New To The Life

avatar for Uxiiux
Hey gents. Recently married and I've been bouncing back n forth between an ASP or frequenting SCs & hoping to find an ATF of sorts. I figure I break even either way ($200+ on ASP vs multiple trips to SC & lappies). Just curious if anyone else has found a happy medium between the two.


last comment
avatar for Papi_Chulo
11 years ago
Damn – recently married and are asking about ASP and SCs? I guess the honeymoon didn’t last for long :)

I guess some guys just have too much love to give for just one woman :)
avatar for gawker
11 years ago
ASP = snake
What else?
avatar for jabthehut
11 years ago
Exactly! WTF is an ASP other than a snake?
avatar for Papi_Chulo
11 years ago
Perhaps he meant “Asian Massage Parlor” and got the abbreviation wrong?

Perhaps he is going w/ ASP = Asian Parlor
avatar for jester214
11 years ago
ASP = Adult Service Provider = Escort = Prostitute
avatar for ilbbaicnl
11 years ago
Did you really think including the "recently married" part was not going to overshadow your supposed actual question? If you're not a real troll, you must play one on TV.
avatar for Alucard
11 years ago
"Hey gents. Recently married"

WHY did you get married??? I feel VERY sorry for your BETRAYED wife!!
avatar for jester214
11 years ago
How do you feel about the betrayed husbands of the women you pay to fuck you Alucard?
avatar for tumblingdice
11 years ago
God Ole Mighty,Aluturd.It must suck being you.
avatar for BagBoyJames
11 years ago
Welcome to the dark side fellow hound dawg
avatar for dalex
11 years ago
I'm comfortable with my SO right now, maybe because I know she also cheats?

avatar for motorhead
11 years ago
My God, if getting married "recently" has already fiorced you to turn to escorts and strippers, she mist be one ugly wife
avatar for Uxiiux
11 years ago
BagBoy - thanks lol.
Everyone else - I'm unsure how anyone could "troll" a site such as this but okay. If/when you get married, you'll see what I mean.

If, by chance, you struggled w the meaning of ASP then you may want to re-evaluate your experience in The Life.

Anyway, I'm not jumping right in with an ASP. I'll feel my way around til I find I reliable ATF.
avatar for zipman68
11 years ago
UxiDude...there is no happy medium. Spend every dollar you have on both. Fuck the escort in the ass then go out for some ITC in the club. Be sure to avoid using condoms, so your wife will have something to complain about during the divorce proceedings. Supplement your income by searching for aluminum cans to recycle. And...most importantly...smoke lots of crack.

Seriously though...the part that folks are reacting to is the "recently married", not the "married". One thing to start hound doggin' after 10-15 years (especially with limits that might be a little more restrained than those discussed here). But the "recently married" part sounds a bit like "I wanna say somethin' that'll freak these dudes out...lesse...should I go with 'I killed a hobo just to get an erection' or 'I hired an escort on my wedding night'?" Both of those things are considered socially unacceptable by some.
avatar for BagBoyJames
11 years ago
avatar for rockstar666
11 years ago
Getting an ATF is easy: just get dances from her lots and spend lots of money on her. If you want OTC be sure she'll do that up front because she's not going to change her ways just for you (unless you're a whale). If you want sex, don't drop a ton of cash on a girl that's not a sure bet.

ASP's are the sure bet for sex, but they have a lot more sex on average than most OTC dancers. I stay away from them in general although I've had a few over the years when the need arose.
avatar for sclvr5005
11 years ago
What a tool.
avatar for crazyjoe
11 years ago
Someone shit the bed on this one
avatar for crazyjoe
11 years ago
What the hell is the pointbof getting married
avatar for motorhead
11 years ago
+1 Joe
avatar for BagBoyJames
11 years ago
Crazy Ass sloppy Joe
avatar for Papi_Chulo
11 years ago
This is a site for strip club enthusiasts and thus I would think most on here would prefer the stripper route.

The escort vs. dancer thing has been discussed before.

Some will sometimes post they are fed-up/burned-out with the SC scene and are planning to go the escort route.

But for the most part; it seems most here prefer the dancer route b/c:

+ many just like being in a SC and like the SC vibe w/ all the naked women; bright lights; pumping music; alcohol; etc.

+ more than one dancer/provider to choose from @ any one time if one so desires

+ you get a chance to not only see the provider (dancer) in person before you set anything up; but you also get a chance to interact w/ her for a while and gage her personality and even take her for a test-drive via some lap dances

In the end – it’s up to the individual to see what works best for them – and some may actually equally partake in both although at least on this site it seems most prefer the dancer route.
avatar for BagBoyJames
11 years ago
Well said papi
avatar for jabthehut
11 years ago
Interesting that the new guy (Eunuch or whatever) praises the troll (bagboy) and comes down hard on those who don't understand his shorthand. May this PL get his next BBBJFSDATY from an HIV positive, syphilitic ASP.
avatar for motorhead
11 years ago
"If, by chance, you struggled w the meaning of ASP then you may want to re-evaluate your experience in The Life."

This isn't my first rodeo. I spend way too much time on this site and others like it, and never, repeat NEVER, seen the acronym ASP used.

But as Papi said, this is mainly a SC site. But still, escorts and MP's and cam girls are regularly discussed.

But, always open to learning new words.
avatar for SoonerSam
11 years ago
Papi, again I am on board with what you said above. I am gun shy about escorts primarily because of the don't-know-what-you're-getting factor. With a stripper, if she is open to OTC, you've already seen her and interacted with her. Even if you only just met her, you've developed some sort of basic relationship with her in the club. It's at least a known quantity. With an escort, anything can happen - might not be her pictures you saw, she may want to ROB you by charging more than what she quoted over the phone, etc. Some of this can happen with a stripper too, but for her the consequences are more potential hazardous. You know where she works if she tries to rip you off. It's in her best financial interests to keep you on the hook and happy for as long as possible. I just like strippers more than escorts.

Papi, once again, kudos.
avatar for Clackport
11 years ago
I'm very interested to hear Alucard's answer to Jester's question.
avatar for jester214
11 years ago
Don't hold your breath. I've asked it before, he doesn't answer. Whether he doesn't because he knows he's a hypocrite or because he's afraid to face the fact that he's a hypocrite is up in the air.
avatar for Uxiiux
11 years ago
All, thanks for the feedback. I didn't realize the "recently married" quote would cause such an uproar lol.

This thread was started based on an assumption by me that if you were in to the SC scene, you were most likely into ASPs. In the DC area, strip clubs are below average in comparison to other parts of the nation. That said, OTC has never been discussed among my comrades that frequent SCs & I. (Everything is a matter of perspective though; next times I enter SCs I'll have a different strategy).
avatar for Papi_Chulo
11 years ago
“… In the DC area, strip clubs are below average in comparison to other parts of the nation … next times I enter SCs I'll have a different strategy ...”

Yeah – DC clubs have a very poor reputation as perhaps being the lowest-mileage clubs in the country.

So what works in many SCs in many areas may or may not fly in DC? But one would think that OTC would be available from *any* SC if one runs into the right girl(s).

If one wants mileage in the DMV; forget about VA and DC; MD would be the place to get the most bang for your buck (literally and figuratively).
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