
Comments by smokeshopjoe (page 4)

  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    someone with no reviews= no information
    Or tell him you got a little weirded out and chickened out of the extra sexy vip dance when she put your cock in a hot dog bun and proceeded to squirt ketchup and mustard on it, but if it was chili that would have been a whole different matter.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    someone with no reviews= no information
    Better yet reply with this No I havent got a dance from her, but I did run into her at the free std clinic had a great conversation about herpes!
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Topless Kate
    I dont want to sound too gay here but She doesnt look that good in those pictures, dont get me wrong I would totally fuck her if given the chance. I think William looks buff in them and that is where the hoopla should be. ALSO think about it wouldn't it be better if people saw you all naked at your prime, and not when you are well the queens age. I dont get famous people who only are with being nude when they are older and no one wants to see them then. I second farmarts comment
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Why I love my daughter
    I think snowtime has just given him the motivation he needs to quit the cigs 2 packs a day of even the dregs is $10 and probably is closer to $17 where I live. That is almost a vip dance a day. Also I will say E-cigs can get you the buzz with none of the carcinogens. I make ganja tinctures so I can get medicated in public with mine.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Rap/Hip Hop and the GFE
    I know what you mean. I listen to old Jamaican music. I just tune out the carp that most of the clubs play around here. Not to mention that I have had VERY few intellectual conversations with many dancers. I have taken to wearing nerdy themed t shirts when going to the club so that I can rapidly judge how much I want to struggle to have a conversation with them. Also it shouldnt pain you to say you prefer white girls over the ethnic ones. Shit I will be the first to say it; My penis is a racist. I like people in all colors and would say 70 percent are decent people when dealt with one on one. But I really dont like black girls in my lap they might as well be a guy sitting in my lap. All they are doing at that point invading my personal space
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    A little off topic, but in 21 countries our embassies are under attack... some e
    I am not saying all Muslims are bad. I will say in my experience dealing with them that 40 percent just need to fuck off and die. I used to work at a theater (not the movie kind) while in college and it was funny how many groups would not work with my bosses who were women. I was taking an arabic class in college and from the side of me I hear a Frustrated yell "I AM A CHRISTIAN! WHEN WILL YOU PEOPLE FUCKING LEARN THAT NOT ALL BROWN PEOPLE IN YOUR STUPID RELIGION" that came from this cute Lebanese girl she was never treated with respect by the teacher again (the teacher was a white Muslim). My GF wore a star of david when she went with me to buy some shit at a middle eastern market clearly it was muslim run and they tried to fuck us over several times. Now I can contrast that with all the nice respectable things that have ben done by muslims to/for me.... Oh thats right there arent any of those. Also I wont say something stupid like Our glorious leader is a secret muslim or anything, I say that because all communists are atheists. I will say he certainly gives them preferential treatment over other groups though. As long as we allow people who live as little more than tribes with flags. They will continue to be ran by little more than bully strongmen who perpetuate barbaric cultures and societies. I have more fucked up stories about fucked up shit Muslims have done to me and people in my life but many of those stories are unfit to post here it would offend too many people.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Ever feel dirty?
    usually I only feel emotionally dirty but yes in the past I did leave feeling physically dirty. Hell I went to a club a week or so ago and saw local high school parking permits in the cars out front and the girls inside looked young enough to go there that just made me feel icky on sooooooo many levels.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Hot Fat Women....well maybe lukewarm
    So I was at a club the other day and there was only one lady doing stage dances, a lap dance only girl and a voluptuous waitress. long story short the waitress is asked to go up on stage and does. The lap dance only girl sits next to me so she can watch and judge the waitress. After some fairly thinly veiled small talk she looks at me and asks What would you call her, big or thick? Now sooooo many quips ran through my mind such as from too obvious to what I actually said: voluptuous curvy soft fun better looking than you! Just my type but I settled on simply SEXY! I like soft warm curves and big natural tits (that dont look like moccasins)
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Not for the faint of heart.
    Only in texas would this seem like a good idea.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    How exactly does the Vegas limo ride to the SC work?
    alucard-Rent a car and a designated driver. UMM isn't that just called a taxi?
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    "So, what do you do?"
    When I worked at the smoke shop fuck yes I told them. Now I tell them the truth I am unemployed the Wannadance girls when they get wind fuck off. And I will use it to make the annoying ones go away.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    "So, what do you do?"
    @Motorhead My dad and Brother are both in that feild. I can say honestly You are far better off banging strippers, Lady pharm reps are some of the most fucked up people I have ever met in my life and I used to deal with meth heads on a daily basis. At least you know where the bullshit lies with the strippers. Lady pharm reps will chew you up and shit on your dead corps if it will further their career.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Chicago, IL
    At The Crossroads
    ALSO " She sets off fireworks that NO other woman has." Not even your wife? You don't have a wife you have a roommate! Buy a $20 disposable tracfone have a good time. Then call a divorce attny. You wouldnt own a car that you haven't drove once in 10 years or keep a house that you have not stayed in in 10 years. Wait i forgot to ask does you wife have cancer and is on chemo? Is she in a coma? Did she take a bullet to the vag? Is there some reason she has not fucked you in 10 years.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Chicago, IL
    At The Crossroads
    Honestly make the 40 mile drive and fuck her. 10 years 10 years mother fucking ten years. I WILL NOT ABIDE ONE WEEK OF NO NOOKIE. The only woman I would do any thing for and keep in my life while not having sex with is my mother. If you have kids and your marriage fails just tell them you mom hasnt sexed me up in TEN YEARS! They may not understand but they will. To be perfectly honest there have been at least a couple of times that me sexing up my lady could have been legally considered rape (honestly what isnt go read you laws). But she is ok with that and so am I. TEN YEARS
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Which is Most Important to You When Visiting a Strip Club (Dancer Attractiveness
    Step one Dont tell anybody that they are the spitting image of Dom Deluise, true story. Now with the Zen Buddhist statement, For every why there is a because and for every because there is a why. now my latin is a little non existent but I think this phrase is the thing EVERYONE needs to follow "Age quod Agis" DO what YOU DO I know I enjoy watching a nice stage show but if I have a hot ass lady in my lap or sitting next to me I rarely look at the stage, conversely if there is a dumb bitch saying I look like mother fucking Dom Deluise next to me I stop acknowledging their existence and start watching the stage. And as LowPaw said only about 1 in 5 who can rock the pole do much of anything in the ld. I do not pay for more than 2 air dances.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Indian Female Escorts are so hottest and beautiful 09967000097.
    I lied in my last post I love spam mitsubi and spam and eggs repost of story and as a side note I had a friend in college who got ocular herpes from riding a bus in india she used the hand that she was holding the grab bar and rubbed her eye. This taught me two things, number one fuck misionary work god can do it he doesnt need me and the second FUCK INDIA!
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Spend Beautiful time with Amazing girls in Mumbai dial 09811776767.
    I dont like spam! and as a side note I had a friend in college who got ocular herpes from riding a bus in india she used the hand that she was holding the grab bar and rubbed her eye. This taught me two things, number one fuck misionary work god can do it he doesnt need me and the second FUCK INDIA!
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    I Caught a Disease in a Strip Club: A Cautionary Tale
    I have often wondered how many people got the cold or flu off a strippers nipple. As weird as it sounds it is a fear of mine. Dont get me wrong, It doesnt leave me so riddled with fear that i would ever contemplate not sucking on nipples.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    heres an idea, umm call them? or email them or just go for it
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Why No OTC?
    you are over thinking it get the bj and pay her less than you would otc and tell her i pay x for itc and xx for otc that might do it. And FS tell her but the positions i want you in just arent feasible here.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    OTC Report: June 18
    Seriously, that at no point sounded like a motorhead story. I was expecting the post to end with a link to another board. For starters let me take a stab at this but if Moto was displeased with sex he would just fucking leave. and probably go to the club. I am sickened at you guys for thinking that, I know we are all at least a little bit bastardish, but to think someone would do that and then post especially after god knows how many posts. Huff now if he said he took a dump on the stack of dollar bills or pound cake then sure I would have belived it. Next time Motohead end the story with you fucking the pound cake and telling us it was better than her.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    dancer named Harley
    Here is what you do find a new dancer. Thats what you do. I am guessing by your asking you assume that kid would be yours but I am guessing any good hooker worth her salt would just abort the lil bastard. Or you are a wierdo ex and thought this would be a good course of action. Got some news for you you described i dont know about 15% of dancers. And for names... names are for tombstones. Shit I tell the dancers a new name every time I go. If the do remember the bullshit name I gave them last time I give them the no its xxxxxxx but close. Just to make them feel bad. And LASTLY even if any of us knew exactly who you were talking about NO ONE HERE WOULD TELL YOU. Shit if I were drunker I would totally make a fake account with the name harley and chime in with a bull shit response. Also if this is you may i suggest before you have too much invested in TUSCL you might change your log in. http://www.reverbnation.com/randymayer
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Surprised Part II
    my Computer always auto corrects latina to latino. I guess macs just are not hip to the spanglish.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    This Sunday is Fathers Day.
    Well last week I got laid off and ran into my dad at the strip club all in the same day. I waved he sheepishly came over. It was an all around awkward day. The worst part is cant tell the story to anybody.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    New web site.
    New my ass they have threads in their forums that date back to 2000