Names & Numbers...and Lists
1. Small Mind[s]
2. Paranoia
3. Legality vs. Principle
4. Violations
5. Wild Imagination[s]
6. Wicked "Secret Plans"
7. Conspiracy Theories
8. Fun
12. Etc..............
2. Paranoia
3. Legality vs. Principle
4. Violations
5. Wild Imagination[s]
6. Wicked "Secret Plans"
7. Conspiracy Theories
8. Fun
12. Etc..............
Yeah, what jestie said x20.
15. Manipulation
17. Insane Guesses
23. B&W Tunnel Vision
Alex : The biggest nut case on TUSCL
Contestant: Who is Alucard?
25. Concerned - Me
26. Interested - Me
LOL - ;)
a. deogol [ "UT" ]
b. DoctorPhil [ "A" ]
c. Dougster [ "H" ]
d. gmd [ "ND" ]
e. jester214 [ "U" ]
f. shadowcat [ "AA" ]
g. SlickSpic [ "N" ]
h. txtittyfag [ "UH" ]
"People are strange when you're a stranger
Faces look ugly when you're alone
Women seem wicked when you're unwanted
Streets are uneven when you're down "-The Doors
and take those crayons out of your nose. dumbass.
37. I suggest the membership that is still reasonable check out the posts of DoctorPhil and decide about him. Strange and interesting that most or a great many of his posts are about me or directed at me. Obsessive?!?!?
BUT on cue, I predict most or all of the replies to this post will be from all the attacking & mocking creatures that inhabit and try to ruin the forum & drive away the reasonable members.
I just wish it would do a fly by of the sanitarium and beam dracula up.
Joking aside my man, like many here I don't get the point of this thread (unless you're just screwing with our which case BRAVO). But I know your aren't being mean spirited, just weird. And there ain't nothin wrong with that. just keep being you. Nobody else gonna do that job!
1. Dougster
2. tumblingdice
3. WhiteKnight7
4. BagBoyJames
5. shadowcat
6. deogol - PV
7. ShadowKat
8. Tiredtraveler
9. BigTuna1
10. dallas702
11. Gucci_Mane
12. ime
13. mikeya02
14. jabthehut
15. txtittyfan[fag]
16. mjx01
17. jester214
And trying to insult me by calling me a homosexual just shows the kind of problems you suffer from. LOL
I have said many times before that as severe and many as your mental problems are, you are not psychotic. In fact, as far as I can tell, even though you are the most mentally messed up person on this board overall,
nobody here is so bad that they are "psychotic".
If had meant to say you were "psychotic" I would have said.
Consult the dictionary and learn the technical meanings of words before you say things as stupid as what you just posted.
1. Dougster
2. tumblingdice
3. WhiteKnight7
4. BagBoyJames
5. shadowcat
6. deogol - PV
7. ShadowKat
8. Tiredtraveler
9. BigTuna1
10. dallas702
11. Gucci_Mane
12. ime
13. mikeya02
14. jabthehut
15. txtittyfan[fag]
16. mjx01
17. jester214
18. crazyjoe
49. N.D.I.Q.P.O.T.I.Q. LOL!
50. “28 EEEEEâ€
the size of alucard’s ass-clown shoes. ROTFLMFAOEIEIO
50. “28 EEEEEâ€
the size of alucard’s ass-clown shoes. ROTFLMFAOEIEIO. dumbass
Have I become the new stupid translator?
1. Dougster
2. tumblingdice
3. WhiteKnight7
4. BagBoyJames
5. shadowcat
6. deogol - PV
7. ShadowKat
8. Tiredtraveler
9. BigTuna1
10. dallas702
11. Gucci_Mane
12. ime
13. mikeya02
14. jabthehut
15. txtittyfan[fag]
16. mjx01
17. jester214
18. crazyjoe
19. DoctorPhil
20. Estafador
1. "22" - T
2. "22" - O
3. "457" - B
4. "396" - D
5. "37" SB - owned
:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
1. tumblingdice *** - MLMFH & DTM / ISY
2. Dougster
3. deogol
4. txtittyfag
Google Translation: Beware, I'm waiting for you cast
Language...Arabic. An eastern asian would smack you for shitting on their language like that
I also want to thank all those who supported me in my quest.
Finally I want to thank Jeffrey Howard Alutard for making me #1 on his shit list.
Good night TUSCL,I love you.
1. Is
2. C
3. Dr ^ #
4. R
5. S ^
6. G
7. Ts +
8. Sl
9. B
10. H
11. J
12. L
13. J4 ^
14. t ^
15. J0 ^
16. Cr
17. s3
18. D ^
19. s9
20. KK [PV]^
21. Vs
22. Er
23. Tp ^
24. d2
25. tumblingdice ^ [MPV]-{MFD}-(NO BALLS)
26. T
27. m6 ^
28. j ^
29. L3
30. ie
31. Co
32. s ^
33. Ce [PV] ^
34. Dy
35. d ^
36. b ^
37. T ^ (
38. P ^
39. b ^
40. to ^
41. Dl [PV][HLP]^
42. mg ^
43. g [PV][HLP]^
44. BN +
45. J9 ^
46. SS ^
47. W ^
48. A
49. sr ^
***50. b6 ^
51. gs ^
52. tl [PV] ^
53. to ^
54. TF ^
55. Ty ^
56. St ^
57. m1 ^
58. Ly ^
59. Ka ^
***60. m ^
61. *e ^
62. re ^
63. Bs ^
64. A. ^
All the ABOVE - violins in the hands of the Master! If they only knew. LMFAOROTF at all of them!!!
1. tumblingdice ******
2. Dougster*****
3. sinclair**
4. deogol***
5. txtittyfag**
6. Hard4Dancers [TUSCL idiot]****
Or maybe you are actually one as you admitted as davids yrs ago and are trying to deflect your self hatred on to others as you really over use the insult.
9. Nina - VIP candidate
10. Nina ** - [FM}
a. Ignored members don't have to be removed from ignore to read comments they post
b. Ignored members don't have to be removed from ignore to send them PMs
This lesson in the reality of the ignore button presented by Alucard [The TUSCL School Master] for the education of jabthehut [Who can't figure out how it works] & other Psycho Clown Assholes who have posted in my thread in the last 3 weeks.
Next question is that if you actually want to read their comments, why do you have them on ignore in the first place?
That you prohibit members from PMing you while you PM them is a chicken shit move that causes us to make public what you want to be private. Truly an insane thing. The two PMs you recently sent me would have remained private had you not blocked me from replying via PM. You just couldn't resist, could you?
You keep pulling crap and you'll get crap back. As a matter of fact, I used to give doogie a hard time when he seemed to picking on you but then I came to the conclusion that you are Looney Tune.
a. Moronic
c. alias of who?
Why do you continue to egg us on and then complain that we attack you? You are the attacker. I pointed out that I used to go after doogie for his continuing ridicule of you, then your behavior changed my position. Don't get me wrong. I still think doogie howser is a troll but you are crazy hell.
76. Have something waiting for......************
80-86: JHR
80. Missing the point
81. Loving Bieber
82. Maybe, just maybe, talkin' 'bout nekkid chicks.
83. The Colonel's XXXtra KRIS-pay.
See "Alucard"--excuse me, Jeffrey--that's what you get for being an Asshole to everyone on the board.
Hope you learned a valuable lesson--the SC world is much smaller and less private than you thought it was. Ditto for the Internet.
The writing was on the wall.All the warning signs were staring you in the eye.So, when I come to your house for X-mas should I dress smart casual or barnyard?
82. Legality
83. ^^^^^^^^
84. Fate
85. When and How!?!?!?!?!
87. ^^^^^^^^^^^^
88. Prime
89. H4Di / DBTT
90. :) :) :) :) :) :) ;)
95. Counting
97. And counting
Reply publicly or PM me if you wish after carefully & honestly thinking about what I said. THX for reading this ranukam.
103. Prepared and ready for.......
106. Goes with Big Minds.
107. TI & GSWMGITBOTH lol!
A. ime
B. tumblingidiot
C. Dougster
D. sharkhunter
A. juicebox6x
B. ime
C. tumblingidiot
Don't want PMs, "IGNORE" me, or is that too complicated for your single neuron to understand. LMFAO!!!
A. Dougster
B. crazyjoe
Those two are SO SCARED OF.....
Look it up other members.
Wrong. You feel guilt about that fact that paying hookers for sex is your own interaction with women, that is has been that way for at least the last 30 years for you (as you have confessed yourself, although I would bet it has actually been your entire life). You know what that says about your misogynistic attitude toward women.
You also know that Elvira (your poor deceased mother who you have a psycho attachment to) would not approve. In order to provide some relief for this guilt you constantly try to portray yourself as morally superior to others on here on here, but you are so stupid, due to your Asperger's, that you don't realize that people see right through you for what you are.
alutard: "Rolls right off me. I am secure in my own Sexuality."
Also incorrect as demonstrated by your frequent hysterical rants on here, and projecting your own insecurities onto others by calling them eunuchs. Too bad you let the cat out of the bag regarding your bizarre relationship with your mother Elvira and it is plain for all to see that that is just your own Oedipus complex at work.
I'll let others decide about that. Since all that you will do is to pathetically try to insult me again.
It says that I recognize what a bunch of faggots they are. (Actually most, like you, are just aliases of that of one faggot RickyBoyDugan.)
And I have one thing to say about that...WOW...just wow!
LOL - Must be.
Realmente lamentable
LMFAO at you.
And NONE too SOON!!
Another Asshole alias bites the dust!
Politeness or Rudeness?
Too bad Mommy isn't around to help you.
Oh, Christ! This thread was stupid I stopped reading for a bit and missed this. Too much!
Jeffery Howard - Won't you get chest pains due to your coronary artery disease if you get all agitated if someone comes to see and you have to pull out your "9"? You in a big rush to reunite with Elvira? (Assuming you still get to go to heaven after all the hookers you paid for sex... Might not get in, which seems to be your biggest fear in life.)
130. Number 9
131. Drac prime, Drac prime, Drac prime........
132. Mars rover, Mars rover, can the best guy come over?