Moderator and comments

There has been talk about a moderator needed on this site.
I can say, this is a pretty tame site compared to other mainstream sites. For example, has comments of the most vile sort - I won't even repeat them but for one category, I am surprised the NAACP hasn't declared their site a problem.
Other sites, usually news, have taken to automatically censoring words. Well, I can tell you people have some pretty ingenious ways to get around that too.
Either way, most people reading know how to take the poster. Those who don't, well, thats the way they are. And some people are trolling because they are in a bad mood.
Everyone on here uses a pseudonym. Stop taking shit so seriously when even the poster has no idea who you are.
And don't demand a moderator because someone posts an opinion the opposite of yours.
last commentYour post offends me. I demand a moderator!
The interesting thing about TUSCL is that it's the only message board/ discussion board I've ever seen that doesn't have a moderator.
"Other sites, usually news, have taken to automatically censoring words"
If you can't say "Fuck", you can't say "Fuck the government". (Lenny Bruce)
I think we're okay without a moderator. Aren't we all adults here? This is supposed to be an adult website.
Moto, I agree we don't need a mod even if it were to be dracula. As to your rhetorical question, it is questionable.
No moderator needed. Read what you want and ignore the rest.
^^^DISAGREE!!! A Moderator is needed.
I’m new to TUSCL and I’ve been going through past posts. Not having had a public education and being unfamiliar with the lexicon and nuances of American culture I don’t understand much of what is written. What I have discovered is that nature and tenor of this board changes over time. Posters come and go and some likely leave because of the changing tenor but that is not a bad thing.
Those boards with moderators always have a personality with boundaries that reflect the moderator. This can be good for those that share that outlook and want to know what they are going to get when they log on. For everyone else those type boards are not worth a farthing. Only a small faction of posters who mostly are in violent agreement ever bother to read such boards and invariably new comers receive scorn for daring to join the cool kids in their little club.
Perhaps TUSCL will become a bore for me over time but for now I enjoy the wild west nature of this board. A moderator would end that toot sweet (that’s “tout de suite†for any of you frog eating surrender monkeys). That would be a shame.
Wa Da Ta
We have a moderator on this board. Right under each posters name is a gray disk with a white X in it. It "moderates" the F%@# out of them!
" As to your rhetorical question, it is questionable."
jab, that's pretty good! :)
Alucard, you've got everyone you hate on ignore anyway. What's left to moderate?
No offense, but moderators are fucking faggot retards.
"No offense, but moderators are fucking faggot retards."
That was a HIGHLY intelligent post.
"Perhaps TUSCL will become a bore for me over time but for now I enjoy the wild west nature of this board. A moderator would end that toot sweet (that’s “tout de suite†for any of you frog eating surrender monkeys). That would be a shame."
You can say that because you are not being attacked personally on a near daily basis by the slime Assholes that run amok on this forum.
"You can say that because you are not being attacked personally on a near daily basis by the slime Assholes that run amok on this forum."
No, I can say that because I am a pikey bastard and don’t much care about anything or anyone. Especially not anonymous wankers on the internet.
Here’s an American expression that I like to use - “Cowboy the fuck upâ€. If it is such an ordeal for you then why do you stay on the board?
With all due respect to tittyfag, I think alutard actually got that one right. If he made it 59 years with his mental issues chances are they aren't going aware anytime soon. He loves to hang from, carry, and yell from his cross. It is the entire fabric of his being in fact, and there is almost no chance that will ever change. So, yes, I do so him being here and the way he is FOREVER. A we can do is enjoy the fun of kicking him around and know he enjoys receiving those kicks. (For it is the righteous' destiny to suffer, is it not, alutard?)
Dumbassacard you wouldn't be attacked if you weren't such a reprehensible toad. Perhaps you should take some time off, go to rehab maybe, become less of worthless piece of shit and the trolls will lay off? lmao
@Alucard: "You can say that because you are not being attacked personally on a near daily basis by the slime Assholes that run amok on this forum."
Again, who is attacking you that you don't have ignored? I mean, last time I checked, you had me ignored, and anything I have said to you is take compared to others, so I assume that you have them ignored as well, which means you aren't seeing any of their posts, including the daily attack ones. Which means that no moderation will change what you see.
Of course, I suppose it could be that despite having people ignored, you go look at their posts anyway, but one then one wonders why you would do such a thing. Could it be that the speculation concerning potential personality characteristics is correct, and you really are that masochistic?
I don't think that anyone here is in favor of moderation ala the stripperweb model. This is a different type of site and is supposed to resemble more of a locker room. Joke threads and other side antics are all part of that to some degree.
My only issues reside with the ability of one or two people to jam up the boards and derail good threads. And invariably these people are also the ones with the least real content to offer. It would also be preferable if one person was not able to do all of this with multiple screen names.
There is a reason that even a fly fishing discussion board will generally have some level of moderation, which is to keep bored fucktards with no real experiences to share from fucking up the place for both existing and prospective contributors who might otherwise post good stuff. And enough with the "just use ignore" nonsense already - it doesn't work in a place where anyone can create a new screen name at the drop of a hat and post under several names simultaneously.
Anyway, this is all moot as I strongly suspect that founder has zero interest in adding a moderation function, but this is my two cents on the matter.