Only lesson the government seems to have "learned" is use it as an excuse to start unpopular/needless wars and grab a bunch of power/encroach on our privacy for their own ends. Think in particular of the NSA here, although the TSA also annoys the fuck out of me.
<i>Only lesson the government seems to have "learned" is use it as an excuse to start unpopular/needless wars and grab a bunch of power/encroach on our privacy for their own ends. Think in particular of the NSA here, although the TSA also annoys the fuck out of me.</i>
Alucard. Thanks for posting a serious topic. The answer is a resounding "no". What got us into 9/11 is excessive entanglements in the mideast and now we have more entanglements. The only thing we got out of 9/11 in this country is security theater in the airports and more excuses to invade privacy.
I also agree with Dougster. The government has used this as an excuse to get rid of the bill of rights. I knew we had a problem when I was in line at a DSA security point at Midway and a toddler was literally taken from a father's hands for both to be searched (a young red headed family, Parents and three red headed young children). The mother wanted to stay and sooth the toddler but the Nazi in charge signaled to the armed cop to come over and he gruffly ordered her to clear the area or he would order her arrested for obstruction. I felt sorry for the cop he looked upset because he was stuck with this asshole ordering him to threaten this mother that was close to tears because her child was being molested (the pervert was feeling inside the kid diaper) by a government creep. I was behind them in line and when I walked by the cop I said to him "I hope the kid shits all over that jerk" and he mumbled to me "so do I".
Now we have a Nazi (national socialist) in the white house and everyone is surprised that he makes his own laws, you can be arrested for disagreeing with his policies and he has school programs teaching grade and pre school children that he is the savior and should be worshiped. When he actually would be in jail if he have not have federal government immunity. Insider trading, embezzlement, accessory to murder, and perjury just to name the obvious.
Impeach and arrest Obama now before it is to late.
'we the people' have not learned what we should have as a free nation.
as for the TSA, etc, in order to find terrorists you need to look for terrorists. (worked out pretty well for Team6.) ACLU is absolutely disgraceful on this. It is not unconstitutional to scrutinize non-us-citizen more thoroughly then actual US citizen.
Think about it. Who should TSA investigate more:
1) 90y/o citizen from Kansas, lived there his or her whole life, traveling on a round trip ticket bought through a travel agency he or she has used for the last 20 or 30 years with 2 checked bags,
2) 18y/o foreign-national traveling on a CASH one-way international ticket with no luggage
That can't be racist (didn't say anything about race or country of origin). The US constitution doesn't apply to every foreigner on the planet.
An excellent documentary about what happened in the past as it led up to 9/11/01 [And the events that occurred] is National Geographic's "Inside 9/11". I would recommend watching it if possible. It is very worthwhile. I've watched it many times. [I have it on DVD] I was watching it when I started this thread.
You people had to be there.Seeing the towers fall.Seeing the boats from the Jersey side turn the water white in their response.Seeing the people dockside covered in dust,the look in there eyes.The friends I lost,the smell,the funerals.Yeah you had to be there.
What the douchebagged cunt otherwise known as Tiredtravler leaves out of his childish diatribes is he disagrees with Obama merely because he is a democrat, maybe black too, but mostly democrat.
You see, a piece of shit scum like tiredtravler has no concern other than for what he wants. So if a republican administration browbeats dissenting lawmakers into authorizing an Iraq war, or taking away freedoms and liberties, he's all for it. If a democratic Obama wants to help Libya or Syria, or even his own US citizens, well he's a nazi and must be stopped.
fuckwads like tiredtravler are fuckwads because they are the biggest of hypocrites. Whine about "the govt" doing this, "the govt" taking away that but if it were something they agreed with then "the govt" is their hero and anyone who doesn't like it too bad so sad.
<i>What the douchebagged cunt otherwise known as Tiredtravler leaves out of his childish diatribes is he disagrees with Obama merely because he is a democrat, maybe black too, but mostly democrat.
You see, a piece of shit scum like tiredtravler has no concern other than for what he wants. So if a republican administration browbeats dissenting lawmakers into authorizing an Iraq war, or taking away freedoms and liberties, he's all for it. If a democratic Obama wants to help Libya or Syria, or even his own US citizens, well he's a nazi and must be stopped.
fuckwads like tiredtravler are fuckwads because they are the biggest of hypocrites. Whine about "the govt" doing this, "the govt" taking away that but if it were something they agreed with then "the govt" is their hero and anyone who doesn't like it too bad so sad.
Ol TiredTravler, King Internet Cocktrap.</i>
An excellent example of argument technique of the liberal democrat. A lot of swear words, some vile names, through in some allegations, a lot of anger - wha la - sound like a third grader most people smirk and grin at, but really don't take seriously.
Before you get all bothered, note the things I mentioned and proceed with a better argument.
I actually don't give a shit whether Obama is black or a democrat he is a lying, incompetent Chicago thug. He is actually worse than a Nazi he only cares about lining he and his friends pockets and is convinced of his own infallibility. Both Bush(s) were worthless lying political insiders. McCain has run up his true colors as nothing but a political crony that has no opinion of his own. Someone else gives him what to say and do. He was run against Obama so the Dems would win because it was determined that it was the Dems turn.
I am quite tired of everything being about race. Obama plays the race card all the time. If you disagree with anything he says "YOU ARE A RACIST". Race relations in this country are worse now than 5 years ago. If you are going to be called a racist every time you have an opinion you figure 'why not' they will call me one no matter if I am or not! Obama is from a state with as many politicians in jail as there are in office. Illinois were former governors personally make your license plate!
Let us review past presidents:
FDR: WW II to end the depression since his programs were failing.
manipulated by Churchill, political opportunist,
Truman: Ballsy, no nonsense, Honest, cared about the USA
Eisenhower: Administrator and peacemaker, Cared about USA
Kennedy: trouble keeping fly zipped, pushed space program,cared about USA
not long enough to determine more despite romantic notions
more conservative than portrayed today
Good friends with Barry Goldwater despite differences
LBJ: hard nosed Politian, unscrupulous campaigner, mislead about Vietnam
Compounded Vietnam with bad policy using it to bolster economy
Used offices held to make himself rich and to buy votes
Nixon: Vindictive Asshole in so many ways.
Ford: Pet Rock
Carter: dumb cowardly hillbilly out of his depth, abandoned by his party
Reagan: not a DC political insider, respected on both side of aisle
believed in and cared about USA, ballsy
Bush: liar and bureaucrat, afraid to take a stand, a political hanger-on
bad judge of people, never held a real job, DC insider
Clinton: political chameleon, likes the spotlight, don' rock the boat
slut, never held a real job, used offices to get rich
Bush: political insider, started Vietnam II, bureaucrat like his father
bad judge of people,(cheney should never have been VP),
never held a real job
Obama: from Chicago political machine-- nuff said
Term limits now!~! and all laws should apply to everyone in the USA. You should be allowed to sue the government and its employees for wrong doing.
TortillaChip “Tiredtravler leaves out of his childish diatribes is he disagrees with Obama merely because he is a democrat, maybe black too, but mostly democrat.â€
Tiredtraveler needs to get on board because, well because Obama:
Pretty much agree!
I guess there should be some level of airport security but the TSA annoys me too. Some of their efforts seem like a total waste of time and money
We should have learned to protect our borders, kick out illegal aliens and that foreigners entering the US should be carefully tracked.
We should have learned that we need more private citizens carrying concealed weapons and that we need fewer federal weapons laws.
We should have learned that profiling is a GOOD thing, and makes for efficient, effective identification of potential risks.
Instead, we learned that hopey, changey people, ignorance and dramatic increases in public aid can get any fool elected.
Now we have a Nazi (national socialist) in the white house and everyone is surprised that he makes his own laws, you can be arrested for disagreeing with his policies and he has school programs teaching grade and pre school children that he is the savior and should be worshiped. When he actually would be in jail if he have not have federal government immunity. Insider trading, embezzlement, accessory to murder, and perjury just to name the obvious.
Impeach and arrest Obama now before it is to late.
as for the TSA, etc, in order to find terrorists you need to look for terrorists. (worked out pretty well for Team6.) ACLU is absolutely disgraceful on this. It is not unconstitutional to scrutinize non-us-citizen more thoroughly then actual US citizen.
Think about it. Who should TSA investigate more:
1) 90y/o citizen from Kansas, lived there his or her whole life, traveling on a round trip ticket bought through a travel agency he or she has used for the last 20 or 30 years with 2 checked bags,
2) 18y/o foreign-national traveling on a CASH one-way international ticket with no luggage
That can't be racist (didn't say anything about race or country of origin). The US constitution doesn't apply to every foreigner on the planet.
or any US citizens either.
ignore the title. watch the video.…
You see, a piece of shit scum like tiredtravler has no concern other than for what he wants. So if a republican administration browbeats dissenting lawmakers into authorizing an Iraq war, or taking away freedoms and liberties, he's all for it. If a democratic Obama wants to help Libya or Syria, or even his own US citizens, well he's a nazi and must be stopped.
fuckwads like tiredtravler are fuckwads because they are the biggest of hypocrites. Whine about "the govt" doing this, "the govt" taking away that but if it were something they agreed with then "the govt" is their hero and anyone who doesn't like it too bad so sad.
Ol TiredTravler, King Internet Cocktrap.
You see, a piece of shit scum like tiredtravler has no concern other than for what he wants. So if a republican administration browbeats dissenting lawmakers into authorizing an Iraq war, or taking away freedoms and liberties, he's all for it. If a democratic Obama wants to help Libya or Syria, or even his own US citizens, well he's a nazi and must be stopped.
fuckwads like tiredtravler are fuckwads because they are the biggest of hypocrites. Whine about "the govt" doing this, "the govt" taking away that but if it were something they agreed with then "the govt" is their hero and anyone who doesn't like it too bad so sad.
Ol TiredTravler, King Internet Cocktrap.</i>
An excellent example of argument technique of the liberal democrat. A lot of swear words, some vile names, through in some allegations, a lot of anger - wha la - sound like a third grader most people smirk and grin at, but really don't take seriously.
Before you get all bothered, note the things I mentioned and proceed with a better argument.
I am quite tired of everything being about race. Obama plays the race card all the time. If you disagree with anything he says "YOU ARE A RACIST". Race relations in this country are worse now than 5 years ago. If you are going to be called a racist every time you have an opinion you figure 'why not' they will call me one no matter if I am or not! Obama is from a state with as many politicians in jail as there are in office. Illinois were former governors personally make your license plate!
Let us review past presidents:
FDR: WW II to end the depression since his programs were failing.
manipulated by Churchill, political opportunist,
Truman: Ballsy, no nonsense, Honest, cared about the USA
Eisenhower: Administrator and peacemaker, Cared about USA
Kennedy: trouble keeping fly zipped, pushed space program,cared about USA
not long enough to determine more despite romantic notions
more conservative than portrayed today
Good friends with Barry Goldwater despite differences
LBJ: hard nosed Politian, unscrupulous campaigner, mislead about Vietnam
Compounded Vietnam with bad policy using it to bolster economy
Used offices held to make himself rich and to buy votes
Nixon: Vindictive Asshole in so many ways.
Ford: Pet Rock
Carter: dumb cowardly hillbilly out of his depth, abandoned by his party
Reagan: not a DC political insider, respected on both side of aisle
believed in and cared about USA, ballsy
Bush: liar and bureaucrat, afraid to take a stand, a political hanger-on
bad judge of people, never held a real job, DC insider
Clinton: political chameleon, likes the spotlight, don' rock the boat
slut, never held a real job, used offices to get rich
Bush: political insider, started Vietnam II, bureaucrat like his father
bad judge of people,(cheney should never have been VP),
never held a real job
Obama: from Chicago political machine-- nuff said
Term limits now!~! and all laws should apply to everyone in the USA. You should be allowed to sue the government and its employees for wrong doing.
Tiredtraveler needs to get on board because, well because Obama:…