Do drink specials draw you in?

avatar for shadowcat
A lot of clubs have happy hours usually in the late afternoon and a lot of clubs seems to offer special drink prices usually on the week nights. I have noticed that the number of customers does appear to be higher during these periods. I have also noticed that when one club is having a special, it's sister club is not doing as well. SO it appears that at least some customers are swayed by the drink prices.

I'll gladly accept any specials that come my way but they do not influence when or where I will go clubbing. How about you?


last comment
avatar for Papi_Chulo
12 years ago
I am not much of a drinker but do like to save money where I can.

Tootsies Miami for example has no cover and half-priced drinks everyday b/f 8:00 p.m.

I usually just nurse a beer while at the club so half-price on the beer is not much of a draw for me – but sometimes I opt for a mixed drink and 1/2 price on a $13 dollar Long Island does make me want to get there b/f 8:00 p.m.

But to answer the question more directly; NO; I more often than not go to the particular SC I am interested in over one that has “specials”.
avatar for MojoDojo
12 years ago
I'm at a distinct disadvantage in this area because I seldom drink more than 2 or 3 beers or a couple glasses of champagne when I go out. I don't like the loss of control that goes along with drinking to excess so no, drink specials don't have a bearing on my SC decisions.
avatar for EarlTee
12 years ago
Saving a few bucks on drinks means very little to me.
avatar for JuiceBox69
12 years ago
avatar for motorhead
12 years ago
No. Rarely drink alcohol and Diet Coke is free at my favorite clubs
avatar for Dolfan
12 years ago
There are some clubs here that have drink specials that draw in enough customers to make a typically slow night of the week (Tuesday, Sunday) fairly busy. This has the effect of increasing the talent on those nights. The net is, its still a mellow night but its got the "busy night" girls working.

So, I do tend to go more often on those nights - not really so much to save on drinks, but because the overall experience is better.

It may also influence me slightly if I'm on the fence about where to go - but I'm certainly not gonna go to a club I wouldn't consider just to save a few bucks on drinks. The drinks are a pretty minor portion of the expense.
avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
avatar for jester214
12 years ago
I do drink, but I care little about the price, I expect it to be outrageous.
avatar for SlickSpic
12 years ago
Nope. Now, lap dance specials, that's another story.
avatar for georgmicrodong
12 years ago
While I'm not a teatotaller, I don't drink when I'm clubbing. Such specials don't usually cover soft drinks either, so, no.
avatar for sclvr5005
12 years ago
I agree w/ slick - dance specials are what I look for when narrowing down club choices.
avatar for bang69
12 years ago
I don't drink when I go club'n.
avatar for chimark
12 years ago
I think the common theme is no... but I will speak from the other side...

I like to make certain I get to a club in the evening before the cover charge goes into effect... the night girls often come in a bit early because the tip out is less and the drink specials does mean a few more customers so for that aspect its nice... plus saving a few dollars means putting the money in somewhere else ie... the dancer...
avatar for jackslash
12 years ago
Drink specials are not much of an attraction. In my favorite clubs, the "special" price is insane (while the regular price is criminally insane).

However, a 2 for 1 blow job night would definitely get me into the club.
avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
"However, a 2 for 1 blow job night would definitely get me into the club"

Most anyone EXCEPT jester214. LMFAO
avatar for jester214
12 years ago
"BUT the forum is a disaster of attacking & mocking ASSHOLES!"

So are you an Asshole or a Hypocrite?
avatar for jerikson40
12 years ago
yeah, the only reason I drink in a club is because they make you buy drinks. so I get a coke or water. NEVER do I drink alcohol in a club, because I'm always driving. And in LA getting to most clubs on public transportation is an all day proposition. So I couldn't care less about drink specials.

I'm kinda surprised that guys drink alcohol at clubs. And then they get in their cars and drive? Or maybe they all have designated drivers? I suppose it would be nice to be able to have a few drinks at a club, maybe might help the lap dance experience? Not sure. Questions to ponder.
avatar for txtittyfan
12 years ago
I don't go to stripclubs to save money.
avatar for sharkhunter
12 years ago
Drink prices could be a factor in a choice of clubs to visit especially if I plan to stay at a club for a few hours. I drink beer first since it makes me feel better and then cut myself off after a little while but long enough so that the waitress doesn't think I'm just sitting there never buying a drink. I can drink 3 or 4 beers in a few minutes and hardly even notice any affect unless I haven't eaten anything. About 4 to 5 beers is the sweet spot as far as speeding up my reflexes. When I used to routinely visit a regular sports bar, this amount would often enable me to get all the top scores on all the arcade machines in the club. A few times I even experienced something resembling super speed where I could move and think and react fast while everyone and everything else was moving in slow motion. Of course I bet no one reading this has ever experienced this from drinking so I bet no one believes me. I've noticed a number of people getting hyper from drinking but they are clumsy too. After 4 to 5 beers my metabolism rapidly slows and it feels like the temperature drops 20 to 30 degrees. I believe the temperature of my hands drops as well because I've had dancers tell me my hands felt icy on occassion. It doesn't happen every time.
avatar for sharkhunter
12 years ago
Unfortunately, happy hour is almost always over when visit so I rarely pick a club based on drink prices. If two clubs had similar entertainment but one had 5 dollar beer while the other had 3 dollar beer, I probably would visit the club where I didn't feel price gouged before I even had a single dance. If the entertainment is really good, It might take me an hour to drink a couple of beers. If not, I'm probably going to want to leave and try out the other club even if the beer costs a lot more. If I want to save money, I can just stay home.
avatar for rickdugan
12 years ago
I like to drink when I club, so my answer is a qualified "yes." I have never chosen one club over the other because of drink specials, but it has influenced which nights of the week I visit a club.

Case in point are the clubs in Greenville, SC. Most of them, notably including Trophy, have deeply discounted drinks on Monday nights. If I am in town and am planning to spend a night or two in the local clubs, I definitely make Monday one of those nights. There is something nice about a night out in a SC where the bar tab is so low that it is not a meaningful expense.
avatar for sharkhunter
12 years ago
One club had one dollar beer in a can one night. I loved it. I think that is close to what I pay at the grocery store. four beers were $4 versus the regular price which could be $20. I can buy a lap dance for the price of a few strip club beers.
avatar for sharkhunter
12 years ago
If dancers sit with you and you buy drinks for them too, drink prices add up fast.
avatar for DandyDan
12 years ago
Even when I did drink, I never went to a strip club just because of their drink specials, or regular bars, for that matter. The thing about them is, I don't think they really draw people in, although I'm not familiar with enough clubs that have them, plus I'd have to go in mid-afternoon or some odd hour to partake in it. Of course, if they did have a special, I partook.
avatar for 23cambyman
12 years ago
No mostly it is strippers being extra slutty that bring me in.
avatar for Lionshare
12 years ago
It helps if there is a happy hour, and no cover before a certain time.
avatar for Clubber
12 years ago

How come no grief to Papi about his "Iced Tea"? :)
avatar for TortillaChip
12 years ago
If the club choices are fairly equal in other things, yes, I will go to the place with better drink specials.
avatar for MojoDojo
12 years ago
@jerikson I limit my alcohol and since I'm usually in a club for 3 or 4 hours I stretch it out over a pretty long time span so I don't ever leave a club intoxicated when I'm driving. There have been a couple occasions where I was taking a taxi that I got a little shit faced but never when I'm driving.

I have however seen guys pounding drinks and stagger out to their cars at closing so even if I'm stone cold sober we still have to contend with the assholes who can't or don't show restraint. Frankly I'm surprised that LE doesn't just park outside clubs and scoop up the fish before they hit the roads.
avatar for farmerart
12 years ago
I am a serious snob when it comes to whisky and wine. I can't imagine a SC anywhere in the world catering to my specific tastes in whisky and wine.

Beer is an entirely different matter. Any beer that a club sells will be just fine with me.

Whatever alcohol is on offer and any drink specials have zero influence on drawing me into a club.
avatar for skibum609
12 years ago
Drink specials won't do it for me if they are designed to make up for lack of dancer quality. If two clubs have equal line-ups and one is having a drink special it breaks the tie. Club Desires does a free shot every hour until 7 every weekday and also sells drink cards for $20 with $25 on the card, useable anytime. These are my ideas of true drink specials.
avatar for LoveTheLadies
12 years ago
In North Carolina no happy hour since drink prices for alcohol have to be the same the entire day. You can have daily specials which are off night like Mon or Tiues. I'm not a big drinker but if all things were equal I'll go for the special. Like some others said I'm more likely to go for lap dance specials instead of drinking.
avatar for samsung1
12 years ago
I have stopped by for food specials such as buffets or discounted food. Kahoots has half off burgers on Monday, $1 menu mon-fri before 2pm, and half off appetizers on Wednesday (and Saturday before 7). They also have monthly buffets or good specials such as $5 for all you can eat tacos for cinco de mayo.
avatar for Experimental
12 years ago
I just go to places where I throw dollars on the stage and chicks take their clothes off. They have alcohol? I never noticed!
avatar for 59
12 years ago
Yes I'll use a happy hour at times to fine tune my arrival time. I typically like to get to a club when it's low or no cover. Often this is the case during happy hour.

I don't drink large quantities, 2-3. But factor in buying a drink or two for a dancer and the savings can add up.

It's strange because compared to what I spend on dances the money I spend on drinks and cover charges is a drop in the bucket but I still like to get "a deal".
avatar for Clackport
12 years ago
Like others have said lapdance specials draw me in. I don't care too much about drink specials.
avatar for SlickSpic
12 years ago
Now if the drink special was a pint of pussy juice with a shot of ass sweat, I'm all in.
avatar for samsung1
12 years ago
Happy hour at sirens was 6-8pm because shift change is at 7 so a lot of dancers leave early or arrive late. I was not going to waste my time just to save $1-2 on drinks.

Some drink specials are misleading anyways. I know one PL who orders a bucket of beers for $15. He swears it is a good deal since the bucket has 5 beers so the cost averages to $3 each. A single beer is $4. I would rather go with the single beer and see if there are any hot dancers before committing to an entire bucket.
avatar for steve3003
12 years ago
Sadly it seems to be a draw. Strippers complain to me that it draws in the money pinchers so they are not too enthused about it. Speaking of drink prices, the cheapest by far is a place south of Chicago (forgot the name, it's next to Club O) where a Heineken cost $1. The stripper sitting with said when they have specials it's 50 fucking cents. Not sure what their fucking business model was.
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