
Getting rid of a long time favorite

Avatar for skibum609

While I seldom have favorites, there is a dancer at my favorite club that I have been getting dances and cr's from since she started at age 19. She is now 26 and even hotter. Always satisfies and is beautiful. The minute I show up she dumps whomever she is sitting with and comes over and sits down. Used to love this, but as time goes by I realize I am missing out on others and after our last session I did try another and had the best gfe ever. Would love to be at the club just one night and have my pick, but it never happens anymore. My question is can anyone think of a decent way that I can explain I'd like to try out some new talent, yet still get dances from here when I wish. She has handled this situation poorly in the past, once going 19 months of not speaking to me when I chose another,but its totally possible I handled the situation poorly and seek some advice on how I can have my cake and eat it too.


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Avatar for boogieknight369

Just be honest. Tell her you want to try someone new. Ifshe bitches about it, remind her that it's a service and that if she'd like you to be exclusive, she's welcome to start doing it for free.

Important thing to remember is everyone's replaceable, especially strippers.

Avatar for gawker

Your last sentence reminds me of the two Eskimos traveling in a kayak. It was very cold so they lit a fire in the kayak. The fire spread causing the kayak to sink, proving that you can't have your kayak and heat it, too.

Avatar for jackslash

If your favorite is that hot, maybe I could take her off your hands.

Avatar for Alucard

I have only dumped one ATF. She did something that I couldn't overlook or forgive. Too bad, we had a real nice dancer/patron thing going.

Avatar for SlickSpic

Sounds like you're probably gonna go through the same shit again.

Avatar for Estafador

You have known her for 7 years bro. That's some fucking (no pun intended) history right there. I'm sure you've gone out on "dates" (quotations since I'm sure only you paid for dinners and such), hung out just cause and probably everything inbetween (sex is a given no doubt). I'm suprised you guys haven't just wound up dating for the amount of time you've known each other. Of course you could look at it as friends with benifits. I'm more flabbergasted that your just NOW getting tired of her.

Just let her know how long you've known each other and probably make a sympathize story about how you wouldn't think of breaking up what you have but also remind her that you're not dating and you guys are business friends with benifits and would like to try different flavors for a little while. But emphasize the time you've known one another and how you'll definitely be there for her. For extra butter, make it sound like you're desperately in still need of her just so she can warp her mind into thinking your all hers so she can not be mad. If she thinks your her and only her money bags, don't care because your still reaping the rewards.

Avatar for rockstar666

@Estafador I agree with the "business partners" as defining the relationship, because unless you hang with her OTC and don't pay her, that's what the relationship is. That's the defining test to, "Does she really like me" question.

Avatar for Fenster

You could point out to her that she's not exclusive, either. Even if she dumps whoever she's with when you walk in, she still has other customers.

Avatar for Lone_Wolf

You could push her do to something she's not comfortable with (e.g. more OTC) and use that as an excuse to back off when she balks.

There must be times when she dances for other people instead of you, so there may be opportunity to act pissed about that too.

You are not going to cut her off completely, just spend time with other dancers. If she still wants the cash, she will eventually roll with it.

Avatar for SuperDude

You're not married, just going steady. Break it off, just like in high school.

Avatar for 3LeggedMan

What if you guaranteed her at least one session a month or some other interval? That should make her feel better but still give you variety. I have a CF that's a bit possessive, but she's OK if my secondary squeeze is her little sister. Going to do VIP with sis this Tuesday. Really looking forward to it. Sis is muy caliente!

Avatar for skibum609

Thanks for the responses. Never done OTC with her or any other and have no interest in doing so. I like strip clubs, but its still just a hobby and has nothing to do with my real life of work, wife and enjoying life. I think what I will do is just be honest and let her know I need a break to sample others. I guess if she has a problem with it, it will be her problem, but I will miss that beautiful face and perfect little body.

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

People break up in “real life” all the time – if you’ve had a 7 year thing w/ her – that is longer than most marriages these days.

Avatar for tumblingdice

Alusnot,send me a PM about what she did.Chances are she posted your stupid PM's you sent to her.

Avatar for gawker

I somewhere remember "The Seven Year Itch". Last time I had that a little penicillin took care of it. Remember, "Hell hath no fury, like a stripper scorned". I've had a couple of experiences where they got really nasty if they thought someone else w,as going to share in the money from my wallet. Go slowly and carefully. The last thing you want is her calling your wife or your employer or some thing of that ilk.

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

Dancers know the game and they know regulars “have an expiration date” as they put it on SW.

I think many of them probably just play the pity card to make us feel guilty and to keep us spending on them (and sometimes only on them).

It’s hard for many folks to say no to people especially when the other party had not necessarily done anything wrong or has actually treated us well – but after all it is business; especially from her end IMO – I am sure she has a guy/BF that is fucking her for free while you are paying her.

She should know/understand your desire to be w/ other dancers – if she doesn’t react well to it I think she is probably just being greedy w.r.t. your $$$.

Avatar for skibum609

7 years is a long time, but for someone with the same email address for 15 years; same wife for 25 and same car insurance policy for 36 its typical for me. I do appreciate the responses and they snapped me back to reality.

Avatar for SoonerSam

@skibum - someone mentioned trying to do some sort of guarantee with her. Sounds like a good idea to me, but if I read the original post right, it sounds like you want maybe just one night a month or so where you get to sample everyone else in the club. If that's the case, she won't be taking that much of a financial hit, so you might tell you you'd like one night every month where you come in and spend your money on whoever you want except her. And you'll be with her all the other times. I think if you are honest and up front with her, she will be more likely to be receptive.

Avatar for sharkhunter

7 years, wow! I do have one favorite who has been around for a while but she works a few months at the beach from time to time. She said she likes to mix it up. I'm used to most dancers disappearing or working at other places after a few months or definitely after several months.

She might not take it nicely if she's thinking of you as part of her monthly or weekly income. However she probably won't want to tick you off and lose you completely. I don't come out and say I want to take a break for a few weeks. I might just say not tonight and might say the same thing on the next visit. She will get the message eventually. Of course if she gets busy, she might just start ignoring you.

Avatar for Pablo Antonio
Pablo Antonio


Wake up bro. There is no way you are going "to get dances when I wish" if you break it off.

You established a "relationship" whether you realize it or not. You should have never played her this way.

If you don't want to lose her, find someone else at another club and keep it under the radar.

Avatar for ilbbaicnl

The analogy to use to understand the stripper point of view is that they are the dairy farmers and we are the cows. Dairy farmers don't just let their cows wander off to be milked at other farms. Once you escape from the farmer's barn, you have to stubbornly refuse to be dragged back into it for a good spell. Eventually the other farmers will accept you as free range cattle.

Avatar for GCMan

WTF-be a man. It's your money. If you want to mess around with other strippers then tell her. Why all the bs of worrying what she thinks. You lose your income and ability to pay she will have no problem dumping your ass. Do what you want. It's not a real relationship. She's got other men coming to see her unless you are giving her $25,000 month.

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

“…You lose your income and ability to pay she will have no problem dumping your ass …”

It doesn’t get any more straight forward than that :)

Avatar for kittykate

Girls get territorial about their regs. After 7 years, she'll be pissed and probably freely express this. It might be worse depending on who you move on to... If you move into a girl she doesn't like or a younger, hotter version of herself then she will really be mad. Basically she's gonna freak out. But, it is your money. Just realize that she probably isn't going to come running to you anymore. If you don't want to give her up yet, isn't there another club you can go to for some variety, out if her field of vision? You could see her on Fridays, then go elsewhere on Saturdays to try out some different flavors. I don't know....

Avatar for SlickSpic

Good advice KK. Especially the part about the younger, hotter version of herself. I ran into a similar situation before. I traded in one Halle Berry stunt double for a younger Halle Berry stunt double. Let's just say that the older version went Puerto Rican-Jealous rage on me.

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