Does anyone know if the harem club in lodi nj hire jamaican dancers? I'm actually rather discouraged now because when i went to their website i seen all caucasian women in the photo gallery..i really wanted to work for this club but now I'm not so sure if they will even accept me..i speak well..I'm not ghetto..but will they automatically rule me me out because I'm ethopian and jamaican..if anyone knows about this club advice please..thanks:)
One can’t often go by the pics on the website – one often sees girls on the website that either they don’t see when they visit the club; or don’t even look like the types of dancers @ the club.
Many reviews will often describe the dancer roster – I always search for keywords such as “blackâ€; “AAâ€; “ebonyâ€; “Afric†(for African American spelled out).
If you are researching clubs; I suggest you pay the minimal fee for a TUSCL membership so you can read the reviews – or visit a club; write and submit a good review; and you’ll get a free 4-week TUSCL VIP membership that will allow you to read all the reviews you want.
I went ahead and scanned the Harem (Lodi) reviews and it does appear to be a white club. Hardly any of the most recent reviews mentioned WOCs. Below is the first WOC mention I came across (about 17 reviews in).
“… girls are mostly white, one or two hispanic and asians , black girls are rare... very good crowd and regulars …â€
Just b/c there may be few or very few WOCs does not mean you won’t get hired; but it does give you an idea of what you are up against.
Thanks papi_chulo and your right..I'm just worried that if its an all white club they won't hire me..i guess i'll call them later to see if they do hire black women(sigh)
Post/upload some pics of yourself to your TUSCL profile so us SC veterans can give you an honest assessment as to whether your look may cut it in a white upscale club – you can of course crop out your face (but a face w/ body shot in sexy attire will get you back honest feedback).
Like I said – putting you on the spot. If not comfortable with the indecent : proposal :) – no explanations needed – just ignore.
Lasa, You'll just have to assert yourself and go in and ask about a job there. Rejection (of jobs, as well as dances), is a big part of the strip club industry, as some have already pointed out. You need to start getting used to it. Dive in!
omg thank you so much club_goer..i do need to assert myself and if i do get rejected then i'll move on gracefully to a different club..i have to stop being a chicken and just do it..thanks club_goer u rock
Often times, many SCs are less picky about which girls they will hire for *dayshift*.
I’ve heard of black dancers that have auditioned @ upscale SCs but only allowed to work dayshift. It may be worth to keep in mind as an option (or when discussing working opportunities w/ the hiring manager).
And if dayshift is an option; it may get you in the door w/ a possibility of eventually getting into the nightshift crew if you turn out to be a good employee/dancer.
lasabiastarr, no disrespect intended but I have to think maybe the type of questions you ask would get a better response on the pink site, especially info about clubs and how to maximize your earnings from clients eg. 'hustle'.
TUSCL is a little more consumer oriented and a guys club for the most part. As such, the focus is more on getting 'bang for the buck'. Which means sometimes the focus of the two forums are at odds, but honestly I think realizing that it is entertainment and knowing what you have to offer clients within your boundaries and who those clients are is smart marketing- and win win for all.
I just hope if you check that place out the jaded 'men are scum' attitude some of those 'ladies' over there doesn't rub off on you. You are on the right track- know yourself and your demographic, and don't let the negatives of the club environment (e.g. locker room drama, getting wasted all the time, etc) get in the way of doing what you have to do. Good Luck.
All BS aside, a body pic would help guide your choices. Big boobs will land you in certain places while s big butt will take you far in others. Also your choice of outfits. If you're covered up you limit your choices. A lot of skin will open more doors and wallets
I definitely wouldn't go by the website. The website for my regular place has pictures of 12 girls on it, all white. I've seen 3 of them in the club, never seen the others. They also have a bunch of black and latino dancers. If you want to work there, go for it. Ignore what you see on the website.
Perhaps because they have so few black dancers might actually work to your advantage. Perhaps Lodi is a community where few blacks reside, and so having that bit of "spice" as it were might help you land a job. I honestly know nothing about that club, I am simply speculating on the possibilities. But as Club_Goer said, you need to go in and assert yourself and simply ask. The worst they can say is no.
All the "white" clubs I go to have a few black dancers. You could be one of those dancers. Go to the clubs and audition. You won't get hired unless you try.
last commentMany reviews will often describe the dancer roster – I always search for keywords such as “blackâ€; “AAâ€; “ebonyâ€; “Afric†(for African American spelled out).
If you are researching clubs; I suggest you pay the minimal fee for a TUSCL membership so you can read the reviews – or visit a club; write and submit a good review; and you’ll get a free 4-week TUSCL VIP membership that will allow you to read all the reviews you want.
I went ahead and scanned the Harem (Lodi) reviews and it does appear to be a white club. Hardly any of the most recent reviews mentioned WOCs. Below is the first WOC mention I came across (about 17 reviews in).
“… girls are mostly white, one or two hispanic and asians , black girls are rare... very good crowd and regulars …â€
Just b/c there may be few or very few WOCs does not mean you won’t get hired; but it does give you an idea of what you are up against.
Post/upload some pics of yourself to your TUSCL profile so us SC veterans can give you an honest assessment as to whether your look may cut it in a white upscale club – you can of course crop out your face (but a face w/ body shot in sexy attire will get you back honest feedback).
Like I said – putting you on the spot. If not comfortable with the indecent : proposal :) – no explanations needed – just ignore.
I’ve heard of black dancers that have auditioned @ upscale SCs but only allowed to work dayshift. It may be worth to keep in mind as an option (or when discussing working opportunities w/ the hiring manager).
And if dayshift is an option; it may get you in the door w/ a possibility of eventually getting into the nightshift crew if you turn out to be a good employee/dancer.
Just something to else to keep in mind.
TUSCL is a little more consumer oriented and a guys club for the most part. As such, the focus is more on getting 'bang for the buck'. Which means sometimes the focus of the two forums are at odds, but honestly I think realizing that it is entertainment and knowing what you have to offer clients within your boundaries and who those clients are is smart marketing- and win win for all.
I just hope if you check that place out the jaded 'men are scum' attitude some of those 'ladies' over there doesn't rub off on you. You are on the right track- know yourself and your demographic, and don't let the negatives of the club environment (e.g. locker room drama, getting wasted all the time, etc) get in the way of doing what you have to do. Good Luck.
Translation => We want to see some boobies :)