Have you ever lost interest in the Hobby and needed to take some time off?

A friend and I were discussing this and he told me how he took a couple of months off bc of worry over what he had spent the last few years.
Have you had a slow down in your interest in the hobby and what do you think the underlying cause was?
last commentMy clubbing motivation isn't what it used to be when I was active with my now xATF. I just haven't been able to get the same satisfaction with anyone else, and the significantly longer commute to a 'better' club isn't helping.
I've always been pretty good about sticking to a 'hobbies' budget, so monetary consideration haven't been a reason to alter my game.
The one time I lost interest in the hobby for months on end, it was mostly because the strip clubs in my area were all collectively sucking and I was finding other things to do on a Friday or Saturday night. I've had many short term periods where I just didn't go, partially because of my budget and partially because it can get repetitive if you go too much.
Not much reason for ITC if you're got good and steady OTC.
Ten years ago, I slowed way down for a year or so. Mostly because of the time I was wasting. The whole thing had become directionless in that I had f**ked all the strippers I needed to. I started throwing money at my increasing dissatisfaction, and when that failed to resurrect my "glory days", I just said fuck it and got out for a while. Never fully returned.
I haven't lost interest but there have been times where my OTC action was so consistent that I wasn't going to the club.
Sure. Whores are one of the best things in life. But not the only thing. And then you can get tired of their lying and theiving as well, so a break, maybe even up to a month is in order. After that, though - get back in there and fuck more whores!
When I reach my level of intolerance for all the "tips" that get charged by everyone in the club, I take a break. For me, the fun goes out when I have to spend almost $100.00 just to park, enter, get a decent seat, use the mens room and get rid of the shot girl. So, when frustration outweighs fun, I stay home for a while.
I heard once there are “basically†2 types of “financial personalitiesâ€:
entrepreneurs/risk-takers that spend $$$ w/o worrying too much about it and they are more focused on making it ($$$) than saving it
Savers that tend to not be risk takers and often worry more about not having enough than about making it ($$$)
I was definitely born w/ a saver’s financial personality – thus I always worry that I am spending more than I should and being that I like variety (i.e. getting dances from many dancers when I SC); I tend to spend significantly every time I SC.
I also don’t plan my SC outings – I tend to go when I am in the mood and that often gets me overspending – and I also don’t have a set spending limit – I’ll usually spend enough to feel like I had a good time.
So – I take a break every now and then mainly b/c I feel I have spent too much $$$ and I am concerned/worried about it.
I am currently trying to take a break and have slowed down my SCing – I’m hoping not to go at all for at least a month or two - let’s see how it goes.
OTC has cut down on my club activities. My question about hobbling focuses on both OTC and ITC activity. All my fucking is with gals OTC. I do occasionally go to a club but its not much spending plus it's been awhile since I have fucked one itc.
I had a temporary shut down in 2004 from the hobby due to depression /stress. This lasted about 45days. Then I was back to normal. It was going to a sc that actually got me out of the rut.
I agree with some of the above comments. I've been less into it these days but I think its b/c the girls just aren't as good these days, or maybe it's just me? A lot of the clubs in my area have gone downhill a bit.
“… It was going to a sc that actually got me out of the rut …â€
I had a similar situation and approx during the same time period (`2004) – I was working very hard and was pretty stressed and I has stopped SCing for about 2 or 2.5 months b/c I felt I was spending too much. I was in a real funk and finally decided to go on a SC visit but I wasn’t expecting much – but it actually got me out of my funk.
Something to be said for all work and no play I guess.
I had a slow down because there was some catty girls being bitchy in the club and it was just too much estrogen and drama.. so I took a break for a month until I had the urge again.
another time I got too many sob stories that I was tired of talking to dancers.
There's some real strip club addicts on this website!
I occasionally go to a sc near where I work - cover girls (read my reviews) mainly to chill and a dance or two to wait out traffic. Pop there is too expensive bc strippers hAve pimps. Other times OTC session at motel with girl from roster.
I have little impulse control, and so when I go clubbing, I spend a lot (in my opinion). I think if I did more OTC - and I just found another girl to take my OTC girl who moved away's place - I can save myself some money. I usually spend at least $300 in a SC visit, and two times ago I spent damn near $700. At $200/pop OTC, I can save some money. Maybe I need to take a break from SCing.
Yes and I am about to get back in. I have not been since late July when I got tired of the lies and SS so I decided I was going to stay away. I used to go about once a month but from April-July I was going once or twice a week and it started to catch up to me. I am not a whale and when I actually considered spending $700 on a CR visit one night I told myself I need to give it a break.