Do not under any circumstances take part in the free porn movie with a dance promotion. I did last night after I had spent the evening in the Upper Level with my fave and a new girl. Well I told my fave Id dance with her, n get the movie. You get a card that you take up front to reedeem. They were out of videos and gave me ass three piece tool set.... I said that I have no use for this piece of junk. Door guy said I was S.O.L. To which I took offense.
I asked for a t-shirt instead, and he said they were out. I looked down and saw mounds of shirts neatly folded. So now I just figured this guy is being a pretty big jerk and obviously has no idea who I am. Im no big shot but Im a big spender and the upstairs manager knows this, so I figure Ill take my toolset and show it to him.
I took this garbage toolset upstairs and handed it to the manager that I typically deal with. He looked at me confused and asked what the hell that was. I told him my problem and about his rude ass doorman downstairs.
Luckily, since I am a good customer and he knows me to be one. He hooked it up for me. Free 150 bar tab next time I make the trek south.
The moral of this story is that tipping the managers and introducing yourself pays off. I tipped him about 150 all together last night. All of which has come back to me in a bar tab for later use. Still dont take part in this promo unless you make sure they have porn on hand.
last commentAnyhow I have no desire to visit Tootsies. Over priced and over rated.
Give me some free on the house LDs – that is a promotion I would appreciate – keep your cheap ass shirts; towels; whatever else
And WHO is that???
As far as Lannister, LMAO. Retardacard you are such a simpleton.
I can't argue against SC's points that its over priced and hyped - but I still enjoy my time there.
If you're going to warn people about the place, warn them about the higher than typical amount of ROB's for the area.