago
    My ATF is gone ...
    UPDATE: Today she texted me that she's gonna be back in town either this week or next, and that we need to do "something special." Qonder what that's gonna cost me? Doesn't matter, she's worth it. Oh, and @ilbbaichi, thanks man. It sucks, especially when you find a girl that's pretty much perfect for what you want and is willing to do whatever.
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    11 years ago
    North Carolina
    when it comes down to it
    Not really, although I do have some preferences with respect to look. If a dancer fits my "looks" profile, I don't care if she's from Mars.
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    11 years ago
    My ATF is gone ...
    @Ermita, hahaha briefly, yes.
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    11 years ago
    Low Budget Reviews
    A couple of things. First, rick is right that sometimes the show's not worth spending the money on, but as he said the review in question needs to be done in such a way as to explain WHY the reviewer spent so little money. Now if someone only HAS $20 to play with, then they have no business being there in the first place. However, I'm old enough to remember when $20 in a strip club could in fact guarantee a pretty good time. When I started going to SCs in Oklahoma City back in the early 1990s, a LD was $5. $20-40 was a hell of a good time back then. And honestly, it was about all I could afford, working minimum wage and all. Now, though, like motor, I rarely walk in with less than $300 and plan on dropping most of it unless I have a bad time. My how times change.
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    11 years ago
    Pariah of the club...
    Slick, it appears we're from the same part of the country. I agree with lowpaw about the "clam-jam." I hate being pigeon-holed as somebody's regular. In fact, I've made it a point to explicitly tell girls I frequently see that I'm nobody's regular. They all are cool about that, which is why I continue to see them. I even have one dancer who actually looks for other talent that she thinks I will like, since she claims she knows my preferences. I think she overestimates her knowledge of my preferences, but it's OK. I like having a "wingman" in the club, especially when it's another dancer. I've never been made into a pariah based on my accessories (I don't wear a watch) or for any reason actually. And I HATE flashing my money because I know what happens is that you get hounded nonstop. I would rather sit back and wait for a girl I am into comes around. Of course, because I'm fairly known in my favorite club as a good spender, and because I've gotten dances from a number of the girls, I am rarely left alone when I come in.
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    11 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Charges Against Valley Brook Strip Club Dismissed
    Typical Oklahoma City bullshit. While I'm not a fan of Little Darlings, I am glad to see that it was exonerated for this. Really sad, as Shadow said, that untold amounts of taxpayer money was wasted for a county sheriff to get reelected.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    Jesus People
    Hang on a sec. I'm not entirely sure anyone who posts on a strip club message board should be making any kind of moral judgments on strippers. Maybe I'm reading too much into this. I'm not sure we can say with any certainty that a stripper cannot be a Christian. And if one can say that, then the same can be said about SC custies, I would think. If stripping is a sin according to the tenets of Christianity, then watching someone stripping and paying them for the privilege is certainly one as well, right? I understand that Estafador didn't proclaim to be a Christian himself, but it seems a bit hypocritical to make a moral assertion when you are yourself engaging in a similar hobby/pastime. I don't know, I just think this smacks of pretension.
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    11 years ago
    Strip club DJs
    Again, in our defense, lopaw, 90+% of all our patrons are male, so please excuse us if we forget the ladies from time to time. I under stand it is annoying, but we all get into a comfortable rhythm or familiar jargon, whatever, and we sometimes get complacent. It's extremely easy for a DJ to go on "autopilot" with respect to what he/she says on the mic, especially when the crowd is dead. I am certainly guilty of that, and as much as I try to alter my pace or what I say, I still find myself slipping into familiar phrases. My club has a fair number of female patrons, and I do attempt when I notice (which I do often) that we have a lot of ladies in the club to use terms like "boys and girls," "party people," or what have you so as not to leave them out. Not sure why most DJs are thought of as obnoxious fucktards. Perhaps most of the ones you've met, but honestly what is your sample size to make this statement? Also, while we know that we're not the draw, we are responsible for whether the club has a good vibe or not, and to that end we try to keep the atmosphere festive. I know that many times the DJ is blamed by management if the club vibe is down, so we're under a certain amount of pressure to keep things lively. I understand that most SC patrons on this board (myself included) are not really paying attention to or really even caring about the DJ or the atmosphere. Most of US want hot women who do hot stuff in VIP or what have you. However, while we make up a substantial portion of SC patronage, we still only make up a small amount of all SC customers, the rest there for a party atmosphere. It's those people management pushes the DJ to cater to. Obviously, these are generalities - not EVERY club is going to be this way. My favorite club to visit is Fantasy Island in Oklahoma City. The club is what I would best describe as a lapdance factory. Nobody gives a shit about stage shows, and the DJ there NEVER talks on the mic, except to remind a dancer she's on stage if she forgets where she is in the rotation. Other than that, he does nothing but sit there, take money at the door, and play songs. He may as well be a jukebox. And as much as I don't care about that, I notice because I am a DJ. I do notice DJs at clubs, but only because I am comparing myself to them. Shadowcat, thanks for the kind words. Lowpaw, sorry you think most of us are fucktards. I don't think we are, but hey, I'm biased.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Strip club DJs
    As a strip club DJ, I want to first say that obviously not all DJs are douches. I am the main DJ at my club right now, and I work with two other guys who've both been in the business longer than me but who are only working part time at my club. And all three of us are older, the youngest being late 30s. I've been a DJ off and on for over 7 years, and I've seen all sorts of DJs. The club at which I currently work has a STRICT "no fraternization" policy - even if I could bag a stripper (which I likely couldn't considering I'm admittedly not very attractive and I'm much older than most of them), I would be fired for doing so, and honestly I like my job more than I like fucking strippers I work with. And trust me, there are very few secrets in the strip club world. As someone else said earlier, there is a lot of dressing room talk, so it would eventually get back to the club owner, and while I'm a damn good DJ, I'm not fireproof. Whether you like them or not, DJs provide a service both for the dancers and the customers. I've been to dozens of clubs and heard hundreds of DJs. It is difficult to say which type of DJ is "best," Some keep it relatively low key on the mic and deliver basic information about each dancer, where they are going next (which stage, off stage, etc.). Others try to make it a party and pump up the crowd (my boss tries to get us to do that - he likes a fun party atmosphere since the club is in a college town with little else there). To each his own as to what you like from your DJ. Do DJs fuck the dancers? Sure, sometimes at some clubs. I was lucky enough to be able to do that when I was in my 20s. Now that I'm in my 40s and am using this job as a supplemental source of income (it actually has become my primary source since my "other" job pays shit), I don't have the luxury of throwing caution to the wind and fucking one of my strippers. I guess my main reason for writing all of this is to try to defend my profession a little. I've read lots of posts about DJs being douchebags, scummy, skeevy, etc. I even read once that someone on this board called DJs "oxygen thieves." Trust me, there are PLENTY of those in all walks of life even among custies - DJs don't corner the market. And to Estafador, what are the qualifications to becoming a strip club DJ? It depends on the club mostly, but a SC DJ is MUCH different than being a radio or club DJ. Club DJs play endless dance music with little talking. Radio DJs are a different breed altogether. A strip club DJ is more of an emcee than a DJ. He/she throws the party and has to be able to talk on the mic. I'm a product of every DJ, good and bad, that I've worked with/heard. We steal from each other all the time, but imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. I've heard other DJs copying phrases I have made up, and I've done likewise if I like it. Bottom line, strip club DJs have to have a certain flair on the mic for most clubs. It's a lot more than playing music. I can teach anybody to push a few buttons. Knowing how to read a crowd, make the right comments, keep the atmosphere up, those are what set a good DJ apart from a pretender. Sorry for the length of this.
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    11 years ago
    Emergancy Cash
    Actually, let's see if this works: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fXSLcYQHqFQ
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    11 years ago
    Emergancy Cash
    Anyone here speak jive? http://youtu.be/fXSLcYQHqFQ
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    11 years ago
    what is your favorite stripclub song
    I noticed a couple of you have the right idea. Inna Gadda Da Vida, a what? 17 minute song, Closer by NIN is about 6 minutes. How about Freebird or Stranglehold? Long songs for long LDs. That is, unless the DJ cuts songs short (my club does that, or I should say I do since I'm the DJ). I saw a few I like. I also like Pornstar Dancing by My Darkest Days, and Bad Girlfriend by Theory of a Deadman. Both killer songs, although I like Bad Girlfriend more.
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    11 years ago
    Sexy Readings with Joker
    Post the part about the Orangedrink/Lemondrink man. I hate this book, by the way. I had to read it for a lit class in college. Arundhati Roy is an awful writer. Sorry.
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    11 years ago
    First time OTC
    @looneylarry No, the p[ics aren't my OTC experience girl. I don't have any pics of her (yet). But I hope to get some next time we hook up. It was a fantastic experience, and one I look forward to repeating.
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    11 years ago
    First time OTC
    Hahaha! Nice one, Slick! I've been able to do that for a few years now. I'm 43 - my girl is 20. 20-year old hot strippers willing to p4p is just awesome!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    First time OTC
    Thanks for responses, guys! I appreciate the feedback. This was a great experience, and I'll definitely p4p with this girl again. There's nothing better than sex with a hot stripper less than half your age. At least, nothing better thus far. Unless it's sex with TWO hot strippers that are less than half my age. She told me she has a girlfriend who wants to join us. The price would be $600. I think I wanna play with her some more for a while before I jump into that. Although a threesome sounds like fun ...
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    First time OTC
    Thanks Papa for the advice. Trust me, I'm a 20+ year strip clubber. However, I can and have made mistakes along the way. I know better than to not give money to a stripper except for p4p. I guess I should qualify the statement I made. What I mean is that I have no problem engaging in p4p and intend to do so as much as I can afford to. I will keep a level head, however, and make sure the big one does the thinking. Again, I have definitely been burned by a couple of strippers in the past. Stupid mistakes by me. Hopefully I have learned from them. But thanks for keeping me honest, Papa.
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    11 years ago
    BODY 10; FACE 3
    Point taken Red. I'm not suggesting that she was ugly, far from it. She's a cute girl, but her face certainly doesn't match up with that amazing body. So, I guess in answer to the OP question, I've never seen a 10 body and a 3 face. And I would think that a butter face might be hard to work around, regardless of how nice the body is. But as my friend always used to say: "Doggie style has no face."
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    11 years ago
    BODY 10; FACE 3
    There's a dancer at the club I work who has without a doubt a 10 body. Her face, though, while not a 3, does have room for improvement, maybe I'd say a 6 or 7. She's not UGLY, but she doesn't wear much make-up and she does have some pockmarks. I would still totally fuck her, and she does have probably the finest body I've ever seen. Her body more than compensates for any deficiencies in her facial appearance. I think some make-up would likely fix most of her issues.
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    11 years ago
    Where Have All The Adults Gone?
    Hahaha. Good post, farmerart.
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    11 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Goooood Lawd !!! thats a lot of money !!!!
    Hey baby, how'd you like to make $14 the hard way? I actually got that from Rodney Dangerfield on "Caddyshack" for those of you unfamiliar with that movie.